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#300540 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 17 October 2014 - 12:58 AM in Wii U News

Goodtwin posted:


Sorry, but no.  Pointing to the good looking Nintendo first party games only prove Nintendo has talented artist and programmers.  The HD5550 can run Batman Arkham City in 1080p native, and hold a framerate well above 30 fps.  Wii U struggled to run it at 30fps in 720p native.  I dont argue that these ports werent properly optimized for Wii U, but PC games arent optimized either.  A PC with the same specs as a console should never outclass it.  Ignoring game performance, some pretty educated people wete able to actually count the registers, and there were only enough for 160 spu's.  So the two scenarios we have is that either Wii U's GPU is a close match to the HD6450, even power draw supports this, or its close to the HD5550 but for some reason severely underperforms.  The HD5550 can run ever single multi plat far better on PC than the Wii U runs them.  It would actually support the idea of incompetance if Nintendo built a console that is less than the sum of its parts.  


I posted:


We will just have to agree to disagree as many have already proven (check the links) that the Wii U GPU has 320 SPU's.http://www.techpower.../wii-u-gpu.html   http://www.eurogamer...inally-revealed . Only a few crackpots according to some in Gaf, Eurogamer, Beyond 3D, VGC are undercounting the SPU's for their demented pleasure; and believe that the SPUs are 160 Anyways, I'll stick to what I see instead of all that technical jargon which in the end of the day means null to enjoying beatiful Nintendo software.

#300492 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 15 October 2014 - 11:47 PM in Wii U News

Im not sure if your saying its not that big of a deal, or trying to say that the Wii U doesnt have a 160 SPU GPU?  Its been pretty well proven that the 160 SPU theory is more than likely accurate.  All you need to do is look at the AMD HD6450, a 160spu GPU with 8 texture units and 4 rops (Wii U's GPU supposedly has 8 ROPS), but overall is very close to the Wii U's suggested specs, and as you can see from testing done, it can outclass the 360/PS3, and thats in the PC environment.  Take a look at this if your skeptical.




People, and I am no exception got to hung up on the "flops" performance of the GPU.  The majority of developers gave positive reaction to the GPU and memory, it was the CPU that gave them some fits.  Time constraints and cruddy dev kits and support from Nintendo is what caused the underwhelming performance with the early ports, and then the low sales of Wii U resulted in publishers devoting very little resources to the Wii U ports.  Imagine if all the early ports had been as good as Need For Speed MW and Bayonetta, the perception of Wii U might be a bit different throughout the industry.


This is a much better source for the Wii U's Latte GPU:  http://www.techpower.../wii-u-gpu.html showing that it is indeed a step up from the very capable Xenos GPU http://www.techpower...-360-gpu.html.  The Latte is most probably derieved from the Evergreen GPU 5550 that was released nearly 3 years before the Latte went into production and not an AMD HD 4xxx because of power consumption and the Latte showing the capablity for DX11 equivalent effects. http://www.cinemable...ii-U-58370.html http://www.nintengen...-wii-u-gpu.html http://www.cinemable...hics-47126.html

Anyways here is a few more things that might help enlighten about the possible Wii U GPU:





The Wii U GPU is most definitely not in the same area code in terms of raw power compared to PS4/X1 but it is still a very capable GPU. It along with Nintendo's artistic style is going to be enough to create some of the most beautiful looking games this generation.


#300491 Media Create Sales Oct 6-12th Week 41 - WOW Monster Hunter / New 3DS

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 15 October 2014 - 10:59 PM in General Gaming

Home console sales overall are low across the board not just Wii u although I agree a monster hunter exclusive could help. Perhaps not a port of the latest but something built from the ground up.

A animal crossing could help too among the others mentioned by dark.


Yeah what worries me is that the Wii U is with 3 AAA software + MK8 is basically neck and neck with a PS4 that doesn't have any relevant software on it's library.  I could easily imagine them taking Japan with just the release of FF15, KH, a Tales game or equivalent.  Thank goodness KH looks to be at least a good 12-15 months away before releasing!!!  With the current situation in Japan, only Nintendo faithful will really support the system even if Smash comes out!!!  It would really take a major coup like a Tales exclusive along with a combo of FE vs SMT, Pokemon and yes Animal Crossing to turn the tide at this point!!!

