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There have been 284 items by Camcam281 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#5560 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:14 AM in General Gaming

Yup as everyone above pointed out, the 3DS has much in store for it in The coming future, and Nintendo can afford to drop the price if they really needed to. On the other hand, Sony cannot because they are spending all of their profit into inserting a touch pad on the back! Haha lol, I personally am a Nintendo fanboy, so things like rival handhelds don't shake me to easily. I personally am very happy with my 3DS, and can't wait for the big boy 1st party games to come out later this year. And as for the vita, NO I WON'T BE GETTING IT :)

#5563 Luigi's Mansion 2 for Wii U

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I personally love the idea! I could work like Nintendo said the next super smash bros game will work! As in "the 3DS and Wii U games will work together in some fashion." but as you pointed out, it would be awesome to play a game like Luigi's mansion on a full HD console! And as the controller goes, I have an awesome idea for the game! On the TV screen, you would see the normal, Luigi's walking around with a flashlight and a vacuum, but on the controller, you could have an option that lasts like 15 seconds that allows you to move the controller in front of the tv screen, and it will act like an XRay machine, and for the 15 seconds, you will be able to see all of the ghosts hiding! That would be an awesome feature that would be able to load over game time played! Like a minute a second! IMO, that would be an awesome idea for the game!

#5565 Hi, everyone!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:22 AM in Introduction Central

Hey fellow 3DS forum member! I am camcam281 from the 3Ds forums, I don't really think we ever has any time to talk or chat, but this new forum may be our chance! I hope to see you around in our year of waiting, and am happy to welcome you to our growing family! Enjoy your time here!

#5568 Hi!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:26 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome wix! I am camcam281, also from the 3DsForums! I don't really know if we ever got time to chat or talk, but I guess this will be our place to start! I am looking forward to spending the year of intense waiting with you, and I can't wait to get to know you better! Welcome to the growing family, and I hope you enjoy your visits!

#5572 Nintendo's first fail...

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Do you guys really care if they show oth console gameplay? Like the Wii U isn't planned to come out for another year! Do you really think third party publishers really had enough time to crank out enough of a full game to display? Now, let's get serious. That trailer wasnt to show how powerful, or how good the new console games look, it was to show what games were coming to the Wii u. It's different, not a mistake

#5574 Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:40 AM in The Café

She needs to seek professional help fast! Like honestly, does that mean I can own the moon, and Waller can own the earth? Like let's get serious for a minute, I don't think you can buy, or claim something THAT BIG. and secondly, why would you want to? Yeah, there is something wrong with her.

#5575 So many of us new people

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:44 AM in The Café

Well to begin with, David is god, and the 3DS forums is like a worship site! :) Haha, jk. But really, David is very good at doing what he does because he makes things very public. So when people see that he is doing it, people follow. And for people who were already on the 3DS forums, you know how good it was to part of the family, so this will be sort of a second life for many of us. The only down side is that the 3DS forums are now going to be dead :/

#5589 The Wikipedia Game

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:58 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Ok! Many of you know this game well from the 3DS forums, but I decided to bring it here! Ok, so the goal obviously, is to get to the Wii U Wikipedia page in the minimum amount of pages to go through as possible. So below are the instructions:

1. Click this link http://en.wikipedia....ikipedia:Random and click the Special:Random button, and it will bring you to a random wiki page

2. Search throughout the page and look at the blue linked font. Those are your pathways. You must click one to get to the next page. YOU CANNOT USE THE SEARCHBAR!!!!

3. Copy and paste the links of the pages you go through in your post below

4. See how many it takes you to get to Wii U!

Please no faking it and saying it brought you to the page! It will be reported as spam!

Now you try! Have fun!

Below is my first try at getting there! I got a total of 5 pages!







#5599 Howdy Fellow Gamers

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:09 AM in Introduction Central

Haha to start, this is a forum, but we all make mistakes and we get what you mean! Anyway, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!! I am camcam281 and I look forward to socializing with you and getting to know you a little better! I welcome you to the on growing family of ours, and I hope you enjoy your vistas here!

#5602 The Wii U system hands on (Not the Controller)

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

That is an awesome find! Thanks for sharing! It is nice To see we get to see the back of the console now :) It seems like Nintendo never shows the other sides to consoles or handhelds until the bitter end of waiting, or we find it out from someone else, such as this. Anyway, nice find, and I am pretty sure he got his hands on the controller to because it seems to be in the picture above in the very left side you can see the ZL button. But anyway, nice find!

