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There have been 6 items by ShyGuy (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#133101 Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

Posted by ShyGuy on 19 November 2012 - 01:26 AM in General Gaming

Hey everyone my Nintendo Network ID is HarveyLopez Add me

#133124 Wii U got problems?

Posted by ShyGuy on 19 November 2012 - 02:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah, I'm sending them the console tommorow morning, and they'll either fix it, or send me a new one by Friday. The only good thing is its free of charge :D

Sounds great! It's great to see Nintendo being very nice to their loyal fans! Let me know when you get it so we can swap Nintendo Network ID's.

#133112 Wii U got problems?

Posted by ShyGuy on 19 November 2012 - 01:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

My power went out during the update, and it bricked. :(

That's horrible!! The update took me over 2 and half hours and I was afraid something would of happened in between the update. Did you contact Nintendo??

#133111 Bricked :/

Posted by ShyGuy on 19 November 2012 - 01:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

That really sucks! I was also reading online about several other people going through similar situations. I really hope you get yours fixed soon. When I've called Nintendo they have been very helpful and nice. Best of luck!

#133109 Zombi u Destructiond review

Posted by ShyGuy on 19 November 2012 - 01:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just got the game and I havent opened it. I'm not sure if I should. I'm a huge fan of zombies so I might just stick with it. I don't really like listening to what other review site say but the fact that ammo is limited is kind of a let down. Although it does seem that it would go against Zombi U's survival tag line. It's trying to really be a survival game and it wouldn't be if ammo was readliy available at all times. I mighr just keep it but I'm not sure yet.

#133106 Hello!

Posted by ShyGuy on 19 November 2012 - 01:33 AM in Introduction Central

I just bought the deluxe to, first one to get it at my best buy at midnight. There was at least 35 people in line.So far it seems promising. I really disliked the 3 hours it took to update everything. It was pretty tedious. I havent played to much seeing that it took forever and it was getting late. Anyway my Nintendo Network ID is HarveyLopez Let me know if you add me.

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