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#210885 x86 = Nintendo's Doom?

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 10:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah they tried real hard with the gamecube. They need to try again with Wii U. They need to show its capable at E3.

They don't need to talk about hardware to do that.  They just need to show impressive software.  Period.

#210876 Destiny Wii U Bound?

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 10:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah but quotes from Roman Emperors aren't just for Romans are they?

They are typically used in spiritual reference to those who said them.  Its a meme that typically is attached to Reggie's face.  Most everyone knows where it comes from.  I don't think it means anything in the video, but when I say Et Tu, Brute? I'm trying to express the same emotional withdrawal that Caesar must have felt after finding his friend stabbing him.

#210861 x86 = Nintendo's Doom?

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 09:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

Maybe nintendo should stop keeping secrets on their hardware and what it can do. And iwata is surprised people thinks isn't underpowered because its sturggiling to keep up with 360 ports.

They tried that with the gamecube.  How many Mario's again?

#210849 Add section for user-created news/link posts

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 08:52 AM in Site News and Feedback

I'm glad to see that there are others who feel the same or similarly.  


I think there's a potential copyright issue with people copying and pasting entire articles and then just linking to the original at the bottom, though I don't know the specifics of how that works.  


I really think that a news forum for users who want to post links (that doesn't add to post count - so we can see who really just likes to share the news with us) would be superior to the current Wii U News forum that is updated by "The Wii U.com's News Bot".  As it is, I'm sure many people on this site check other websites that are devoted to news on a regular basis, so it would be nice to keep these kinds of posts in one place and have the Games forum for, you know, threads that are for discussing games that are already out.  

As long as it is in a quote box and the source cited, theres no issue.

#210847 X1 used game fee to be...$52.00.

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 08:48 AM in General Gaming

"Retail sources claim Microsoft and publishers will take a percentage of every used game; rumored preowned activation fee could be £35."

It's a rumour and it's GBP converted to USD.
It seems like they're doing Online Passes, except for the entire game, not just use of online servers, so probably won't be more than the $10 you people pay already to EA.

Only for resold games.  If you lend a game, they have to buy it as if it were new.  This may be what they are working out with gamestop to stop the bleeding.  But certain retailers and microsoft will be the only outlet.  You can't resell on amazon, craigslist, lend games to friends, eBay, etc, without having to repurchase the game entirely.  Theyre going with the "its new for you" tact.

#210844 Destiny Wii U Bound?

Posted by routerbad on 24 May 2013 - 08:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This was a thread before.My body is ready isn't a nintendo-only thing, it belongs to the ages.

It was started after Reggie said it at e3.

#210526 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 01:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Why are they re-revealing it?

Well, they haven't technically revealed the hardware yet.  That is why.  And its e3.

#210521 x86 = Nintendo's Doom?

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 12:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

How much does Crysis use then..? 

Crysis3 uses 2.5GB on Ultra, the highest setting the game has, with all features turned on, 4xMSAA, etc. at 1080p.


Cysis is probably the only game where RAM is a GPU bottleneck, it isn't very efficient at all.  Other engines can pull off similar visuals with much, MUCH lower footprint.

#210471 Xbox One Does Require Internet Connection, Can't Play Offline Forever

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 11:22 AM in General Gaming

Have you been listening to what theyve been saying? This, exactly, is their end goal.

No more next gen sales being canabalized by lingering interest in cheap systems. As soon as the switch is flipped, you HAVE to buy Xbox two, because xbox one will no longer work.

I can say one thing with complete and utter confidence.  I was planning on buying one of the other two consoles as a secondary, and Microsoft just made my choice SO EASY!

#210468 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 11:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Cool. Probably about the upcoming X and Y games.


#210467 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 11:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes, that's the point MS is doing. You can play it on your Xbox Live account (or your family apparently), but you can't sell or trade games anymore.

or even loan it out.  I don't let my friends borrow games for only when I'm there.  If they want to try it out, I give him the disc and let him have a go.  Now I either have to go to his house and sign into my live account for the duration of his gameplay, or give him my credentials, "concerned with privacy" indeed.

#210456 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That was the rumor from that IGN guy wasn`t it? I remembre him saying 3-5 NDs.

Well, one is confirmed for Wii U. Remains one for 3DS another one for him to be right! ^_^

There is also a 1.5hr Pokemon conference at e3.

#210451 EA: Need for Speed: Rivals isn't coming to Wii U because...

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 10:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It just means they haven't set it up at this point.  They probably never will.

#210448 Rare to show HISTORIC franchise at E3

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 10:44 AM in General Gaming

doesnt matter what it is. You arent allowed to own it anyways.

And in a few years when the 8th gen is done, your permission to play the disc you bought will come to an end and you will never be allowed to play it again anyways, as your xbone, and every game you bought for it but dont actually own will literally be nothing more than paperweights.

Yep, As soon as the support cycle ends, you are done.

#210446 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 10:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That`s what i was trying to say: the media event was on th 11th already, wasn`t it?


So like always, Nintendo is the last at E3.

Oh, just for clarification, Nintendo Portugal is saying that this event is to show Wii U incoming games. As in, only for Wii U.



That`s what i was trying to say: the media event was on th 11th already, wasn`t it?


So like always, Nintendo is the last at E3.

Oh, just for clarification, Nintendo Portugal is saying that this event is to show Wii U incoming games. As in, only for Wii U.