#5607 Mario Party 9

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:19 AM in General Gaming

I will get it if they pull something out that is really worth getting the game. Eventually, I probably would get it, but I will not waste my money on games people don't like in general. Just my opinion at this point in time

#5613 The Wii U does NOT stand upright! :O

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ok, so when I was reading another topic link on here I found some interesting news for some people! When a guy from Kotaku got his hands on the console and did a look around it, he saw these plastic things on the side of the system that he called "feet" for standing the console upright. But after the video, in the text below he put:

"There is an error in the video... I thought that the Wii U could be stood vertically, but the pieces of plastic I describe in the video as feet are not feet. The Wii U will not stand, not on its own. It needs to lie down."

So I guess we all have to set the system down this time! Haha, this may not be critical news, but is something Nintendo decided to change on their new console!

#5617 New member here!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:32 AM in Introduction Central

Hey drople! Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281, and it is awesome to meet you! Since you are new and not from the 3DS forums, I hope we get along and we get tl chat sometime in the following year of waiting! Enjoy your time on this forums, and I welcome you to our big happy family!!!!!

#5625 Hey there its Lachster from 3ds forums ;)

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:38 AM in Introduction Central

Hey lachster! Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281, also from the 3DS forums, and I am happy you decided to make the turn over to this site! Since I haven't really truly met you, I hope we have time to chat and meet during this long year of waiting! I welcome you to our big growing family, and I hope you enjoy your visits here!

#5635 The Wikipedia Game

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:44 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games










Done. I could've done Japan -> Nintendo -> Wii U, but it would kinda be cheating.

In my example I did Japan -> Nintendo -> Wii U! What is making that be cheating? That is perfectly fine! That is perfectly fair. So really you had 6 pages! Pretty good!

#5638 Most Anticpated Wii Game 2011

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:46 AM in General Gaming

For me, it is easily Zelda. I am a very big Zelda fan now, and I can't wait to actually get a good Zelda game for my Wii! I am also looking forward to the gold remote! So, I guess we now wait, and see what happens! Can't wait for this holiday season!

#5648 It's me Raj!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:53 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome Raj! I am camcam281, from the 3DS Forum, and it is awesome you decided to join us here! I hope to get to know you over the course of this long year of waiting, and I welcome you to this big happy family! Enjoy your visits, and also for the record......

I also thing Wii U is.....

FTW!!!!!!!! :)

#5653 Wii U Controller speculation (concept, possible applications)

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

In terms of the controller design, I think you are exactly correct. The controller design seems to be based around the center "tablet" screen, which seems very familiar to those who use the iDraw thing. I think this controller will also, as you said use Bluetooth, which means they could do many things with this device. In terms of the name, not mine or anyone's favorite it seems. I would have much rather have them name it the Nintendo or Nintendo stream. But other than that, I think the design is a good one, as long as they don't make any drastic changes (which Reggie said they won't)

#5659 Will the WiiU support DVD playback?

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

I honestly bet they will. Since ps3 already has that option of entertainment, Nintendo would have to do something to match up in that category. If not, they could be missing out. In terms of blue ray, maybe. I honestly don't know at the moment. Since Sony makes blu ray, I am not positive they would be up to contributing to a console that could in terms, make their device crumble in sales. So in other words, I honestly don't know what they are going to end up doing!

#5679 So, what 3DS games do you have preordered?

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:22 AM in General Gaming

I own ssf3D, nintendogs, splinter cell, and pilot wings. I currently have no games preordered because in my town, not very many people have a 3DS, probably 30-40 and I will be at my gamestop at door opening to get the game and come straight home, log it on to club Nintendo, than play it like crazy. But I have no games preordered. The only times I really preorder games is when there is a bonus that comes with it. But I may preorder kid Icarus and Mario kart closer to launch.

#5716 Hi

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:45 AM in Introduction Central

Hey! Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281, and I welcome you to our big happy family! I hope you enjoy your visits here!

#5719 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:49 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned you because you are from the 3Ds Buzz and not the 3Ds forums! And a double ban for waisting 5 seconds of my life!!!!!!!!

#5734 Banjo3dsie from 3ds forums is here.

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:56 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the new forums! Hope you enjoy your visits fellow 3DS Forums member!

#5739 Nintendo's official Wii U site is now up.

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah, dont think it will be up for a while. They are still focusing on the 3DS, so I don't think they want something to distract us from that.

#5745 Keiichi here...

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 08:01 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your visits to the forum and can't wait to get to know you! And I agree, Nintendo should live long!

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