#300478 Media Create Sales Oct 6-12th Week 41 - WOW Monster Hunter / New 3DS

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 15 October 2014 - 03:49 PM in General Gaming

Wii U depressingly low despite three  major AAA software releases in Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors and Fatal Frame!!! At this point Nintendo needs to really refocus their energies towards the west as Japan seems to be a lost cause.  The only way the can resesuciate the Wii U there is by releasing MH4G for the console after releasing Smash this holiday; then releasing a Pokemon title and then maybe the next DQ (most likely will go to PS4 than Wii U).  I do think they really need to get a major software release right after Smash to keep the Wii U alive in Japan!!!  Where is FE vs SMT, why is there no sequel to Last Story, where is a console Pokemon game and why haven't Nintendo offered to fund other AAA JRPG's like Tales or DQ to gain exclusives for it in Japan. Nintendo of Japan's decisions have been very defensive as of late and needs to really up their game.

#299752 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 04 October 2014 - 03:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I mean ZombieU sure isn't going to win awards in visuals but it ain't that far from many PS3/360 top tier First Person games.










Dead Space 3dead-space-3-pc-ps3-xbox-360-screenshots

Sonic Lost World really has some nice moments with the level design.






The Wiii U has plenty under the hood for what Nintendo needs. 

#299750 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 04 October 2014 - 03:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think Zombi U at first got a bad rap because the game looks ok and not spectacular. (time restraints and budget had a lot to do with it) The game has amazing gameplay, there are some times I thought the character models could have been better but some of the scenery.. and again that Wii U lighting helps capture the mood perfectly.





Yeah despite the time constraints and lower budget (Ubisoft is unicorn tongueing that this hasn't made a profit) it turned out to be a decent/good game comparable to some mid-late gen games on the Xbox 360!!!

#299748 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 04 October 2014 - 03:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I always thought Nintendo Land looks amazing. Especially the lighting... love when the train takes off into the air. It looks stunning. Zelda mini game looks great


I agree simple yet pleasing!!!!

Damn...the Wii U has some beautiful games!!!

I highly recommend reviving this thread here. It is a screen shot thread with some spoilers.




Cool...I'll look into it!!!

#299746 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 04 October 2014 - 03:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

@sorceror12 agreed despite the supposed superiority in specs of other current gen consoles; Nintendo's artistic style and finally being in HD really makes for beautiful games!!!


#299744 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 04 October 2014 - 03:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

more gorgeous Wii U screens from the little console that could:



#299742 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 04 October 2014 - 02:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

After playing wind waker HD, I don't understand why people still hates cell-shaded Zelda game. It might not be best, but it is still not a bad decision


I actually think this will age better screenshot1.jpg


than this:



which to me would have aged better than these:


#299738 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 03 October 2014 - 11:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have about 2 dozen Wii U games ranging from the fun and simple NintendoLand to the gorgeous looking Rayman Legends.  I know graphics is only a small part of what makes a great game but it is still important.  What do you think is the best looking WIi U game out at the moment? After debating between the likes of Trine 2, NanoAssault Neo, Rayman Legends, MK8, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World

I give the nod to a remaster of a nearly perfect game that is the LoZ:WWHD:




Can't wait for the "NEW" cel-shaded Zelda coming out next year!!! It'll be a classic!

#299737 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 03 October 2014 - 11:36 PM in Wii U News

Let just enjoy Wii U for what it is. We just need gameplay now. Let's stop with the crazy need to try and prove Wii U is not underpowered. Mainstream gaming has made up their mind on what Wii U is.


AMEN!!! The Wii U is fine for what it is...Nintendo games in full HD resolution!!! Let the fools still thing that the Wii U has "only 160 SPU"  and has less GFLOPS than the X360. The trolls will never see how good of a system it really is.  I for one have been enjoying Mario 3D World, MK8, W101, Pikmin 3, ZombieU (yes ZombieU), Child of Light, Rayman Legends, Trine 2 etc.  I am looking forward to picking up Bayo 2 , Hyrule Warriors, Smash, and Captain Toad.

#299736 FFXV Trailer does it's best Xenoblade impression

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 03 October 2014 - 11:29 PM in General Gaming

Grandia series perfected Turn Based. FFIV took it to ATB. CT polished it. Grandia revitalized and perfected it.




Last Grandia game I played was for the Dreamcast!!!  Man I loved that system...just like the Wii U the console is much loved by the few who own them!!!

#299643 Wii U troll pwned by Kamiya

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 02 October 2014 - 02:32 PM in Wii U News




lol...excatly dude got destroyed!!!

#299642 Media Create Sales: 9/15/14 – 9/21/14...Bayo2 sales solid but not great!

