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#212540 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

This video is quite interesting showing the difference between the different generations of playstation console. The racing game looks the biggest improvement on ps4. As with all games not all games push the hardware. The PS4 clearly is making a technical leap but its not the same size leap as ps2 to ps3 or ps1 to ps2 and this is to be expected as the ps4 hardware has been realistically choosen to meet a price point.



This is a great page for comparing the spec's of wii u, ps4 and xbox one. The poster keeps it upto date and seems the best reference point currently unless you want to trawl through all the neogaf postings etc.




CPU wise the xbox one and ps4 are at about 38,400 dmips for their cpu which compares to about 9,000 dmips or just under for wii u. The xenon is about 19,200 dmips and ps3 in theory is about the same as wii u for ppe but upto about 30,000 for the cell in total. Floating point performance of the xenon and cell is far in excess of the wii u cpu but the wii u gpu makes up for it. The PS4 and xbox one offload a lot of work to their gpu's same as wii u.


End summary is 360, PS3 and wii u are comparable in performance approximately. Xbox one is probably 3-4x as powerful as those, ps4 is about 1.5x xbox one overall.



You are still, regardless of everything that has been said, using the ridiculous notion that the Wii U CPU is a pure PPC750 core (x3, it don't need no stinkin SMP).  The numbers you ripped from GAF don't take into account the fact the the architecture is brand new and not Broadwayx3, they are still operating on that notion simply because they have no clue about it, and no one has actually run Dhrystone on the thing and talked about it.


Using these numbers is disingenuous at best, as they are ALL speculative.  Not just some of them, ALL of them.

#212533 eBay Germany suggests Wii U as better solution to Xbox One

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Its as simple as this, cloud gaming will not work here in aus. Our internet speeds are not capable of it at the moment, and I'm sure there are other parts of the world the same.

Pffft.  Like Microsoft cares, you Aussies aren't dudebro enough for the One anywayz. 

#212532 Destiny Wii U Bound?

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yup, but I meant that you have to say "My body is Reggie" if you want to make sure people catch the reference, since "my body is ready" is not a Nintendo reference.

"my body is ready" IS a Reggie Fils-Aime reference, because he is the one that started the meme.  The term "my body is ready" was never used prior to, it was completely original.

#212530 Sonic Lost Worlds Trailer released!

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I never played any of those. I'm just saying that from the pic expected something less cartoony.

No it doesnt, but it does leave impressions, and mine was that they had children in mind when making this. Just look at the "bad guys".

They had Sonic in mind when they developed the art style.  Not sure if you were around, they tried uber realistic sonic before, it was terrible.  This is how Sonic is supposed to look.  It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with what works for the character and the backstory and what doesn't.

#212355 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 01:39 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I want two of them hooked up together, so I can get the two kinect's to fight over my TV, which will probably end in the universe exploding into EPIC dudebroedness.

#212354 eBay Germany suggests Wii U as better solution to Xbox One

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 01:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

They actually said that? That's not smart at all. Unless, in the future, they are planning on doing cloud computing, so the Xbox One WILL be the ONE device you will ever need.

And i wouldn't doubt they are hoping for that.

They are claiming that cloud computing will give them 3x the storage and compute of the console itself, and that it will enable better looking and performing games.  Unfortunately for them it isn't just unlikely, it's ludicrous to try to get people to believe that somehow resource sharing is going to make gaming better, when all it is in actuality is a way to get your info to third parties and track your usage.


There was a story about a German privacy specialist (whatever that means, prolly works for an Information Assurance company) that called the xbox one a "Twisted Nightmare"

#212341 Sonic Lost Worlds Trailer released!

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 12:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Looked pretty cartoony, like it was meant for kids. That's the impression I got from it. when I saw the original pic I thought it was going to have more realism to it. I'll wait and see...

