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There have been 2 items by Kitatus Studios (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#270818 Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army [KICKSTARTER] (INDIE)

Posted by Kitatus Studios on 06 February 2014 - 11:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army is a 3D Collecathon platformer, designed as a love-letter for fans of classic N64 platformers such as Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64.
Planned for release in the Summer, We're creating Distro Horizons for Ouya, PC, Mac, Linux and Wii U!
Taking place over 9 different dimensions, Distro Horizons will have you travelling to many bizarre and unique dimensions in your quest to put a stop to Galaximo's evil schemes! You'll be traveling to jungle dimensions, haunted dimensions, video-game dimensions and many, many more!
We've just been accepted on Desura and are currently in talks with Nintendo & GoG. We're actievely developing for Ouya too, but we need your help! Distro won't be able to live without your help, so be sure to check out our Kickstarter and help give Distro a heart-beat!
So I hope you can check-out the Kickstarter, and hopefully you guys 'n galls are looking forward to Distro as much as we are.
The link to the Kickstarter is HERE: http://kck.st/1i5jonC
You can always email us too: contact@kitatusstudios.co.uk
Or talk to us on Twitter!
If you share the project on Twitter and want us to retweet - @ us! @kitatus_studios
Thanks for reading guys 'n galls,
- Ryan S, Project Lead


#270816 Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army [KICKSTARTER] (INDIE)

Posted by Kitatus Studios on 06 February 2014 - 11:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hey guys 'n galls,
Here's a little piece about our attempt at bringing the 3D collectathon genre back!
Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army is a 3D Collecathon platformer, designed as a love-letter for fans of classic N64 platformers such as Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64.
Planned for release in the Summer, We're creating Distro Horizons for Ouya, PC, Mac, Linux and Wii U!
Taking place over 9 different dimensions, Distro Horizons will have you travelling to many bizarre and unique dimensions in your quest to put a stop to Galaximo's evil schemes! You'll be traveling to jungle dimensions, haunted dimensions, video-game dimensions and many, many more!
We've just been accepted on Desura and are currently in talks with Nintendo & GoG. We're actievely developing for Ouya too, but we need your help! Distro won't be able to live without your help, so be sure to check out our Kickstarter and help give Distro a heart-beat!
So I hope you can check-out the Kickstarter, and hopefully you guys 'n galls are looking forward to Distro as much as we are.
The link to the Kickstarter is HERE: http://kck.st/1i5jonC
You can always email us too: contact@kitatusstudios.co.uk
Or talk to us on Twitter!
If you share the project on Twitter and want us to retweet - @ us! @kitatus_studios
Thanks for reading guys 'n galls,
- Ryan S, Project Lead


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