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#54577 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

@ GeneralCraezy, Haha :P That would be sick.
But we can hope ofcourse.. hehe

I think the WiiU will be around, €400.
The original Wii was €250, and the Wii was printing money. They learned from the 3DS, but they will take their chances at the Wii brand.
So than for being a powerfull console, let's add €100 shamelessly for being already late to the HD party.
Then add €50 for the WiiU controller. And let's add some free demo games, so people won't be to chocked by the price.

It also could be 350, that would be a really nice price.
But afaik, Xbox 360 and PS3 did also start at at least the price of €400 here in Europe.

#54574 Known facts

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

The Paranoma demo did have a lot of frame drops afaik.
I really hope the Wii U can compete the 720 and ps4(Which is gonna be the 8th cell in the ps3 ?)

But I don't think we can go much beyond the graphics of the Zelda WiiU Demo.. So if Nintendo can really make a game looking like that without any lag or so.
That would be good. As to top that, like 720 and ps4 want to do, their console would be really expensive.

Btw, can we use the WiiU controller as a Tablet?
I think we can, as you don't have to turn on the WiiU self to use if. Which is awesome.

Like as in that WiiUfit trailer, you just took your balance board, connected it with the WiiU controller. BAM, your weight is measured. :)

#54583 PlayStation 4 will probably be alot stronger then the Wii U and Xbox 720

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Um they never said that. They said they want to support PS3 until 2016. That doesn't mean they wont release the PS4 until 2016. It will be like PS2 and PS3 where PS2 was supporting even after the PS3 launched.

True this, I forgot to think like that..

But there is some speculating about the 8th cell processor in the PS3.
Would it really make the PS3 so much more powerful to be a nextgen console.
Everyone would be mind blown, maybe you'd need to pay a little for the update to unlock it, but no need to buy a new console? That would be to awesome to be realistic.

Or it'd unlock a semi PS4 mode, like only the launch PS4 games which ain't running at the fullest power of the PS4, or just at low graphic performance..
But still that'd be way to unrealistic.

#54642 Wii U Controller: Modeled and rendered by Hinkik

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 02:38 PM in The Museum

Nice job!

Hmm.. once WiiU controller replacment casings are in the market, we could make some nice Portable Retro consoles from it. :P

#54584 What should Nintendo name the Wii U usernames?

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well unless they for some reason couldn't add Tags to the 3DS online play..
The WiiU is also just gonna use Friendcode I guess..

#54572 I want clothes for my Miis

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I would like to see some kind of "Home" like for the PS3.
Then making the Mii Plaza a real place with online social activity's and minigames to unlock clothes etc.

That would be awesome.

The 3DS should be also capable of that with a update or so I think..

#54570 What launch titles will you pick up with your Wii U?

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm getting really excited for the WiiU, I'm gonna pick up Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Pikmin. I will also pickup Darksiders 2.
I don't know about much other titels, but I can imagine that there is a lot of build in stuff, probably also including some kind of AR? (All though, the WiiU remote only has Front camera.. but maybe they will change it later)

#54579 Wii UHardware Performance - Thoughts

Posted by Adr990 on 15 January 2012 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

The WiiU must be quite powerful without being able to ever show it really.
As the WiiU controller is asking for a stream all the time, this is quite a performance already, looking at the graphics etc.

I just hope Nintendo will go with at least 50GB of disc space.
Or at least let their selfs being able to go above the 25GB of space they told us to have,

Recent big titles really needed it.

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