Art style does not dictate demographic

#212295 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 10:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hey Guys,

I have never owned a gaming console, but now I want to buy one for use with my kids. They're 3 and 5 years old. I've seen other families with the older version of the Wii, and I think it's brilliant. I read a bit about the new Wii U, but I have a few concerns with the Wii U vs Wii.

1) It seems the new touch screen on the controller is quite fragile, and I can see it breaking fairly quickly with kids the age of mine.

2) It seems the U is aimed at the more serious gamers? Does this mean new activity games will be forgotten, and everything will be battlefield games (sorry, I don't know the names of the titles).

3) Of number 2 above is true, I guess that means my main reason for choosing a Wii is gone. What I like about the Wii is actually the casual element, and, more importantly, the fact that my kids have to get up and move around in order to play video games. I don't want them to just sit in a couch and play all day long. I want them to exercise (at least a little) while having fun.

4) I understand the old games are still compatible with the new Wii U, but I would like to see more activity titles developed in the future.

5) As far as I can see, I can still use the old type controllers for the Wii U. Is that correct? And can I use the Wii U with only the old controllers, in order to avoid my kids bashing the touch screen controller in a hissy fit?

I would like to hear what you guys in here have to say about the above. Can I still have my kids play kid friendly games where they have to be active, in the future?

Any input is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


1. Get a bumper kit for the gamepad, and supervise when a child is using it, but it is a very sturdy controller

2.Wii U is indeed aimed at more serious gamers, but it doesn't abandon the casual gamer market that the Wii created.

3. Same

4. There are already more "activity" games being developed by both Nintendo and others.  Examples include Mario Party, Wii Fit, game&wario, NintendoLand, and there's a more adult themed spin the bottle game in development

5. Yes, all of the old peripherals work.  Make sure you have motion plus for games that need it.

#212293 eBay Germany suggests Wii U as better solution to Xbox One

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 10:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

You need to be online for authentication. Has nothing to do with cloud computing.

Exactly, it was something Microsoft threw out there, knowing that it was a meaningless statement.

#212249 California's new problem: The state is making too much money

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:37 AM in The Café

Here's a thought, give it back to the taxpayers, or lower taxes on businesses and individuals so companies like Apple don't have to build factories in Austin, TX rather than Cupertino.

#212248 Koch Brothers: Funding $67,042,064 to groups denying climate change sinc...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:35 AM in The Café

I still don't understand why people deny global climate change. It has been scientifically proven that climate is changing due to pollution. 

No, it hasn't.  Politicians and the crony scientists who fake climate data to secure funding from governments love that you believe them though.  They love that people have turned climate change into a religion rather than a scientific pursuit of answers and information.  


What has been scientifically proven is that the sun controls our climate more than we ever could, despite our actions.  Moreso in fact than politicians like, because they can't control it or tax it.


We have been on a cooling trend for 11 years now.  That's right, a net DECREASE in global temperature.  This was why "gobal warming" was renamed "climate change" because warming didn't fit the narrative anymore.


Much like it was "global cooling" eleven years before that, but that narrative changed as well.


Solar cycles last 11 years, would you look at that.

#212246 Microsoft: "If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" - yo...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:30 AM in General Gaming

I know it isnt but its not that hard to make banjo kazooie just copy and paste.

No, its not just copy and paste.  Character models have to be recreated, environments recreated, story written, mechanics improved or added to.  It is no where near as simple as you think it is.

#212245 The Economic Case For Divestment Of Fossil Fuels

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:29 AM in The Café

Here's the problem.  CAFE standards, or any other standards imposed by governments based on incomplete, irresponsible, or completely faked climate data actually cost us more in fuel and reduce fuel economy, creating a need for MORE investment in fossil fuels, not less.  


