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#223353 How many of Nintendo's E3 Wii U games are you getting?

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm getting them all, and have all but X preordered.

#223352 Metroid or Donkey Kong Country Was a Hard Decision- Retro

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think Retro is working on more than one project, i mean would they really hire guys from Naughty Dog and Crytek...Just for Donkey Kong?

And not only that, they've also moved into a new building recently.

This exactly.  We know they are working on an engine, and it is not the engine powering Donkey Kong.  They have over 110 people in their employ, and it doesn't take 110 people three years to build a 2D platformer.


On why they decided to reveal Donkey Kong first.  Donkey Kong is a better seller than Metroid, hands down.  It would have been wonderful fan service to reveal a Metroid, but it undoubtedly would not have sold as well as DK.  I still don't think their other project is Metroid, I think it is either a revival of the Raven Blade project, or a revival of an older Nintendo franchise.  

#223350 My opinion or review of Fire Emblem Awakening 3DS

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:46 AM in General Gaming

FE:A is the only game so far that has required me to stop playing just to get enough charge back in the 3DS to play it some more.  The strategy is fun and rewarding, the story is awesome, and the cutscenes are epic.  Really a great game and a must own for anyone, not just current 3DS owners.


This game has reignited the spark that I had as a child with JRPGs.  Since PS1, I haven't played an RPG this engaging and enjoyable on so many fronts.


Animal Crossing absolutely is the polar opposite and a good complimentary experience.  If anyone wants to visit broville and steal some oranges, let me know in PM.

#223337 "The amount of stress I feel, it's almost to the brink of death,"...

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

He needs a reality check if worrying about fan reaction is causing him chronic stress.

Fan reaction and sales of his game are his reality.  That's what he does day in and day out.  You and I only play videogames, he has to make them, and make them good enough to make you and I want to buy and play them.

#223324 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 06:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Do you think they are receiving a higher licensing fee for their DRM model? This could subsidize the loss somewhat if the attach-rates hold.  


If they would promise backward compatibility in the future, I would be willing to get one (and if I could disconnect Kinect).


As it stands now, you can still get a console this year. This is very different from previous launches. I think those previous forecasts showing PC gaming growing while console market share shrunk may have had a point. Younger people are all tablets. Us old farts need buttons.  

They will be getting licensing from retail outlets that choose to implement their check in system, and will also be getting money from them when games are resold.  That could subsidize the loss somewhat.  Also, any indies that develop for them still have to pay them to publish or bring another publisher on board, and still need to pay $10k to release any updates or enhancements.

#223143 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 04:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

Exactly, if they sold it without Kinect it could be a lower price than the PS4.

They would have priced it right around $399.  I have no doubt they are still taking a loss on the $500 price point.

#223107 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:34 PM in The Café

Great game! My wife and I each have a copy and love it. Good to see you on the forums again, hope all is coming along well after your accident.

I'm loving it as well.  Simply a fun game that you can play in bits and pieces, without requiring a big time commitment.  Although FE:A is still getting played until the batteries die.  I'm about twenty hours into that now, and on Chapter 12.

#223101 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:14 PM in The Café

Got ACNL this weekend at best buy.

#223100 X- Female Character Known or Just Customization?

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If no one else noticed the scenes in the trailer where you are walking past other characters that are simply hanging out next to their mechs I'm disappointed.  I had a theory after I saw it that it could include an open world that everyone goes into, you can see other players in the game (perhaps locked to friends lists?) and can choose to party with them out in the open, rather than using a party room mechanic.  This would give it the feel of an MMO without any of the MMO mechanics needing to be there, large party raids and the like. 

#223097 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

If Wii U was as powerful as xbox one it would probably the same price as the xbox one, and be all power crazy! :S

The Kinect accounts for a large portion of the XBONE pricing.  The original was $150.  I wouldn't doubt this one could cost much more.

#223096 Activision Says Call of Duty: Ghosts Not Necessarily Wii U Bound

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think Activision already said that XBONE will be the first next gen console to get it.  Maybe that was a DLC thing though.

#223095 Unannounced project from Yoshiaki Koizumi (Mario)

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think this is telling.  Nintendo's strategy all along was to take control of headlines throughout e3.  The DRM discussion prevented that, because something the Wii U didn't feature was causing more waves, and Sony using it for PR was what snatched all of the headlines and fueled the angst of gamers throughout the conference.


If I was Iwata, I would have intentionally held back on a few key announcements, maybe 20 minutes worth in a direct (anyone who thinks they don't film multiple directs so they have different strategies depending on what's going on around them is daft) so I could reveal the information shortly after e3, or toward the end of the year, when certain other consoles' launch lineups solidify.  I would also make sure that third parties that are developing for my platform stay mum for the time being, because it can cause a larger splash if used at the proper time.


Then drop dribs and drabs of information here and there, slowly and methodically, to rehype the console right before the fall releases start landing.  Nintendo has had a direct this year every single month.  Not all of them focused on Wii U, but nearly every one had some sort of Wii U information revealed.  I expect a continuation of this.


