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#298280 Super Smash for 3DS Final Version Details

Posted by dotcom on 10 September 2014 - 05:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Already purchased my download card for this game!

Two days and counting <3

#298139 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by dotcom on 08 September 2014 - 04:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

err - never really paid attention since my wii u is north american..

but, come to think about it, probably about the same price.. 

i was just a bit sticker shocked when i saw this particular game 

living in Japan is expensive, but damn its worth it..

#298133 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by dotcom on 07 September 2014 - 11:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

so, this game is ~$70.00+  here in Japan.. with tax and everything its closer to around $75.00.

looks a bit steep, especially in comparison to other first party games out right now..


idk, maybe its just me.. whatcha think



#245859 Bayonetta 2, is it an on rails shooter or open world play?

Posted by dotcom on 13 September 2013 - 02:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software


#245841 Bayonetta 2, is it an on rails shooter or open world play?

Posted by dotcom on 13 September 2013 - 01:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software


Here's a little footage of me playing the demo at PAX'13 two weeks ago,
The gameplay is impressive! Platinum Studios has definitely gained a fan,

#245823 Wind Waker HD full website is live.

Posted by dotcom on 13 September 2013 - 11:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

eeee. clean. that music takes me baaack

#245763 Wonderful 101

Posted by dotcom on 13 September 2013 - 12:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

so is this the official W101 thread?  Because my thoughts on this game is... its ab-so-lutely Amazing!  

Definitely the best game i've played on the Wii U and one of the better games ive played in a while, period.  


..I came into the game expecting nothing- i knew nothing.

Ive never played Bayonetta and barely dabbled in Viewtiful Joe and have no fond memories on the projects of Clover Studios -

In other words, I had no idea the kind of gameplay and visual aesthetics that i was for.  I downloaded and played the Demo at home,

and at the Nintendo booth at PAX'13 - both times, i was still a bit, 'eh'.  

Partly because, they aare demo's.. samples.. like that little spoon of ice cream they give you at baskin robbins. lol


Luckily, I was one of the 101 people that got the game 2 weeks early 2 Fridays ago and have had all this time to play through it..

One thing is for sure, the game only gets better the more you play it.. the gameplay is so original- every level plays like a boss level with

fantastic (and huge) bosses that are all defeated in unique ways.. and just when you think youve hit the climax of the story - 

it keeps going up.. and when you think youve reached that pinnacle - nope, the story just keeps progressing with more fantastic stages, puzzles and bosses.


Once you get the hang of the controls, you're still not half way there - unlocking different unites, power ups, rank ups, moves and adding characters to your roster

make for mean combos and more enjoyable gameplay. 


anyway - im just excited at how beautifully crafted this game is and what a rewarding experience it is playing through it and mastering all of its subtle complexities...

Solid 9/10.  Thank you Based-Kamiya



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