Funny how you post information that is actually full of falsehoods and cherry picking, and someone complements your brain.  Fossil fuels ARE biofuels.  Carbon is the biological element.  It's what every biological entity on the planet is created from.  I agree that there are better energy sources out there, but solar, wind, and biofuels have been around just as long and longer than fossil fuels, and none are efficient enough or powerful enough to be used regularly without supplementation from fossil fuel sources.  They've been around that long and have never been a growth market, the thought that with a little government forcing it would suddenly become a market success is silly in and of itself.  It's been tried, and tried, and tried again.  It always ends in bankruptcy and people getting screwed out of tax dollars.


Solar energy, as we currently know it, will never be a viable, consistent source of energy.  Wind is more dangerous to plant, animal, and human life than any other energy source, and biofuel will end up being a nonstarter simply because what we know as "biofuel" doesn't carry the same energetic potential as fossil fuels, it isn't strong enough, and no invention is efficient enough to put it to good use on a large scale.


Hydrogen and electric will be the eventual one two punch that allows for us to curb fossil fuel reliance, but that is still years out, the process is still too complicated and the machines too bulky and heavy for commercial use.  I like seeing research into these things, until other sources of energy that have enriched and improved countless lives gets bashed for political purposes.  Everyone needs their soapbox as it were.

#212236 Koch Brothers: Funding $67,042,064 to groups denying climate change sinc...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:15 AM in The Café





So if you know any of those "it's a hoax" people, let them know that the fossil fuel industry has been paying the same people who manufactured lies about the safety of tobacco from 50 years ago to lie about the climate change.  All at our expense.

[sarcasm] But I'm just going to sit and let somebody else fix the problem.  Democracy is a passive thing somebody else does for me. [/sarcasm]


To the contrary, "green" organizations and overzealous politicians have been funding the research into "global cooling" then "global warming" then "climate change" since the late 50s.  They've created the equivalent to a kabal in which you are labeled a "denier", an "outcast", or a "non believer" when you are skeptical about science that is bought and paid for by politicians and governments that would gain immensely by being able to literally tax what we exhale, and what every vertebrate has been exhaling since the dawn of time.


Independent scientists have been coming out against "climate change" science for a very long time, though they don't have the support of the people who would gain the most from climate regulations and taxation, they are still there.  


IPCC scientists found to have deliberately faked climate data to get more funding from world governments, no that's not a problem at all.  Someone is skeptical and decides to help fund honest scientists, what an outrage!


you have to see things holistically, read some of the dissenting information, see how even NASA has been providing fraudulent temperature data, and how the earth enters warming and cooling trends based on solar activity, regardless of carbon dioxide or any other "greenhouse gas" atmospheric density.


Also look into how the warmest and coolest periods in earth's history, according to core samples and fossil records, happened before mammalian life evolved beyond rodent species.


To the video, its a conspiracy video with cherry picked information, quotes, and creative editing.  Nothing more than the loose change video or any number of "America created 9/11" or Zeitgeist stuff.

#212230 Microsoft: "If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" - yo...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:05 AM in General Gaming

Banjo Kazooie will save microsoft

Rare is not what it once was, and former RARE employees are working on Wii U.  http://nintendoenthu...wii-u-dev-kits/

#212228 Microsoft: "If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" - yo...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:02 AM in General Gaming

Not a chance in hell.

#212117 Nintendo Nation

Posted by routerbad on 27 May 2013 - 10:45 PM in The Café

I just started at NintendoEnthusiast, we have several new editors, so the news there has been flowing much faster.  We've also transitioned to a different, more reliable, webhost, so we won't see the issues we've been having recently for much longer.  Currently, news has been coming through in dribs and drabs, and on a Nintendo specific news site, sometimes there is just not much to report.  I know WiiUDaily reports on non WiiU material regularly, but I don't think its appropriate, throwing up non Nintendo related articles with attention getting headlines may increase site traffic, but it doesn't help a community of Nintendo fans, and it invites trolls.


As far as the news posts here, there are some very good members who are able to put news up fast to get discussion started.  I've never had an issue with it.

#211314 Does the internal HDD provide better performance than an external?

