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#184519 Lego City: Undercover GameStop.com Preorders

Posted by ChrisTerror on 20 March 2013 - 08:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Best buy sent me an email saying my order for Lego city was backordered till between march 29 and april 9th, but if i found a phsyical copy i could just go pick it up from the store, as luck would have it the local best buy has them in stock, so i think i'll just go pick up my copy today before work.

#184185 Official Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Discussion

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 March 2013 - 09:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Just letting people know that I created a help thread in the help section.  Initial post contains info on basic mechanics that I've seen far too many people make mistakes about.  There is one section that rookies and vets alike should read.  Its how the charm system works this time around.  Otherwise, if you have the strategy guide, you probably won't need it.  Though I would appreciate those with the strategy guide helping out. 

I was able to get the E-guide from BradyGames free with my pre-order, will be happy to contribute from it.

#184145 Project Cars For Wii U Runs At 720p 30fps and next gen graphics

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 March 2013 - 07:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

*throws money at screen*

#184138 MH3 Ultimate pre-order came with Strat guide....

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 March 2013 - 07:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

     I ordered Monster Hunter 3 along with Lego City during the BestBuy buy 1 get 1 half off, and got an email yesterday saying it was shipped blah blah, but woke up today to see another email from BestBuy with a free Voucher code to Brady Games for the MH3 E-guide.... i was unaware of this being included...

    Just downloaded and opened....49mb pdf download, 524 pages long..... yep, thats a monster hunter guide, lol, very nice surprise to wake up to :D

#184133 Official Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Discussion

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 March 2013 - 07:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Monster-Hunter-3-Ultimate is out this Friday 22 of march

Mine was shipped yesterday scheduled to be here today before 4:30pm (eastern time)..... is that an EU date or something?

#184047 Does anyone else think Lego city undercover is absolutely hilarious

Posted by ChrisTerror on 18 March 2013 - 11:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

   Was really hoping to have this in the mail today but due to that whole 20th release date popping up i have to wait, but im very excited to hear a positive post like this on Lego City. Very anxious to play this :)

   Can you answer one thing, i read in a review that the open world is "bland" like its a big open world, but theres not much to do in it such as side missions or just having other things to do for fun, your just stuck to the main story line the whole time. Do you get the same feeling or was it an inexperienced/early statement to make? thanks in advance for your thoughts!

#183120 IGN: How to Keep Mario Kart from Going Stale

Posted by ChrisTerror on 15 March 2013 - 05:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want it to have some depth and difficulty, and be a true next gen version, not just a sharpened up textured wii version.

#182842 How is Monster Hunter Popular?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 14 March 2013 - 11:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nollog, on 14 Mar 2013 - 02:18, said:Demos are always designed to get customers to buy the product.

Yes they are. The question is, WHO is the customer.

You arent the customer. People already into the series are who the demo is meant to attract. Capcom will NEVER change anything about monster hunter to try and attract newcomers. If they do, they dont call it monster hunter anymore.

"We've got a very clear vision of what a Monster Hunter game is," Tsujimoto said. "If we were to change the game system and what we believe is Monster Hunter to something else, then we don't have to name it Monster Hunter. We would just call it something else."

"We don't want to betray the existing fans for the sake of getting new people in. Rather than changing the game itself, we want to expand the way it can be played, for instance, releasing it on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U."

"At the end of the day, Monster Hunter is an action game," he said. "It's got to be challenging. It's got to be solid in that sense. Not to the extent that it's heartbreaking. But it's got to have significant points to it."

"You have a breakthrough. You hit a wall. You ponder for a bit. And then you breakthrough again. There are significant steps where you are satisfied in each, but it's never heartbreaking. It's a matter of balance in that sense."

--Ryozo Tsujimoto

You guys give up the moment you hit the first wall. Thats fine.

The games fantastic, but its not for you. Get over it.

     As a MH fan, Im actually going to agree to this because though it may seem condescending and rude to some, i know why the things that were said were said, i know why the people who never played or were into this game disliked the demo and have the whole wrong idea about what this game is. MH is a fanbase game, the demo (and pretty much every sequel) was meant to be for those who have already been a part of this game.

     Heck, for me when i first heard about it, i wanted to see what the hype was about so i had to do A LOT of reading, wiki's and video watching to get what all was involved with this game and mind was blown, and it seemed like something i would be into. Crafting, mining, farming, traps, weapons, armor, potions, hit locations, strategy, spending days just trying to learn how to kill one monster, No health bars on monsters, no auto lock, time consuming, weapon selection for different fights, killing other monsters for that rare drop that you need to craft a different weapon or armor to help you kill the next monster, ect all are things that actually things that make this game what it is in the big picture.

     The name Monster Hunter isnt just some catchy title, you really are spending a lot of time setting up to go hunt a monster. If its not for you then mad respect to ya, its not for everyone like every other game out there, but dont call it a bad game just because you call the things that make it shine a flaw in a game you dont understand.