What Nintendo made obvious to anyone paying attention is how much they DIDNT mention during e3.  They gave everything they promised, but there was no mention of Yarn Yoshi, there was no mention of a Summer Update, there was no mention of collaborations, there was no mention of Miiverse, there was no mention of the gamepad even.  What they did show was games, and every game they showed had current (snapshot in time) gameplay to show off.  They didn't have a single reveal with pure CG, every game they showed was showed with gameplay footage.

#223085 Activision Says Call of Duty: Ghosts Not Necessarily Wii U Bound

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 02:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software



“Ha! You know that’s funny, because I don’t even know the answer to that. I swear to God, I don’t. I was trying to say in the interview [that] I really don’t know and I’m not supposed to talk about it. I’m not supposed to talk about the fact that I don’t know.”

Could it look as good as the other current-gen SKUs? ”I imagine [it could], yeah. If you look at the hardware specs, I think it would be more in line with 360 and PS3, but I’m not sure. There could be some things [in the hardware] that bump it up a little higher than that,” he answered. “I haven’t played with it enough to know. I have one at home, and I think it’s cool; I can’t stop playing ZombiU.”



So he says wii U is weak...


They just said during the Activision panel at e3 that it would fall in the next gen bin, but that they haven't announced it only because they're trying to be mysterious about the Wii U version.

#218927 PS4 to sell for $399

Posted by routerbad on 10 June 2013 - 09:15 PM in E3 2013 Archive

Sony did everything right, though it looks like theyll have some serious bugs to work out, all of their games were stuttering and freezing, hard.  They didn't really announce anything new, either, so I'm hoping to see more about launch games soon.

#218873 UBISOFT abandoned wii U

Posted by routerbad on 10 June 2013 - 08:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I feel sad that I brought u first the bad news... Ur the first forum having it.. I posted it after at sega forums.. lol


thats why they removed watchdogs.. Oh my goodness and Nintendo doesnt know that yet!  They still advertise watchdogs in their channel.. so sad...


They dont have wii U in watchdogs... in the e3 insider http://www.e3insider...tch-dogs/29471/



Nintendo directed e3insider to pull them from every listing.  All of them, other than specific titles.


Watch_Dogs is still Wii U.  as are all of the biggest ubi releases this year.

#217621 Gunman kills 4 in Santa Monica

Posted by routerbad on 08 June 2013 - 10:35 PM in The Café


Telling by how often this happens in a gun loving country like America and how rarely it happens in UK where guns are illegal I can safely say I would rather live in the UK.

It actually doesn't happen that often, and per capita it actually happens less than in the UK, the current political climate is what is elevating these stories to national status.  They need sensational headlines to stay alive.  Also, California is a very strict state for gun ownership.  FBI crime stats show that states with less restrictive gun laws and concealed carry permits have far fewer crimes involving firearms than states that have stricter laws.

Also, the rate of gun crimes has been steadily decreasing nationwide since the early 90s.  the worst of it was from the 20s through the 60s.

#217611 My motorcycle accident and my recovery

Posted by routerbad on 08 June 2013 - 09:51 PM in The Café

Thank you all for your kindness!  I picked up the new bike yesterday and took her out today for a shakedown run to dust off the cobwebs (my cobwebs) and get used to riding again.


I got a new set of leathers, gloves, and helmet.


I'll have my wife take a picture tomorrow.


I love the new bike, the seat isnt as comfortable, and the riding position is very different, but the bike runs strong and smooth, and gives really good feedback.  I think we're going to get along just fine.

#217610 Why people say Wii U is "current gen", and why they're complete d...

Posted by routerbad on 08 June 2013 - 09:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

EA has recently recanted their past statement and now consider Wii U part of their "Gen 4"



#217376 My motorcycle accident and my recovery

Posted by routerbad on 08 June 2013 - 09:11 AM in The Café

I'm very happy that you survived. This could indeed be a total opposite story. All my brothers have motobikes, from the Ducati Monster to the Honda CB1000R. Apart from their drivers licence the invested much into gear and special courses.
Me, I may not buy a bike from my wife, she would be scared stiff every time I'd leave home. Maybe for the better...I'm too competition minded, and like my brothers just can't resist if a Porsche challenges them. Even my escapeplan to the Vespa GTS300 didn't get approved so... :(

Your story just reminds me how fragile you motocyclists are. Very glad, for you, your wife and future baby, that things worked out okayisch.

My wife was scared at first, getting trained at an MSF course reassured her, getting quality gear reassured her, and my ability to drive responsibly regardless of pressures to to the wrong thing reassures her.  

It's all about how much risk you are willing to accept.

#217247 My motorcycle accident and my recovery

Posted by routerbad on 07 June 2013 - 08:05 PM in The Café

Oh my gosh, at least ur getting better! It could have been worse so feel happy bout that! Are you gonna sue the guy that cut u off or there's too little information to press charges?

And sweet new bike :P lol

The lady that cut me off stayed and accepted fault, her insurance is covering everything.

