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#235511 "Nintendo is going to be here in 100 years"

Posted by IvyT on 28 July 2013 - 06:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

In a world that's constantly changing and innovating, Nintendo seems to be the only one in the business to be bold, take the first and stand up to their beliefs (yeah, Microsoft and the Xbox 180 ordeal only show that they can't do the same) and I honestly believe that's what'll make them stick around for much longer than most companies that they're competing against now.


Nintendo is a legendary company with a very impressive legacy, they have withstood a lot of hardships but they always stood strong. Their products have changed lives, products that have been with us for generations, and they keep uniting families and friends. Just thinking of how I got into Mario games because of my dad and my aunt and now I can play NSMBU with my little brother, my mother and my grandfather goes to show the power of Nintendo's products.

#235334 New Zelda U Rumours

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow did Nintendo get inside my head and found out all the stuff I wanted from a Zelda game?


Is this a dream??? I can't believe this, if this is true, this might be one of the best, if not the best, Zelda game ever.

#235235 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 10:14 AM in The Café



Finally! I've been wanting to get my hands on these two games for a while now!

#235233 12-year-old girl caught writing bad checks for $3,440 worth of candy.

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 10:11 AM in The Café

I just think it's really admirable how passionate she is for candy. 

#235175 What would you prefer for Earthbound? SNES port or a remake for Wii U?

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 05:44 AM in General Gaming

I think with them putting the game on VC, a HD remake is definitely out of question in the foreseeable future.

#235174 The Wonderful 101 is a 10GB Download

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well the reviews are saying Pikmin 3 is a short game, so the download size is reasonable. 10Gb might mean W101 has more content and more areas to explore, etc.

#235090 The Wonderful 101 is a 10GB Download

Posted by IvyT on 26 July 2013 - 04:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow, didn't expect it to be much bigger than pikmin 3. Wasn't it around 3-4 gig?


Wait, so how big is the Pikmin 3 download? I was assuming both titles to be around 15GB, actually.

#235089 Prices on Amazon for Wii U games are dropping fast....

Posted by IvyT on 26 July 2013 - 04:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I feel like these lazy ports should've never even been sold at $60 price. Most of them were over a year old already when they were released on the Wii U. They would've probably sold more too if they cost around $40. I know that I'd have bought one already if they weren't still so outrageously expensive for a game that I can buy for my PS3 for $20.

#234831 Wii U Has Sold 1 Million Units in Japan

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 01:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think it's very good considering the current games library. Also, reminder that Japan is a smaller market than NA and EU.

#234830 Does anyone have experince with the 3 in 1 Wii/U controller

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 01:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

The design just looks terrible. How is that even comfortable to play on? I think there are others, that look like the Pro controller, that are actually both the Classic and Pro controller.

#234829 Look what came in the mail today :DDD

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 01:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That's right, 1 month before the NA's release! We're also getting The Wonderful 101 earlier and we already got Mario and Luigi: Dream Team. Seeing a trend here...

 Europe does need some love from Nintendo, considering we get less events, less features, generally higher prices, etc.


So I just started pikmin up when a nice big preparing update screen comes up :/ hurry up


Oh, that sucks. Is it over 1GB?

#234827 Call of Duty Ghosts OFFICIALLY COMING TO WIIU!

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 01:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't understand everyone's obsession with getting DLC though. I mean, for me, DLC are just a pain; most of those things could've been easily included in the game, most are seriously overprice and 4/5 DLC's add little to no content (the only DLC's I ever bothered getting were for Mass Effect, that actually added more to the story).

#234721 Pikmin 3 download code for £35 at Game

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I ordered mine from Shop To for £32.86 but PC World has it for even less at 29.99.



Hmm if they ship it to my country I'll maybe order it from here instead of just going to my local store where I'm sure they'll be charging me at least 50€ (~$60)

#234717 Call of Duty Ghosts OFFICIALLY COMING TO WIIU!

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This is good, maybe people will stop complaining about "not enough third-party support" or "not enough hardcore games".

#234710 Pikmin 3 download code for £35 at Game

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 09:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I paid less then that for a physical retail copy online and I rather have that then a digital one that is tied to my console and not my user account.


Where did you order yours from, if you don't mind me asking?

#234709 Any Final Fantasy Fans Here?

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 09:08 AM in General Gaming



Final Fantasy was one of the first franchises that got me into gaming. To be honest I loved X (and even XII a little, despite people criticizing it). XIII wasn't as bad as most claim it to be but I have to admit though, every time SE tries to do sequels they screw it up big time. X-2 and XIII-2 are a total mess.

#234656 Nintendo is apparently making many upcoming Wii U games with female characters?

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 05:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes for more girl power in games! I'd definitely love to see a Zelda game where we can actually play with Zelda :P If not only for a few levels or maybe some type of co-op mode with one player as Link and the other as Zelda... it could give a whole new twist to puzzles in dungeons.

#234653 Look what came in the mail today :DDD

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 05:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ordering games online is the way to go, I got my copy of The Last of Us a whole week before the release day.

#234558 MS pulls another 180, indie's can now self publish on X1

Posted by IvyT on 24 July 2013 - 03:28 PM in General Gaming

Good for them but they lost a customer for life where I'm concerned. This not only shows poor decision making but also lack of confidence and worst... if they can reverse all these policies now, who's to say in a few years they won't reverse them again? They were so confident that digital was the way to go, doing a complete 180 about ALL their stances on everything just makes them look like fools to me. And yeah, maybe Nintendo does make some poor decisions in some fields, but at least their consistent about their beliefs and stances.

#234298 Best Buy Wii U Pro Controller Deal $25

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 02:17 PM in Wii U Hardware


Thanks! These are pretty awesome since they seem to double as both the Pro controller for Wii u games and the classic controller for wii games. Perfect! :)

#234166 im still loving the 3ds :)

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 08:49 AM in General Gaming

Awh that sucks man. I sold my GBA (huge mistake) to get a DSi and then sold my DSi to get a 3DS (best outcome so far). I still wish I had my GBA and my games though.  :mellow:


Pft doesn't get any worse than my story... I didn't sell my GBA: my brother lost it, along with all the games I had for it. I got so traumatized I only bought a portable console again by the time the DSi XL was out. If I had known, I would've waited for the 3DS.

#234165 Who is your favorite RPG character?

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 08:47 AM in General Gaming

Having played so many RPG game this one is a tough question... From the top of my head, I think Fang from FF XIII and Liara from Mass Effect are my all-time favorites.

#234159 im still loving the 3ds :)

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 08:35 AM in General Gaming

You really need to buy a 3DS, bro. There are several games on the 3DS that are must-haves. Plus the ones releasing this fall (Pokemon, Mario Party, etc.)!

The Euros and Japanese are lucky they already have Dream Team, us Americans are still waiting. :(


I know but I just bought my Wii U at the beginning of this month so I'm kinda broke right now :P And I really don't wanna sell my DSi but maybe that's the only way I could get a few extra bucks to get a 3DS :(

#234155 im still loving the 3ds :)

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 08:29 AM in General Gaming

Man, Dream Team is yet another game that makes me weep for not having a 3DS yet. I'll just keep playing Partners in Time and Bowser's Inside Story on my DSi then :P

#234154 Hey Euros! Buy Pikmin 3 on the eshop and get 30% off on The Wonderful 101

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 08:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just connected two 32gb USB sticks to it. Works wonderful.


Yeah but my complaint is, I shouldn't be expected to buy extra storage to a device that already costs over $300. And since the console only comes with 25GB free storage, Nintendo shouldn't expect their customers to strongly adhere to digital downloads of full retail games.

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