#182141 Unannounced Square Enix Wii U Title To Be Revealed At PAX East

Posted by ChrisTerror on 12 March 2013 - 11:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Anything except another hd port or remake of some sort....

#182140 How is Monster Hunter Popular?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 12 March 2013 - 11:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That demo really needed to start with a disclaimer that says "Demo does not represent actual gameplay, at all" if your judging this game off that demo, you've really no idea what goes into playing this game, and its not your fault, that was an extremely terrible demo for newcomers.

#181958 what can Nintendo do to win EA back

Posted by ChrisTerror on 12 March 2013 - 11:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

What makes you so sure they're not working on a solution. There is nothing wrong in them offering some sort of compensation to people who already bought the game whilst fixing it. Its not like it takes them a lot of resources to offer a free game.

Because im sure they dont have enough common sense to realize no one wanted a primarily single player game to be made into an always online game. No internet = no play, at all.... have to log into their servers to even get into the game, which doesnt work 80% of the time, literally. ect. I also never said i was sure they were'nt  trying to fix it, i however also dont believe any fix they provide is going to be anything other than more servers size and stability, which still doesnt fix that majority of this playerbase wants to be forced to play a game like this online.

#181916 Monster hunter nnid's

Posted by ChrisTerror on 12 March 2013 - 08:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Pre-ordered will be here Via mail on launch day, username = ID :)

#181914 what can Nintendo do to win EA back

Posted by ChrisTerror on 12 March 2013 - 08:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

EA is trying to offer a free game from the EA library to those who have registered to make up for all the issues people have been having. Yeah...... how about just worrying about getting the game fixed, create an offline patch, remove drm, and dont let it happen again. Waited so long for this, just like D3, only for 1 huge let down. rantover...

#181807 Just Cause 2 Devs: PS4 will out power PC for years to come.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 11 March 2013 - 11:38 PM in General Gaming

Its all just word play, by saying "ps4 will outperform pc's for years to come" is a very general statement. It hooks those who dont know any better and the fanboys, but has no weight to those who know tech and gaming and are a multiplatform gamers. This is much like how government works as well, but save that for a more appropriate thread :P

#181330 Did Sonic Racing kill your interest in Mario Kart U?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 10 March 2013 - 01:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Thing im not liking with mario kart is that its become more and more simplified, it practically drives itself unless your just terrible at figuring out left from right haha. My fear is that mario kart for wii u is going to be just like the wii version with new tracks and a "U" after the title....oh yeah and a map on your controller :P still i will hope for something more that will really grab my to buy it.

#181098 what can Nintendo do to win EA back

Posted by ChrisTerror on 09 March 2013 - 06:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

being a PC gamer as well, what EA did with SimCity was a huge slap in the face. Got my money back already and will get the game again by another means... I have a feeling eventually everything is going to catch up to them and that ship will sink.

#180512 Which Wii U Do You Have?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 07 March 2013 - 11:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Deluxe for me

#179910 Producer believes LEGO City is Wii U’s best game, will sell consoles?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 06 March 2013 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Got this and MH during the buy 1 get one half off from best buy, anxiously awaiting my delivery on launch day :)

#179764 Nintendo and Crytek... could it work?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 06 March 2013 - 12:32 AM in Wii U Hardware


#179016 Why are people doubting Wii U now because of PS4?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 04 March 2013 - 12:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

getting 3 of those also :)

#179011 Gaming PC for games like Minecraft, Battlefield etc.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 04 March 2013 - 12:21 PM in General Gaming

With that setup he could run the Minecraft GLSL shaders Mod just fine, which is fairly resource heavy. Which even with my mediocre setup i can run but see fps start to go down with 512X texture packs and shader mod combined.

#178997 Gaming PC for games like Minecraft, Battlefield etc.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 04 March 2013 - 11:55 AM in General Gaming

for minecraft and battlefield thats total overkill.....

#178860 Lego City Undercover release date here...

Posted by ChrisTerror on 03 March 2013 - 10:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

I has this and Monster hunter paid for and waiting for their arrival by mail VIA best buy buy 1 get one half off deal the other week :D cant wait to play Lego City Undercover!!

#178458 What companies are you boycotting

Posted by ChrisTerror on 02 March 2013 - 10:20 PM in General Gaming

Im boycotting TastyCake brand. Ever since Hostess went out of business, all the Hostess sections in stores are replaced with TastyCake brand and its absolutely gross. Their honey buns and donuts are dry, odd flavored, not even same ballpark as Hostess and we cant allow these things to keep happening! The time to act is NAO!

#178414 So i lost my vita today...

Posted by ChrisTerror on 02 March 2013 - 07:59 PM in General Gaming

I have the 3G launch Vita and the AC3 crystal white Vita, Its a great handheld, i can agree the amount of games is slim, but there are some great games on it. I am sure that the Vita will  progress fine just like the Wii U will once the ball gets rolling, it takes some time, the stench of fanboy war is just a little thick in this thread is all. I enjoy any console that can offer me an enjoyable experience.

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