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There have been 26 items by DMagoo24 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#144802 Another new guy...

Posted by DMagoo24 on 06 December 2012 - 07:49 PM in Introduction Central

Hi all,

My name is Dave. This past Sunday, my wife and I bought a wii U. So far I love it. We "got it for our kids," but admittedly, it was for me. My kids are only 4 and 2... they'll grow into it, but it was for me.

I loved my 360, and there's some things I do miss, especially the library (so far...), I guess that's just a "downfall" of a new console...

....that being said, this is my first new console since I think the SNES -- I am glad to be back with Nintendo.

As for the forum, it's great to have a community like this. I will say I don't post that much, but I will read a lot when it interests me. Anyways, I'm glad I found this site!

#177256 Activision making 3 TMNT games with Nickelodeon

Posted by DMagoo24 on 27 February 2013 - 05:21 PM in General Gaming

I'd still play them. I loved TMNT growing up... I had a redonkulous amount of action figures...

#179129 Peta upset over Assassin's Creed IV's "glorified" whaling

Posted by DMagoo24 on 04 March 2013 - 04:46 PM in General Gaming

This is ridiculous...  Don't they have anything else better to do... It's a work of fiction... Did Peta go after the writer of Moby Dick? Granted, he wasn't killed -- but they tried...


My point is kinda on track... lol... but it's still unnecessary...

#178741 Runner 2 VS The Cave

Posted by DMagoo24 on 03 March 2013 - 03:53 PM in General Gaming

Runner 2? Sorry, I apparently just climbed out from under my rock...  I saw the cave, and thought it looked good... but then came across a couple reviews that said it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.  Then again, the few people above me all said it was good... so it's settled, get both...  :P

#175087 Who is your favorite character on Sonic Racing Transformed?

Posted by DMagoo24 on 23 February 2013 - 04:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Mee Mee is who I enjoyed the most... Dunno why... Lol

#177489 New Xbox also going with second hand games unlock code.

Posted by DMagoo24 on 28 February 2013 - 09:59 AM in General Gaming

I hate this kind of idea, and I understand why developers do it, so more people buy new games. But what about taking that game to a friend's house... Can you no longer do that without a code that you have to pay for?

I dunno... Hurts gaming in general. There are so many games I want to play, that it would cost a ridiculous amount of money if I bought them all brand new. Not a fan of this.

And as for digital, I like having a hard copy as I know many do. There are a lot of collectors, and I hate the digital copy idea... I dunno, I don't like where these future gens are going.

#177981 New Xbox also going with second hand games unlock code.

Posted by DMagoo24 on 01 March 2013 - 02:33 PM in General Gaming

Not all future gen is going this way - WiiU.

Sorry... I meant future, as in after Wii U and AFTER PS4 and NEXTBOX... I think the industry in itself is seeming very greedy.  I do believe without discs, profit would be higher, and maybe they'd lower costs to us, the consumers... but again, they seem greedy... so we shall see.

#177250 Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon vs Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed

Posted by DMagoo24 on 27 February 2013 - 05:13 PM in General Gaming

I have the sonic racing transformed, and surprisingly I really enjoy it. I only bought it because my son loves sonic, and got it for him as a gift. The gameplay and controls are great, and its an overall pretty fun game.

I've never played any of the LM games...

That being said, I'd still venture to go after LM. I've heard nothing but great things. And personally, racers get boring after a while. And chances are by the time you read this, you will have already made your decision... So.... What'd you get? Lol

#180163 Your favorite Megaman game

Posted by DMagoo24 on 07 March 2013 - 07:19 AM in General Gaming

Yea, Megaman 2 was definitely my favorite.

#178739 What's your favorite gaming controller?

Posted by DMagoo24 on 03 March 2013 - 03:50 PM in General Gaming

I really love the way the 360 controller forms to my hands.  From the first time I played, I was just amazed at how it fit in my hands.  The game pad is nice though, and it fits quite nicely in the hands too.

#145139 Shuhei Yoshida makes a post on Miiverse

Posted by DMagoo24 on 07 December 2012 - 02:53 PM in General Gaming

I don't see anything wrong with this, I think it's quite funny. They all copy each other in one way or another, or at least get an idea of what the competition is doing. Good stuff...

#180604 Team Meat wants meat boy in SSB4 (promises to make game if so)

Posted by DMagoo24 on 08 March 2013 - 09:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If only other devs were so easy to get on board

No kidding, that's awesome... "We ask for nothing else in return."  Man, if all of them were like that...

#177474 Assasin's Creed IV Wi U

Posted by DMagoo24 on 28 February 2013 - 09:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

..not sure why that posted twice...?