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 02 October 2014 - 02:31 PM in Wii U News

I have an update on sales...not looking good for Bayo2 reaching 100K before the end of 2014!!! :(

#299639 Media Create 09/22-09/28/2014 Fatal Frame FW sales less than Bayo2.

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 02 October 2014 - 02:28 PM in Wii U News

The Good:

  • Nintendo hardware sold the best out of their respective categories.
  • Another dominant showing of the 3DS despite a new version coming
  • Smash 3DS is a smashing success.
  • Fatal Frame a decent FW compared to the other series.
  • Bayonetta 2 in the top 20 still
  • Fatal Frame causing a 20% bump in Wii U hardware

The Bad


  • Bayonetta 2 fails to sell out of it's inital stock. (~81% sell through on 2nd week though)
  • Fatal Frame sold below Bayo2's FW sales
  • The 3 games that was suppose to increase Wii U sales consistently above 10K units (Hyrule Warriors, Bayo2, and FF) were negligible leaving only Smash this holiday to pick up the slack.
  • Bayo 2 will struggle to reach 100K units by the end of 2014 in Japan.


Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)

  1. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo, 09/13/14) – 109,811 (1,375,818)
  2. [PSV] The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II (Falcom, 09/25/14) – 86,283 (New)
  3. [PSV] Danganronpa: Another Episode (Spike Chunsoft, 09/25/14) – 70,596 (New)
  4. [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke (Level-5, 07/10/14) – 66,487 (2,592,433)
  5. [PS3] The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II (Falcom, 09/25/14) – 65,498 (New)
  6. [3DS] Haikyuu!! Tsunage! Itadaki no Keshiki!! (Bandai Namco, 09/25/14) – 43,839 (New)
  7. [Wii U] Fatal Frame: Oracle of the Sodden Raven (Nintendo, 09/27/14) – 27,505 (New)
  8. [PSV] Dungeon Travelers 2 (AquaPlus, 09/25/14) – 16,460 (New)
  9. [PS3] Destiny (SCE, 09/11/14) – 12,095 (79,990)
  10. [PSP] Kiniro no Corda 3: Another Sky feat. Amane Gakuen (Koei Tecmo, 09/25/14) – 11,005 (New)
  11. [3DS] Dragon Quest X Online (Square Enix, 09/04/14) – 7,150 (96,449)
  12. [Wii U] Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo, 09/20/14) – 6,970 (45,797)
  13. [PS4] Destiny (SCE, 09/11/14) – 6,481 (110,772)
  14. [PSV] Toukiden Kiwami (Koei Tecmo, 08/28/14) – 6,220 (135,476)
  15. [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 5,936 (678,250)
  16. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (Bandai Namco, 09/11/14) – 5,628 (55,197)
  17. [PS3] The Awakened Fate Ultimatum (NIS, 09/25/14) – 5,561 (New)
  18. [PSV] Bakumatsu Rock: Ultra Soul (Marvelous, 09/25/14) – 5,551 (New)
  19. [3DS] Yoshi’s New Island (Nintendo, 07/24/14) – 4,342 (188,390)
  20. [3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) – 4,082 (1,278,378)

Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)

  1. 3DS LL – 22,988 (35,622)
  2. PlayStation Vita – 15,739 (11,148)
  3. Wii U – 9,950 (8,396)
  4. PlayStation 4 – 8,033 (8,939)
  5. 3DS – 7,451 (7,970)
  6. PlayStation 3 – 6,026 (6,078)
  7. Xbox One – 1,113 (1,314)
  8. PlayStation Vita TV – 977 (704)
  9. Xbox 360 – 143 (103)
  10. PSP – 102 (99)

Thanks, 4Gamer.net.

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2...cF0HmQjRfH6X.99


#299634 Wii U troll pwned by Kamiya

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 02 October 2014 - 02:07 PM in Wii U News

Hella funny, Kamiya tired of trying to explain that Bayonetta 2 will never come to PS4/XB1 pwns a Wii U troll.  The troll asks Kamiya if he is dissapointed developing Bayo2 for such a weak system.  Kamiya responds to the troll, asking if his mom was dissapointed in his inferior son!!!  Ouch!!! Kamiya destroyed that troll online!!! Only thing is...Wii U trolls seem to be in full defense calling him a jerk.  If someones gonna be an @$$ expect to be disrespected in my opinion. BTW here's the link: https://twitter.com/...779146286436352


So what do you think well deserved or did Kamiya go a little over the top embarassing this nice young man? :laugh:


#299399 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 29 September 2014 - 12:51 PM in Wii U News

Confirmed that this nice looking game is running at 720p @ 60fps, a nice thing to know; and shows that the Wii U MosDef has some muscle.