Posted by routerbad on 25 May 2013 - 11:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

There shouldn't be much difference speed wise between the built in samsung flash memory, the optical drive (cached with main memory) and a usb 2.0 external hard drive. If Nintendo had fitted a usb 3.0 interface then external would have been better. The optical drive is really fast at 22MB/s and close to the sustained 35MB/s max speed of usb 2.0. It's likely the flash memory is in this range of performance. It's possible loading from hard drive is faster but it will be a minimal improvement.

Well put

#211305 Wii U version of RE: Revelations "Visibly Less refine than PS360"

Posted by routerbad on 25 May 2013 - 09:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

From what eurogamer have said even the 3DS version is smoother. Can't see why this is cpu heavy although I don't know exactly what graphic enhancements have been made. Some graphic enhancements are cpu-intensive. No surprise the pre-rendered movies are equally good on wii and ps3 as both benefit from large capacity optical discs. To be honest I was expecting this to be equally good on wii u to ps3/360 or even possibly enhanced. It's difficult to see why this would underperform on wii u except for being a lazy port. The fact they haven't tested the controls properly seems to indicate little effort was made. Probably just a blend of xbox 360 and PS3 assets with not much extra work done. Another game to the list of wii u games that underperform compared to 360 and PS3.

It isn't underperforming, a 4FPS swing between 28-32 is not noticeable during gameplay, and the visuals are exactly as they are on the PS3.  They Didn't bother with making three separate games and it shows.

#211304 Xbox One unveiled... Diminishing returns?

Posted by routerbad on 25 May 2013 - 09:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

I honestly feel this e3 will be a shining moment for games this year. 2 new systems will be fully unveiled with ideas and games that we don't know yet and Nintendo will show why we all bought a wiiU.

The X1 will have a strong e3 because they have to and I feel they will show games and games and games. the Wii U will be similar, while PS4 I feel will have the most balance conference. Still like I said before it will be a great e3 whether your a fan of Wiiu,X1, or PS4 its gonna be fun.

Keep in mind Microsoft 1st party studios were having so many issues getting any games running on the XBOX One that Microsoft started trying to buy 3rd party exclusives.  They don't have much to show, which is why they had the conference they did.  They'll definitely have games at e3, but it won't be as good as XBOX fans hope.  Nintendo and Sony are going to go nuts this e3, and now I'm firmly in the WiiS4U camp.

#211230 Shinen are spot on with the hardware.

Posted by routerbad on 25 May 2013 - 01:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

A studio that makes Nintendo games says good things about Nintendo. Got it.


EDIT!!! ...on a Nintendo website

Interview was done by GamesReactor, not NL.  Also, NL is not owned by Nintendo.

#211229 Destiny Wii U Bound?

Posted by routerbad on 25 May 2013 - 01:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

"My body is Reggie" is the real Nintendo reference.

Carpe Diem is the new YOLO.

No, the meme all started when Reggie said it at e3.  He didn't say his body was Reggie, he stepped on a WiiFit balance board and said "My b-My Body is ready"

#210953 X1 used game fee to be...$52.00.

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 01:50 PM in General Gaming

lol, total BS. I get their logic, it's stupid, but I get it. What a bizarre world this is becoming, where it's legal to put restrictions on someones property. Although I guess people would say it's not really your property, you're just paying for the rights to use it. What a joke

It actually technically isn't, it denies consumers their rights under the fist sale doctrine

#210929 Is there a way to get my old ID back on Wii U ? [Updated]

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 12:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

You should call Nintendo support and ask them to move the account over to the new serial number.  I have heard of them sending new units out with this already done.

#210908 Destiny Wii U Bound?

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 11:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yet advertisers who are clearly not Romans still use the words to sell their products.

I've....eh..Never actually seen any advertisement make a reference to a Roman colloquialism.  I know this is a rabbit hole and you aren't speaking exclusively about Romans, but I've really never seen it.

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