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There have been 158 items by ChrisTerror (Search limited from 24-June 23)

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#224428 Hideo Kojima surprised by PS4′s “cheap” price, says difference in power is small

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 June 2013 - 11:38 PM in General Gaming

PS4 is going to make my life. A powerful, non extremely expensive game console that is about the games. Too bad online isn't free :( guess ill stick to PC for online games like Battlefield and Destiny.

Playstation Plus is totally worth having, 17.99 every 3 months, thats not bad at all, and all the great content you get with it (Free retail games, discounts, exclusives). PSN is a good online service and imo this will make it even better because im hoping it means dedicated servers which will make the online experience even better.

#224427 Sony says Vita was developed for PS4 more than PS3, not unreasonable to own both

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 June 2013 - 11:31 PM in General Gaming

I enjoy both my Vita and 3DS....

#224426 perhaps there should be more consoles...

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 June 2013 - 11:27 PM in General Gaming

I would want a console made by Crytek... *throws money at screen*

#224425 First Look: The New PS4 Interface Preview

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 June 2013 - 11:25 PM in General Gaming

Wow.... That is great! love it!

#224422 depressing DRM question

Posted by ChrisTerror on 19 June 2013 - 11:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

Microsoft just came out with this today, but IMO its a little too late...


"According to Mattrick’s post, the Xbox One will only require an Internet connection for the system’s initial one-time set up. So no more 24-hour connection requirement."


"There will also be no limitations to trading, lending, and reselling disc-based games. Any Xbox One game will be playable on any Xbox One console."


Source: http://www.egmnow.co...e-drm-policies/

#222492 Animal Crossing Bug-off Competition

Posted by ChrisTerror on 15 June 2013 - 09:29 PM in General Gaming

Idr what i won, wasnt anything that got me excited but won with the Bird wing Butterfly for 117. Checked back at about 8pm, and second place had 116.... need to watch it more often next time i think, just in case ><

#222038 New Leaf sales already at 200,000 in North America

Posted by ChrisTerror on 14 June 2013 - 10:12 PM in General Gaming

I got it day 1, and it is very very fun, and for anyone who recently got it, it gets better and better each day with new stores, new people moving in, new events, shop items changing, all kinds of things. Each month different fish/insects/events/ect are available bc of the seasons and what not, Great game :)

#221551 Pachter declares the PSVita dead

Posted by ChrisTerror on 14 June 2013 - 03:21 AM in General Gaming

I thought it was common knowledge that Pachter was an attention wh.or.e, he gets all his attention with shock value and obsurdity.... such as when he stated "Wii U is a crappy product that nobody wants". Yep, his exact words. 

#221500 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 13 June 2013 - 11:02 PM in General Gaming

Welcome aboard future EU mayors!

#221142 Anybody Pre-ordering PS4?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 13 June 2013 - 11:23 AM in General Gaming

Pre-Ordering mine by the weekend :D

#220853 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 13 June 2013 - 12:05 AM in General Gaming

I absolutely am loving this game, the long wait was very much worth it! It is always giving you something to look forward to, it really feels like a living breathing community where each day is different and brings something new. Anxious for the bug catching contest saturday that i saw advertised on the train station board :)

#220851 I think I know why Nintendo isn't getting 3rd parties...

Posted by ChrisTerror on 13 June 2013 - 12:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

OP is right, it's very sad but true :( looks like ima need a PS4, I was really convinced by Nintendo that Wii U would be the only console I needed this this gen and I belived them, boy how wrong I was.................


You sir, are the only other person i have seen on these forums that said exactly how i feel....

#218952 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 10 June 2013 - 11:07 PM in General Gaming

I have cherries and am currently growing pears and apples. Soon to get a persimmon and peach. :) If anyone wants to do some trading...


Thought I'd like to mention that Isabelle gives you a second kind of fruit if you pester her about how to play the game enough. It seems related to your original fruit. Cherries get apples, Pears get peaches.


