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Posted by A-Leal on 19 March 2013 - 11:33 AM in General Gaming

More Wii U support. Oh and Mirror's Edge 2.

#185084 Post your beautiful face

Posted by A-Leal on 21 March 2013 - 04:07 PM in The Café



I look like Bear Hugger from Super Punch-Out lol!

#185264 Post your beautiful face

Posted by A-Leal on 22 March 2013 - 05:27 AM in The Café

You want some face with that beard?

Making me regret trimming mine :P


Haha, good one. Growing it for an entire year until Dec 31st 2013.. or maybe I'll keep it after too lol. :P

#185545 Post your beautiful face

Posted by A-Leal on 23 March 2013 - 07:16 AM in The Café

:( You put my beard to shame.


Just let you're beard grow. :)

#185550 The benefits of having a beard.

Posted by A-Leal on 23 March 2013 - 07:39 AM in The Café

You can store your food for winter in them


This is very useful to me.


if i could grow a beard i probably would but no one in my family grows any facial hair till late twenties then it's like bam have to shave every day to not look like bigfoot

But looking like bigfoot is awesome!


I never really felt itchy once I grew it all out, now it just feels like Bruce Lee-Lumberjack-Unicorns are hugging my face, keeping it protected and warm

THIS. I feel so very epic with my beard.. People look at me in public it's like they are instantly jealous.

#185765 The benefits of having a beard.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 04:20 AM in The Café

The main benefit in my opinion is having a beard in the winter, as soon as I shaved mine off in February everything suddenly seemed a lot colder...

That and having a beard makes you look older, good for not having any ID when you're 19 (I have never been ID'd when with beard).


That's a good reason. beards make you look older.

#185816 Breakdown of the Pokemon X & Y trailer

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 09:05 AM in General Gaming

I'm excited for this.. Gonna grab Pokemon Y.

#185817 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 09:12 AM in General Gaming

Which one do you prefer and why? For me I prefer SMW, I thought the layouts of the levels were better and we were introduced to Yoshi.. SMB 3 is awesome as well, a more challenging game, and tons of levels to explore. Which game do you prefer and why?


#185853 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 10:33 AM in General Gaming

I haven't played either but SMW looks more intriguing.


I highly recommend both. You can play both on Wii U! (Via Wii's VC) SMW holds a special place in my heart because it came with my SNES, and I spent years on that game.


I used to own SMB3 'till lent it to a friend and never got it back. Music, level design and the difficulty were great.


Time to track him down! Boba Fett style!


I don't know how to explain it, but to me SMW is just one of my all time favorites. It also introduced Yoshi, which I love to death. I love the fact that Mario can spin on top of enemies, the different type of Yoshis, and DAT CASTLE THEME MUSIC.

I agree, it's pure magic! SMW title screen music is my ringtone! So much awesome in SMW.. SMB3 has awesome content as well, but SMW brings it to a whole other level!


#185855 Share your Kirby!

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 10:37 AM in The Museum

Can someone draw a Kirby with a beard? Would be so epic!

#185858 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 10:42 AM in General Gaming

I'll wait until it comes to the proper Wii U Virtual Console.


Same here, I have them both because I had them on my old Wii I transferred them to my Wii-U! I'll get them again on Wii VC because the Wii-U VC releases work so well on the gamepad! :D

#185863 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 10:51 AM in General Gaming

I would say Super Mario World by far is the better of the two.


I agree, but what about the SMB3 All-stars version, does it hold up better compared to SMW?

#185932 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 03:23 PM in General Gaming

Both games are required to pass Nintendo Fandom 101, NintyFan101!! Check them out on the VC.

I prefer SMB 3.


Agreed both games are huge milestones in Mario's fantastic career.

#185933 NYPD officer cauight on tape ordering cops to stop and frisk young black males

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 03:29 PM in The Café

Ever sick! Racist cops should be fired..............

out of a canon and into the Sun.

#185950 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 24 March 2013 - 06:02 PM in General Gaming

SMW is 80% of my childhood. It's the best game ever and it made me who I am. It introduced me to gaming. It's pure brilliance, I love nothing more on this planet. It's my heart and soul.

And yes I'm serious. SMB3 is a classic too tho..


I agree, SMW was one of the games that introduced me into gaming, I was very young when I got a SNES+SMW, I believe I was 4 years old.


Super Mario World just looks super beautiful! It sure is a good game too. Yet, I think Super Mario Bros. 3 is a challenge and it looks alright.


I'm going to have to go with Super Mario Bros. 3.


It is a extraordinary game. The worlds make me feel like I'm somewhere else and I'm sure that's the purpose. It gives a taste. The big world is just awesome! It's a un-forgetting world! The challenge it gives is worthy. It has tons of difficulty in the way and sometimes puzzles to solve. Like the one where you must make a turtle shell break all the bricks in front of the pipe in world two? Amazing! Also the moving levels are pretty difficult. Like the one in the clouds! I had a pretty difficult time with that level. Also the ships! It's a race in a way! So many things on a screen and so much dodging! It's a wreck! The game is pretty much a HUGE challenge that may require one sitting since the lack of saving! Atleast if you were playing it on your Nintendo Entertainment System.  It's such a challenge it came with the Nintendo Entertainment System Challenge set! It was also in the movie The Wizard! A movie basically advertising that one game! That clearly shows it is a great game. I also got to mention the power ups! Yes, you got the classic mushroom and fire flower but then you got some like the leaf and the Tanooki suit! Yes, maybe Super Mario World has the feather but Super Mario Bros. 3 also has the Hammer Bros. suit. Being one of the most hated enemies in the game? AWESOME! Also the frog suit is cool and who doesn't love the boot. It's kind of like a Yoshi in a way (Except it isn't cute).


