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There have been 284 items by Camcam281 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#8811 How The Heck Do I Get Signature Logo?

Posted by Camcam281 on 18 June 2011 - 12:17 PM in Site News and Feedback

you simply make them! I make mine with Gimp2.6, but if you are not good at things like that, you can come to my Signature shop under Museum and order one! In other words, I will make it! thanks for asking!

Oh and another thing is, I made the signature below :P

#7717 A new evil

Posted by Camcam281 on 16 June 2011 - 11:32 AM in The Museum

That's a really good start! I really want to read the rest now :D my only suggestion is to add more descriptive/ describe his surroundings more. But other than that, an awesome start!

#12428 Waiting

Posted by Camcam281 on 05 July 2011 - 08:16 AM in The Museum

Really good poem as usual :D keep it up!!

#6443 Hey

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:10 PM in Introduction Central

Hey! Welcome to the forums! Don't know if you know me from the 3DS forums, but I am camcam281, and I can't wait to learn more about you! Hope you enjoy your visits herer over the next year of waiting! See you around! Enjoy yourself!

#4985 Hey everyone! I have arrived!

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:06 PM in Introduction Central

Hey guys! I have officially joined, and can't wait to have some fun! Can't wait to post, and hope I post more than the 3DS forums :P my goal before the Wii u comes out is 1,250 posts. Hopefully, I get that! But yeah, don't know what else to say so, hey!

#6452 Dream

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:30 PM in The Museum

You still never succeed in NOT amazing me! You have raw talent. Now, just mix these skills with your guitar knowledge, and learn how to sing and you could write and perform songs! I could see you on stage one day! Good luck and I hope your writing skills won't become just a dream! Keep on rocking them out!

#6773 Hello everyone

Posted by Camcam281 on 15 June 2011 - 04:26 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums! My name is camcam281 and I am from the 3DS forums! I welcome you to this new forum, and I can't wait to socialize with everyone including you! I hope you enjoy your visits here over the course of this next year, and I hope you have fun!

#7841 Hi, I'm new here.

Posted by Camcam281 on 16 June 2011 - 04:22 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums., I am camcam281 and I welcome you to our big happy family! Enjoy your visits here and I agree Nintendo rocks :D

#5752 Helllllloooooo!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 08:05 AM in Introduction Central

Yeah, you are probably the 700th person from the 3Ds forums to join! Haha, well I am camcam281, also from the 3DS forums. And I welcome you to the new forums! I hope you enjoy your visits! Welcome to the family.

#6323 Hey!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:30 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the new forums! I am camcam281 from the 3DS forums, and I hope you enjoy your visits here!

#5565 Hi, everyone!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:22 AM in Introduction Central

Hey fellow 3DS forum member! I am camcam281 from the 3Ds forums, I don't really think we ever has any time to talk or chat, but this new forum may be our chance! I hope to see you around in our year of waiting, and am happy to welcome you to our growing family! Enjoy your time here!

#5648 It's me Raj!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:53 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome Raj! I am camcam281, from the 3DS Forum, and it is awesome you decided to join us here! I hope to get to know you over the course of this long year of waiting, and I welcome you to this big happy family! Enjoy your visits, and also for the record......

I also thing Wii U is.....

FTW!!!!!!!! :)

#5504 I'm new:3

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:12 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums! You will soon be part of the family in no time, just interact and socialize and you will be fine! Enjoy your wait!

#5653 Wii U Controller speculation (concept, possible applications)

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

In terms of the controller design, I think you are exactly correct. The controller design seems to be based around the center "tablet" screen, which seems very familiar to those who use the iDraw thing. I think this controller will also, as you said use Bluetooth, which means they could do many things with this device. In terms of the name, not mine or anyone's favorite it seems. I would have much rather have them name it the Nintendo or Nintendo stream. But other than that, I think the design is a good one, as long as they don't make any drastic changes (which Reggie said they won't)

#8159 Tony Here!

Posted by Camcam281 on 17 June 2011 - 09:00 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281 and I hope you enjoy your visits and have fun!

#9464 Why hello

Posted by Camcam281 on 20 June 2011 - 03:06 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281 and I am a huge kid Icarus fan! Hope you enjoy your visits and have fun!

Oh and I also make awesome (IMO) signatures! If you want me to make you one, just go to the Museum and find my signature shop! (I made my signature below if you wanted to know)

#10719 Oh, for godsakes Nintendo...

Posted by Camcam281 on 24 June 2011 - 03:02 PM in General Gaming

It could be true

At this point, anything "could be true." Nintendo needs to come out and say SOMETHING about the new console before people explode from the 10,000 different rumors floating around the web. Let's just wait and see, and not make assumptions. Or in this case, not let a rumor mess with our head.

#5545 hi i am new to the forums

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:54 AM in Introduction Central

Hey there! I am also from your home destination, I don't know if you ever talked to me or we got to chat, but hey! I am camcam281, and I can't wait to welcome you to this new forum! As I don't really know you that much, I hope to learn more about you and can't wait to spend my wait with you! See you around!!

#6918 Coller23 is back baby!!!!

Posted by Camcam281 on 15 June 2011 - 08:00 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome coller! I am camcam281, also from the 3DS Forums! I welcome you to the new forums, and am happy you made the step over! I hope you enjoy your visits here and can't wait to spend the next year with everyone! Have fun!

#5734 Banjo3dsie from 3ds forums is here.

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:56 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the new forums! Hope you enjoy your visits fellow 3DS Forums member!

#6320 Im from the 3DS forems too

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:26 PM in Introduction Central

Hey! Welcome to the new forums! So glad you made the switch, and can't wait to get to know you! I am camcam281, and I am a fellow 3DS forum member! Hope you enjoy your visits here and can't wait to spend  this year of waiting with everyone!!!

#5716 Hi

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 07:45 AM in Introduction Central

Hey! Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281, and I welcome you to our big happy family! I hope you enjoy your visits here!

#6459 YO!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:40 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums! I am camcam281 and I welcome you here to this wonderful website! I hope you find yourself comfortable and enjoy your visits! Welcome to our family!!!!!

#5745 Keiichi here...

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 08:01 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your visits to the forum and can't wait to get to know you! And I agree, Nintendo should live long!

#5599 Howdy Fellow Gamers

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 06:09 AM in Introduction Central

Haha to start, this is a forum, but we all make mistakes and we get what you mean! Anyway, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!! I am camcam281 and I look forward to socializing with you and getting to know you a little better! I welcome you to the on growing family of ours, and I hope you enjoy your vistas here!

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