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#231004 Star Wars Pinball

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 05:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm a huge Star Wars fan but not only is this overpriced for a pinball game but pinball is pretty boring, imho. What we really need is a good Star Wars RPG, like KOTOR, in HD.

#231003 Thinking about selling my Wii U guys...

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 05:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No man just keep the WiiU. When you sell it you and those games you really want start getting closer and closer to their release dates you will be itching to sell that Playstation for a WiiU. I don't sell my games anymore because when I was younger I used to sell a lot and noticed I always bought them again not too far in the future because I missed them. Just stick it out and wait for Smash and Mario Kart, you most likely will not be disappointed and it will feel great having your hands on the game after waiting so long. Plus remember we have Super Mario 3D World coming out in a few months and Pikmin out next month. Oh and Wind Waker. I am sure these games can hold you over and once you start getting new and great games it will cure that need to get another system quick. I know exactly how you feel I have been like that many times but after I just held onto everything I have it helps. I started making collections for my systems instead of selling to get new games I was dying for. And that is a real satisfying feeling. So just hold out dude, you won't regret it.


I've definitely regretted selling many games when I was younger, games that are really hard to find now. Just build a good collection, it's a really satisfying feeling. And yeah, the Wii U doesn't have a lot going for it now, but neither won't the PS4. If I recall well, the PS3 struggled a lot for the first 2/3 years between solving some hardware issues and getting a decent game lineup. The Wii U is definitely going through that phase now and to fool ourselves into thinking the PS4 and Xbox One are somehow 'superior' to those issues is just silly.


Yeah, the PS4 looks good now but I bet it'll look even better in a couple years with a hardware revision and a more robust game lineup. Meanwhile, you get to enjoy your Wii U and all the amazing Nintendo exclusives that are coming this year and in 2014.

#231000 Target Assassins Creed 3 - $19.99

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 04:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't find it in every store but in my local GAME shop there's AC III for $25 and Darksiders for $20. But online you have better chances of finding these prices on a more regular basis, with even some special discounts, i.e. I found Sonic All Stars for $20.

#230995 Game & wario sold out

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 04:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah. here you can get them at grocery stores and gas stations. You might be able to find out, go to Visa and mastercard's (but mastercard gift cards are crappy so avoid if possible) websites and they should tell you if they're available and where.


Never saw them on sale in any store here but I'll definitely check it out, see if I can get them somewhere. Thanks for the tip!  ^_^

#230874 Game & wario sold out

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 05:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Does Portugal have gift Visas?


I don't think so, at least not that I've heard about. Are they some sort of prepaid credit cards?

#230823 Game & wario sold out

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 02:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Are you sure they are sold out as opposed to just not selling it? My local Game hasn't stocked any new wii U games since MH3. And supermarkets sell the sme 5 launch titles they have since the system launched.


I'm having the same problem in multiple shops where I live (Portugal). Most stores are selling launch titles only, with outdated (and inconsistent) prices. There's no where I can find Lego City, for example, and nowhere I can pre-order Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 or Wind Waker HD. And to top it all, Nintendo doesn't sell eShop cards in my country either.


So my only options are either asking for my mom's credit card, as I only own a debit card, to buy on the eShop or order things online.

#230753 Origin of your username

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 07:03 AM in The Café

Mine comes from one of my favorite fictional characters, Ivy Tamwood from the Hollows series. It's a pretty good series of books but the main character annoys more than anything, I only read them for Ivy  :P

#230752 Ratchet and Clank:Into the Nexus

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 07:00 AM in General Gaming

I've been playing Ratchet & Clank since the first game on the PS2 but to be honest the PS3 releases have been crap and this one seems so unnecessary imo. It feels pretty bland, more of the same... instead I'd rather them wait a little longer for a PS4 version.

#230751 Ubisoft, Watchdogs, and the Wii U....

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 06:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not preordering this game until I'm sure it lives up to the hype. It has an interesting concept, the gameplay demo looked great but that's not always meaning it'll be good. And it's a new IP, so... a lot of uncertainty there.


I'd really love to have a good Wii U version to buy, instead of having to buy the PS3 version if I actually like the game, because I certainly the PS4 this year.

#230744 Wii U Firmware Update 3.1.0 is live

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 06:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

Like I said on Miiverse, the next update could really use some notifications popups, like on the PS3/360... It's annoying because sometimes I'm messaging a friend or a friend comes online while I'm playing a game and I won't really know about it until I go on Miiverse myself.


Also, I really hope this "stability improvements" include less system freezes. I've been getting a few of those, especially when I'm using the web browser. Am I the only one? Also, sometimes it happens on Wii Mode, but less rarely there. Aaaand, probably unrelated to Wii U's software, but do you guys have trouble with connectivity with your Wiimotes? Mine disconnects every now in then.  <_<

#230536 Xbox One Is the New Sega Saturn?

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 01:12 PM in General Gaming

I think it won't go the same way. Video Games was Sega's entire business so the Saturn basically bankrupted them. Gaming accounts for only part of Microsoft's business, so they can afford to throw money at the One until it succeeds.


Microsoft has been making a lot of mistakes lately, i.e. Windows 8 and Windows Phone but unfortunately they're still rich enough that they can afford all these mistakes, even if the Xbox One comes out last in this next gen. And as much as I'd like to see M$ go down, the Xbox One will probably sell reasonably enough.