But yet again, I really haven't played Super Mario World much yet beat it.


Oh well...

Wonderful post there bud, I agree with how ground breaking SMB3 is. And I know it had a HUGE impact on the industry, and yes the Tanooki suit is awesome. I played SMB3 after SMW. SMB3 does feel really excellent to me, the airship levels are my favorite in the game. SMB3 also introduced us to the over world map which is also featured in SMW and even today in NSMB U! I prefer the over world map in SMW it feels more alive, and Yoshi is just so awesome! The boss battles in SMW were more awesome then SMB3. It's nearly impossible for me to say what doesn't work in both because both games are superb masterpieces, that should be played by everyone!

#186100 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 08:51 AM in General Gaming

I prefer SMB3, even though SMW is a great game too. For some reason, I don't really like the controls as much in SMW. SMB3 has only two buttons, which is a good thing, and the cape is too complicated to control in SMW. I actually prefer the level design of SMB3 also. But I can understand those who prefer SMW. 


The levels in SMW to me felt just more fun. SMB3 had amazing levels, I.E. those airship levels are just fantastic. I do agree the cape is too complicated.


I was 4/5 years old when I watched my daf play it. I didn't want to play, just watch. It was an unforgettabke experience, but funny enough I was born in 95 so the console was very outdated back then, which I didn't realise..


I remember the first time I played SMW, I was just so young. I didn't stop playing either I remember finishing it in one day. Even the forest of illusion wasn't that tricky from what I remember. I prefer the final battle with Bowser in SMW, it's more epic I think.

#186102 The benefits of having a beard.

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 08:57 AM in The Café

They also make for a good distraction technique for when you are bored.

(You can stroke your beard!)


You have no idea how many times I do this, when I'm bored. :P

#186113 Why the site will probably be dead within a year

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 09:25 AM in Site News and Feedback

Saturn please stop making topics about this.

#186125 Why the site will probably be dead within a year

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 09:41 AM in Site News and Feedback

Ignoring issues is worse than anything i'm doing. If you don't like my threads dont post here or read it.


I don't understand why every little thing people say gets to you. Why can't you just let it go? Be the bigger man, and ignore it. Posting about why someone is mean isn't making the situation any better.. And why do you always feel the need to run away after someone makes fun of you? You can't let everything get to you.. Just get over it. When you were in school were you bullied? Was it hard for you to fit in? If you ever need someone to talk to brah I'm here. But please just chill out a bit.

#186135 Share your Kirby!

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 10:06 AM in The Museum

Here ya go~ :D




This is so awesome!!!!!!!!! Thanks you so much!!! :D

#186147 Share your Kirby!

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 10:18 AM in The Museum

Glad you like it,I kinda made it look like your mii's beard 


I noticed that! Very awesome. :)

#186151 Why the site will probably be dead within a year

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 10:26 AM in Site News and Feedback

Do I call out Zinix for posting awesome news stories before me? No, I just move on.

#186161 Don't believe the trash. Walking Dead is a good game.

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 11:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I own all the episodes of Telltale's WD game. (Season 1) Finished it and enjoyed every single episode. I haven't tried the other WD game. But I'll check it out soon.

#186263 Post your beautiful face

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 03:42 PM in The Café

Enjoying a warm spring day.


#186265 Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World.

Posted by A-Leal on 25 March 2013 - 03:52 PM in General Gaming

Really? Because I was so young and we had no walkthroughs back in the day, it took me literally years (not of non-stop playing off course) to find every exit. But hell, was it worth my time. The joy I got out of finding a new hidden exit and a new route on the map is literally undescribable.


Yeah, that secret exit was tricky to find. :P



the music is what really does it for me, when i look back, there are more memorable smw tunes than smb3.

The different yoshis was huge, the level designs, and the boo castles were very well done, 

and last but not least, the freak CAPE!

dont understand how that hasn't made a comeback.


With all this said, SMW2: yoshis island, is my favorite mario game ever


OOOH BOY SMW2 is indeed very epic. I have the GBA version on my 3DS. (I'm in the ambassador program).


Super Mario World is definitely one of my fondest gaming memories. I remember the year the Super Nintendo came out was working a summer temp job in the mail room at Nintendo's HQ in Redmond, WA and every chance I got I use to sneak out to the gaming display area they had. They had a Super Famicom set up with a Japanese version of Super Mario World and I use to try and get as much play time as possible. When I went back to college at the end of the summer I immediately preordered the Super Nintendo and was really excited when I got my hands on that as well as Super Mario World.


Wow! Awesome job there bud! Most have been very exciting. Yeah I remember when SNES came out, I was so excited. :P



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