Confirmed, I have cherries, and she gave me apples as well...

#218951 E3 Leaks!: ME2/DR3 at MS Conference, No DRM/Used game fee for PS4

Posted by ChrisTerror on 10 June 2013 - 11:06 PM in E3 2013 Archive

PS4 cannot get here quickly enough :( They bish slapped Microsoft left and right then walked away laughing and mumbled "btw its also 100 bucks cheaper". lol. Great work Sony, *throws 400 bucks at screen*

#218948 Pre E3 thoughts

Posted by ChrisTerror on 10 June 2013 - 10:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

E3 is going on right now and Sony are all guns blazing, this is amazing......


Agreed, they took quite a few direct shots right at Micro$oft with the "no restrictions on used games" "no online check in's" and the "399.00"


Will be anxiously awaiting my PS4 :)

#217626 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 08 June 2013 - 11:01 PM in General Gaming

That is interesting. I got cherries, neighbors seem ok atm. I think ive done all i can for the night till shops open tomorrow. but was able to get enough bells to get my photo done for my ID, found a couch and scoreboard for my home, and after getting photo done (with bee stung eyes lol) i still have 1k bells left. Also dont forget to go to post office and get your DLC gift.

#217602 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 08 June 2013 - 08:38 PM in General Gaming

done downloading, took 20 minutes, on the train now :D

#217597 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 08 June 2013 - 08:15 PM in General Gaming

downloading now :)

#217586 Animal crossing: New Leaf releases tonight.

Posted by ChrisTerror on 08 June 2013 - 07:34 PM in General Gaming

This will be my only digital download just bc i cannot wait for tomorrow, ive been waiting so long already haha, god these next 25 minutes will be an eternity, although im playing Remember Me right now and its really good so far, its helping the time go by ><

#212580 My handheld gaming dilemma

Posted by ChrisTerror on 28 May 2013 - 11:23 PM in General Gaming

I have 2 Vita's and a 3ds, the 3ds gets WAY more play time, only reason i even still have the Vita's is in case i decide to get PS4, or go back to PC gaming then sell them ^.^

#212578 Your favourite thing about the Wii U

Posted by ChrisTerror on 28 May 2013 - 11:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Monster Hunter

#212577 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 28 May 2013 - 11:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Lol. Just wondering why you are on a forum such as this, with an attitude like that? I think out of my eight U games, one is rated below "Teen", not that it matters. If all you want is adult themes, go be an adult, work your life away, and quit enjoying awesome games. I had a friend like that. We were all 14, playing, being kids, he was always working. It was sad. No one should throw away their childhood.

     Has not a single thing to do with a game rating, nor did i have any kind of attitude.... When the big N stated they would be getting core/serious gamers back, i expected to see Nintendo grabbing those big 3rd party releases, not fumble on most of them to still being psbox/pc titles. I understand that Nintendo has been and probably always will be primarily a mario and zelda ect console, but when a company that big (and a legit one at that) makes a claim like that, i think "wow this is awesome, i can have nintendo exclusives AND the third party titles i normally have to have another console for". That sounded like a dream come true to me. Wii U is a great console (which will answer your question as to why i frequent these forums), however, say what you will but Wii U will not pull in the core/serious gamers from other consoles at this rate, and believe me, i would love nothing more than for Wii U to get that ball rolling but i feel that time is running out until the Wii U is a first party console. 

      Also a side note, My 3DS get hundreds of hours more play time than both my 3g and crystal white Vita before you pull the fanboy card next after coming up with that whole game rating tangent.

#212308 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 28 May 2013 - 10:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Might be aimed at more serious gamers but they arent hitting the target....

#211716 What Do You Think of the Name "Xbox One"?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 27 May 2013 - 08:11 AM in General Gaming

Go home Xbox Juan, your drunk!

#211588 What Do You Think of the Name "Xbox One"?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 26 May 2013 - 09:09 PM in General Gaming

I think it should have been called XoXo, hugs and kisses, love MSoft <3

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