#230532 Miyamoto: Wii U Is Even Easier Than Previous Consoles To Develop For

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 01:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

These are certainly great news. I think it might also be easier because the hardware is pretty similar with the architecture of hardware that's been standard in the gaming industry for a few years now, and it certainly allows Nintendo to take more liberties, to push further and that must certainly make it easier for them. They just needed to get used to all the power they have on their hands now  :P

#230531 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 01:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Something they should have considered when discontinuing FE on Wii.  That game was going for $70 on ebay a couple years after release because it was gone from retail shelves.  The game could have sold for years but the plug was pulled far to quickly. 


Nintendo also needs to figure out a good way to market the Wii U to their 3DS userbase.  There is no reason that Nintendo shouldnt be able to strike a chord with the 30 million 3DS gamers out there.  So when a game like Fire Emblem does better than expected on the 3DS, then that should be an indication that the game might be something that could presuade 3DS gamers to buy a Wii U.  Its insane how well the 3DS is doing while the Wii U is barely staying afloat right now.  Why is nintendo unable to sell a Wii U to those who bought a 3DS?  The market should be theres for the taking. 




I've certainly done that: buying a console for a franchise that I'm a fan of in another system... and that new console ended up being one of my favorite gaming systems, and I invested on a lot more games for it.


Nintendo could really use the momento from FE's success on the 3DS to bring it to the Wii U and sell the console to 3DS owners.

#230528 Any fall Wii U titles to pre order?

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 12:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

How is Disney Infinity remotely comparable to Skylanders, though? Unless I have the whole concept of Skylanders down the wrong way, there's little to no similarity between the two games.

#230526 Dragon Quest X could see a western release

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 12:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Any Dragon Quest coming to the Wii U is more than welcome to me. But everyone seems to be afraid to release things on the Wii U, except if no big franchise takes the chance to bring a new game to attract the fans to the system, the Wii U won't sell more. Even if it doesn't profit right away, usually big franchises keep selling years down the console's life. And like it's mentioned on the article's comments, the Wii U is the only system this has a chance to sell on in a western market. No way it would sell as much as they want on the PS4/Xbox1 and I think FF XIV's success in the western market is a good proof that it won't sell on PC either.

#230491 Back of Pikmin 3's boxart reconfirms 1080p

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

For me, they could sell it at 480p and I'd still play it.

#230436 (UPDATED) Melee will be broadcasted (EVO 2K13)

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 12:54 AM in General Gaming

I just really hope Nintendo uses this opportunity now to hype the new Smash and at the same time advertise the Wii U.

#230434 Is Zombi U A Good Game?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 11:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I got the Premium Wii U ZombiU console bundle I wanted the game so much, safe to say I wasn't disappointed in it, very mixed feeling on the game but I'm with the people who really enjoyed it, I'd say rent it first, then decide what side of the fence to go to.


Or instead of renting, there's a demo on the eShop that gives a pretty good idea what game is all about. It certainly helped make my decision.

#230289 (UPDATED) Melee will be broadcasted (EVO 2K13)

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:56 PM in General Gaming

Is Nintendo serious now? In such a critical time, when they know they're hurting themselves with the lack of advertisement for the Wii U and their games, they prohibit broadcasting Smash? Do they know the new Smash is going to be a huge system seller or are they that oblivious at the moment?

#230285 Do you think people under rate Nintendo's exclusives?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:51 PM in General Gaming

Personally, I think that yeah, Nintendo games can be a little underrated outside the "Nintendo community", mostly because they're dismissed as "kiddy games" that have no interest to "hardcore gamers". They really don't know what they're missing out on.

#230273 Ubisoft – Zombie U “wasn’t even close to being profitable”

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well obviously ZombiU isn't going to sell as well as, say, NSMBU but that's to be expected just a little, right? I mean, not only most people who buy the Wii U mostly enjoy only Nintendo's first-party games (tbh that's my case) but survival horror is rarely a genre that gets as many sales as other genres, and considering this is a brand new IP, it's sort of to be expected. And I've played the demo and to be honest I wasn't that impressed with it. I was gonna buy it but I'm glad I tried the demo first. The gameplay feels bland, repetitive and I feel like they didn't try that hard with the environments, not to mention story-wise it's terribly boring and there's not even a likable character that you can get attached to because once you die, you start over with a completely new character. 

#230267 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Honestly this trend of 'we won't develop games because they won't sell' is getting a bit annoying. One of the reasons the Wii U isn't selling is exactly because it's lacking games. Sometimes we need to invest and take a risk and maybe the profit won't be there right away but I do believe that with the success FE: Awakening had on the 3DS, now would be a great time to try and bring new people to the Wii U, lure them with an amazing FE game and make them stay for all the other amazing Nintendo first-party exclusives.

#230255 EA: "Wii U is a Box that’s out of sync for EA’s online future"

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

The beauty is each community sticks with a particular game and you can access that community within the game instantly .... No searching for a thread or anything like that, and at some points in some games after an accomplishment, the systems asks if you want to post to Miiverse ... Its all fun and as you say, unexpected really. Now that the E3 community is gone I hope they put a general Nintendo community up so we can talk about things beyond particular games.

Hey IvyTamwood, I added you to my miiverse , add me as well if you like.


Yeah, there was a few posts in the E3 community (including my own) who expressed the wish for a general Nintendo community. I'd really love to see a community where we could talk about Wii games too.


(I'm adding you as soon as I turn on my Wii U :)

#230250 What is the saddest ending you ever seen in a movie?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:18 PM in The Café

Moulin Rouge and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (can't remember anything else but I'm a big crybaby usually)

#230247 Persona 5 Domain name registered by Atlus

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:16 PM in General Gaming

I get teary eyed at the mention of Shin Megami Tensei... I'd love to see this on the Wii U, I really don't want to have to buy a PS4 to play this but I might just do it.

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