#299285 Which games should Nintendo fund to add software to the Wii U.

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 26 September 2014 - 12:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

As much as I love Eternal darkness, I believe Nintendo made the right decision not to take on dyacks new group. Just read up on dyack and the unreliable money pit hes become since Silicon knights left the Nintndo partnership. Just look up what he did to xmen destiny... The guy has completely confirmed himself as a bad investment.

On the bright side, Nintendo are the ones who own the eternal darkness IP, they can make a new game with any team they deem worthy.


Yeah I've heard of Dyack's a financial liability and do agree to a certain level regarding Precursor Games.  Also the fact that they are using CryEngine instead of Unity (seems to be Nintendo's preferred engine) might have complications as Nintendo seems to have a deal with the latter.  I do hope that Precursor sells some of the finished assets (scripts, artwork, code etc) to Nintendo, so maybe a team like Retro could finish the game with polish without going over budget.  The premise to Shadow of the Eternals is intriguing enough to be a worthy of being a true sequel to Eternal Darkness!

#299282 Media Create Sales: 9/15/14 – 9/21/14...Bayo2 sales solid but not great!

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 26 September 2014 - 12:19 PM in Wii U News

Ouch at bayo 2 numbers being half of bayo 1's on the 360, despite the wii u having a larger install base... WHy has japan stopped buying great games?

At least its better than what they did to the wonderful 101.



Bayo2 's sales may not be stellar, but solid enough to sell through 67% of it's intial shipment of 56K units.  http://www.siliconer...-its-shipment/  . Surely, it must be witihin Nintendo's expectations already for Japan. As for the X360 sales, it had a 5 days to sell vs 2 days for the Wii U. The game should sell through it's initial shipment by next MC numbers if not more (I expect it to sell 15-17K units on it's second week bringing a total to 54K-56K not counting digital sales).  I also think the game sold decently with digital if it is selling for a lower cost than retail couterpart due to the omission of the 1st Bayonetta.  The real test if this game is a flop or not is not Japan but the West.  If it fails to sell at least 100K units(a travesty) for October NPD it would mean Nintendo/Platinum has a stinker (in sales) on it's hands!!! Again, I predict the game should sold at least 100K by the end of the year in Japan, ~250-300K for NPD's end of the year numbers, and 150K in European territores by the conclusion of the holidays.  So 3Dude what do you predict the numbers are going to be for all regions?

#299198 FAST RACING NEO... first screenshots!

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 25 September 2014 - 11:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software



It's part of a dlc pack coming out . 


wow...I ordered both packs not even knowing it had it!!! Anyways, FRN would make a proper sequel for F-Zero!!!  I hope Nintendo somehow wakes up and funds these quality games.  I agree with the w101 and Bayo2 funding but I have doubts about D3rd and think they missed an opportunity with Shadow of the Eternals.

#299197 Which games should Nintendo fund to add software to the Wii U.

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 25 September 2014 - 11:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Recently Nintendo has been funding various studios to add new IP's (in the case of Bayo2 co-owning) to their stable of games for the Wii U.  A few examples of these are Devil's 3rd, Wonderful101, and the critically acclaimed Bayo2.  Which other games should Nintendo fund in order to gain more software and more importantly new IPs for the Wii U?  I personally liked Shadow of the Eternals; despite it's early stages it looked like it could have been a good sequel to Eternal Darkness.  It had nice visuals and the story was at least intriguing.  What do you guys think any other ones Nintendo should have picked up?


#299195 FAST RACING NEO... first screenshots!

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 25 September 2014 - 11:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It does look amazing... the amount of detail in the environments shown thus far for a racing game is pretty amazing. 60fps too. I am excited for the fzero course in Mk8. 



There's an F course in MK8? :blink:   Anyways, this would make a great farmed out F0 for Nintendo if they do choose to release the game on the Wii U.  In fact, SoE was a good ED sequel which I was surprised that Nintendo didn't fund to make a sequel.

#299194 Bayonetta 2-First Print Edition Sold Out

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 25 September 2014 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm hoping this is a good sign on what sales will be like for Bayo2 for the region.  It'll be considered a success if Bayo2 sells ~100K units for the month in the EU alone.

#299193 Hajime Tabata wants to make Final Fantasy XV "more casual, one button act...

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 25 September 2014 - 11:24 AM in General Gaming

I said it before SE is now a shell of it's former self after Sakaguchi left the company!!!

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