Wow, I didn't know that.  It's a good thing you're alright.

I am considering learning to ride a motorcycle through college as they've always seemed like more versatile vehicles.  Because of this, I am always unsure, as I know without gear, a motorcycle accident can be lethal.
I've always heard of motorcycle accidents around, but I've never known someone who has gotten into one.  In Albuquerque, we have backwards laws (or laws people just choose not to follow), so almost all the bikers I see are without helmets or any protective gear.  It's a rare sight to see riders actually protected, and it's usually the people with the sleeker bikes (not the Harleys).  That's probably why the accidents here are so bad (plus the awful car drivers).

Riding is extremely rewarding if you are getting into it for the right reasons.  I hope you do learn to ride and end up a successful rider, but don't be like the rest if the squids, we don't like those guys, they make all bikers look stupid.  

Also, stay vigilant, as if every other driver on the road is trying to kill you, no joke.

#217098 My motorcycle accident and my recovery

Posted by routerbad on 07 June 2013 - 10:56 AM in The Café

I'm glad you're doing good. I have to say, the way you avoided that car was awesome. Would've been much worse if you didn't.

Also, those motorcycles are pretty sessy. Especially the black one.

I wish you the best. :D

Thanks :D


When you get training it tends to kick in when you need it most, without your even knowing it at the time lol.


I prefer the styling of the Ninja as well.

#217091 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by routerbad on 07 June 2013 - 10:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im not talking about what they said, im saying they ... mistakenly  transfered the number from one part to another.

No, they meant it.  If tallied all together, the RSX had 1.8TFLOPS, but almost none of it was accessible, and it didn't have the resources to use much of it at any point in time in real world operation.  That's the problem with theoretical maximums, they are hard targets to hit anyway, and Sony should have known better than to boast about RSX in that way, to that extent.

#217070 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by routerbad on 07 June 2013 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

people like to say sony lied about the systems 1.8gflops.... but that was not the gpu number.. that was the cpu. Which was hardly touchable by devs.

I have not been able to look at any dev machines for the newer stuff (with an exception) but it worries me with what they are saying

No, check the tape, they said rsx was capable of 1.8TFLOPS, not cell

#217063 My motorcycle accident and my recovery

Posted by routerbad on 07 June 2013 - 09:36 AM in The Café

Well I'm glad that you didn't sustain life threatening injuries. I've been wanting a motorcycle since I was a little kid (specifically a classic with a side car). Was your wife pretty mad at you? Or was she scared?

My wife is ultra supportive.  To give you some perspective, she's pregnant, and while this did scare her, she recognizes that motocycles can be safe if the rider is properly trained and properly geared for the experience.


She was instrumental in helping me find a replacement.

I did notice you were absent, a few days ago! Glad you are ok.
To be honest, if i were you, i would never ride another bike ever again. I think bikes aren`t safe enough.

Honestly, I would rather be knocked off a motorcycle than trapped in a car.  I wear armor that protects vital organs, at 55MPH I only sustained minor fractures and some road rash on my hand, that says a lot about the worthiness of protective equipment

#217055 My motorcycle accident and my recovery

Posted by routerbad on 07 June 2013 - 09:12 AM in The Café

I wanted to make this post to let some here know why I haven't been as active on the forums recently, as among other things, I was involved in a motorcycle accident.


Three weeks ago I was cut off on the highway while riding my motorcycle to work.  In order to avoid running headlong into the car that had changed lanes with less than three feet of room in front of me, I applied the front and rear brakes too fast and too hard to recover control over the bike.


I fishtailed (rear wheel lockup), hit the kill switch and turned the bars hard to the right to lay my CBR600F4i down at an angle that would push me and the bike onto the left shoulder of the highway.  I came off underneath the bike and rolled several yards before coming to a stop.  No damage to the other vehicle.


At first I felt little pain, more frustration than anything, as my adrenaline took over.  After getting up and attempting to sit on the median dividing wall, others that had stopped for me laid me on the ground, as I had sustained some road rash and my left shoulder was completely immobilized.


EMT's and firefighters came to assess the situation, they removed sections of my jeans and my riding jacket to get access to injured areas, and prepared me for the ambulance ride to the ER.


I was diagnosed with a broken scapula and a fractured L4 vertebra.  The prognosis was positive, both required simple immobilization and rest to heal within months.  I am still dealing with back and shoulder pain, but it has improved dramatically.


 To anyone considering owning and riding a motorcycle know this.  Had I not worn every piece of protective gear that day, rolling down the highway after a fall at 55MPH would have destroyed my arm, hands, and back.  I would not have had the opportunity to continue riding.  If there is any advice I can offer it is to get as much protective gear as possible and wear it ALL THE TIME.  No exceptions.  We call it ATGATT: All the Gear, All the Time.


My motorcycle was totaled because the repair costs exceeded the value of the bike, and I will be picking up my new bike today.


RIP 2005 CBR600F4i, you will be missed.



Welcome to the family 2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R


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