Anywho... Yea, I wondered if they'd even bring DLC to Wii U. I imagine they would, Ubisoft has seemed to be Nintendo's biggest supporter-- which really doesn't say much. They seem to be like a high school friend who is best buds with you, but behind your back talks a lot of smack,,,

#177470 Assasin's Creed IV Wi U

Posted by DMagoo24 on 28 February 2013 - 09:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm sure hoping its better. Honestly, I'll prob still get it for Xbox, yet I'd like to see it do well on Wii U. I guess depending on how it looks, will decide on what system, but I'd think with after screwing Nintendo out of the Rayman exclusive, they may continue to throw some bones nintendo's way.

#145617 Genesis VS. Snes!

Posted by DMagoo24 on 08 December 2012 - 02:37 PM in General Gaming

I remember my brother and I both wanted the SNES for Christmas, but on Christmas morning we unpacked the Genesis. I remember being upset, but there were a lot of great games. Phantasy Star 2,3, and 4 (honestly, I loved 3 the most - and that is the most hated). Shining Force 1 and 2, and Shining in the Darkness. There were a lot of great games.

That being said, we later got a SNES -- and by far I think it was better. Final Fantasy was enough to sway me in that opinion. Breath of Fire 1 and 2. Secret of Mana and the Secret of Evermore. So many great games. Legend of Gaia -- I still have most of these - lol.... SNES was great... the Good ol' days of gaming...

#178747 What companies are you boycotting

Posted by DMagoo24 on 03 March 2013 - 04:03 PM in General Gaming

If a game looks awesome, I'm not going to boycott it because I don't agree with a publisher's actions.  It is the developer who does all the hard work, if the game looks great, let them be rewarded.

#177254 How You Got Your First Game System

Posted by DMagoo24 on 27 February 2013 - 05:17 PM in General Gaming

I know my brother had an Atari that I barely played, but I did play. I imagine that was there before I came around, and we had a NES that came out after I was born, but I'm sure it wasn't for me...

I do remember for Christmas my parents getting us a Genesis as a family present. And the SNES the following year.

#148428 DVD Playback

Posted by DMagoo24 on 15 December 2012 - 09:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

I was shocked that it doesn't play DVDs... honestly, I don't have a dvd player, I always used my consoles since playstation2...

...eh, if it saved us a couple bucks that's fine... we have a dvd player laying around somewhere... shoot, wal-mart sells blu-ray players for as low as $50...

#145146 Virtual Console Games On Wii U?

Posted by DMagoo24 on 07 December 2012 - 03:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would love to get some of the Zeldas that I've missed and other really good games...

#148719 The Mario Sports series and the Wii U

Posted by DMagoo24 on 16 December 2012 - 07:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Mario Kart U sounds great! Can't wait...

...But the Mario synchronized swimming does sound appealing... lol

#180602 Which Wii U Do You Have?

Posted by DMagoo24 on 08 March 2013 - 09:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Deluxe, it was only $50 more or so... figured this is what my kids will "grow" into and be around a while(hopefully), why not?

#178712 Do Wii U Digital Games Outperform Physical Games?

Posted by DMagoo24 on 03 March 2013 - 02:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just look at it this way. If you wish to prolong the life of your console run the games off a hdd that way your laser won't wear out. Each to their own though.

Never thought to see if it was an option, but can you download the game on your hdd like on the 360?

#180162 Would you like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype on Wii U?

Posted by DMagoo24 on 07 March 2013 - 07:18 AM in General Gaming

No... I had downloaded the Facebook app to my xbox360 and never used it... the only time I ever used FB on the 360 was for an achievement.. lol... so, no... nott necessary.


But on the flip side of that, I don't HAVE to download it.  So if they made an app because that's what people want, great... keep the consumer happy and give them what they want.

#148414 Age of wii u buyers

Posted by DMagoo24 on 15 December 2012 - 08:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm 28, and also "bought the wii u for my kids" .... pfft... it was for me...

I'm also very impressed with the amount of older gamers we have on here, I also expected a lot more of teens and even younger, glad to see the 30s and better representing.

#177482 Official Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Discussion

Posted by DMagoo24 on 28 February 2013 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok, maybe I've been living under a rock, or maybe cause I hadn't really played much Nintendo since SNES... But what is this? I just watched a trailer for it and it looks amazing. Is this an RPG, what's the main premise?

And while I don't have a 3DS, I think that's an awesome idea... Not to mention way to sell more copies, being able to play the same save file on both... Hmm... I may have to get my son a 3DS when this comes out... Lol... Yea, it'll be "for him."

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