That`s what i was trying to say: the media event was on th 11th already, wasn`t it?


So like always, Nintendo is the last at E3.

Oh, just for clarification, Nintendo Portugal is saying that this event is to show Wii U incoming games. As in, only for Wii U.

Right.  But they were going to have a pre-e3 ND in May, according to most rumors, and decided to push it back to just before the conference after the XBOX reveal and the Sony announcement that they will have a conference on the 10th.

#210434 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 10:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They were already holding the media event in that same day weren`t they? Can`t seem to find that confirmation online.

Not that I know of.  They have the media event scheduled on the 11th, the PS4 thing was just announced after the XBONE reveal and before the ND announcement.

#210426 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 10:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The Wii U doesn't let you change out hard drives.
Also, what's so hard about plugging in a usb hard drive?

Agreed, the reason it was so important last gen was because none of them supported external storage out of the box, only several years later was that added.

#210422 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've already stated that I think the Xbox One won't sell as well as the 360.

You're sending mixed messages here bud.  "X360 managed to do well with a large lack of exclusive titles"


then "I stated it won't sell well"  so what is the point of your argument?  Are you simply trying to be argumentative?

#210408 x86 = Nintendo's Doom?

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 09:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

In the PC world 8gb is currently the logical maximum, with anything more being overkill.


With this just being an example, 2GB is doable for such high end games, with 8gb being the reccomended for super high def.

But I don't think the xbox. One or the PS4's cpu and gpu can ceven compare to a super high end system, maybe the midrange. All it really means is that the ram won't be a bottleneck. It could be handy though, as you can load larger maps and not worry about loading screens as much once the game starts, but it depends on the developers.

Personally I'm waiting to see how.the games work on retail systems. It moght just not be worth it, especially with all of the unknowns such as how used games arer handeled.

That's basically the point.  They won't have access to all 8GB, and I seriously doubt they'll have access to 4GB, but we don't know for sure yet.  The GPU and CPU wouldn't allow "super high def" anyway, not equivelent to what is possible on the PC side.  The amount of memory is overkill from a cost to manufacture perspective, but I'm sure developers are happy for it.

RAM in pc's needs to be higher than on consoles because it runs more programs in the background. This doesn't go for X1 because of 3 OS' lol. But no way the next-gen games will use more than 6GB. 4 is a lot already. (I think Wii U should have had 4, 1 being for OS. 1GB for games is pretty low)

They'll free up more for games in the future, perhaps with the summer update, they are still ironing out the OS, but 1-1.5GB is actually plenty when you are able to stream from a disc to pull in assets.  Most games during actual gameplay don't actually use a whole lot of VRAM, even on PC, and even with the highest settings.  Crysis is the outlier here, because their engine has always been extremely RAM dependent, but the new engine is much more efficient.

#210406 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 09:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I never claimed that they were exclusive. My point is it has support. The Xbox 360 managed to do well with a large lack of exclusive titles.

Yep, but the 360 was no where near as restrictive to owners.


Also, indies are getting more exposure now, and Microsoft has flatly stated they will not allow them to self publish, and that the same restrictive and profit draining policies will remain.

#210403 Could this be the reason for lack of power...

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 09:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

Similar on the surface maybe, but they also claimed to be adding a lot of polish to the PS4 version so it might "feel" different.


If they look too similar then its merely the limitations of porting to so many different consoles, they SHOULD look different.  Then again, people seem to underestimate how having more objects on and screen and a greater drawing distance makes a game feel and often play much better.

That was paid sony advertisement.  Sony paid them to do a dev diary to talk up the PS4 version, and any business that walks away from free money is stupid.


They won't be porting anything, Wii U version is being built side by side, by a different team.  It will look extremely close, and the "polish" they are adding won't change the visuals or the gameplay, they said that all next gen versions look the same, they will play differently on each console, however.

NONE of those games come close to taxing the Wii U hardware. None.

Sonic All Stars was another ported game that was ported on early hardware, and is only using two cores.  Most if not all of the ports so far are locked to two cores because they didn't have enough knowledge about the system to optimize it correctly.  They did say that the issues were resolved and that they are able to use all three cores now, but those games still do not.

#210400 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 08:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ubisoft announced six AAA titles after the conference, including Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed IV.

None of which are exclusive, all of which are coming to WiiU.  What is your point?

#210399 Xbox One Does Require Internet Connection, Can't Play Offline Forever

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 08:53 AM in General Gaming

That sounds pretty ridiculous and even I can't defend it. Oh well, at least it's not as bad as constantly online required. I can manage.

It always has to have an internet connection, but it only does routine call home once per day.  It will also check whenever you install a new game, whenever you start a game, etc.

#210392 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 08:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Didn`t see that announcement coming.

Thought they would hold on to closer to the day. Maybe this is a reaction to MS`s not so well received press conference.

Its also a day after the PS4 re-reveal

#210380 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 07:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They clarified that you can bring a game to a friends account, sign in to your Xbox Live account, and play at no charge.


But it's confusing and they keep going back and forth.

As soon as you sign out, they have to buy it to continue playing, even if you leave the disc with them.

Didn't RE: Revelations HD come out? 

Haha, yes, it did.  I was referring to a more visible, singular announcement.

Xbox One May Have Sold Wii U Better Than Nintendo
Read more at http://www.inquisitr...ex3VbZXjBHu6.99

That's what I'm referring to.

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