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#309929 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 11:23 AM in General Gaming

honestly no its not.


think about how many people have dvd players or blu ray player. Why would you need your system to also play it.

In all of my life i have only play 1 movie on a system. It was long time ago i play a DVD on a ps2. Then i got a dvd player when i started to get more movies.

Got a blu ray player when i upgraded from then. I was never into wanting a system to play movies. Its meant for games.


Lol that is exactly the same for myself too. DVD with PS2 was a big deal. I still don't have a Bluray player though so I would've welcomed it.

#309927 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 10:47 AM in General Gaming

Fiora has made major improvements to the recompiler, making the emulation base line far more effecient, and she has also reverse engineered a lot of missing instructions, the lack of which would result to resorting to the snail speed cpu interpreter, killing performance. Shes also concentrated on games which use extremely rare instructions, greatly improving their performance and fixing many unplayable games. Particularly one game shes (Obviously) A huge fan of: Xenoblade chronicles. She also helped fix the rounding problem of floating point multiply and multiply add, fixing the physics in most all games, and fixing the ghost playback features. Kids a right busy bee, and a real smartie.

Pretty much an average rig now should be able to run xenoblade at full framrate, 1080p, with the enhanced textures, AA, and with no sound problems.


Well it sounds like an impressive list of improvements! Although I'm curious what the physics was like before? I assume rounding errors don't cause that big a problem with physics anyway. Although I have no idea how physics engines work. Something to do with numerical integration estimates I'm guessing.

#309923 Sonic may continue for consoles

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:40 AM in General Gaming

I don't think they know how anymore...


They could start by watching Jim Sterling's video on the subject where he points out what should be obvious: that whenever they've found good approaches to gameplay, they've immediately abandoned them for future games.

Another one would be not to loan your main franchise out to random third parties.

They should just make Generations 2 and people will pay attention again. Granted, it is a hard game to get working in three dimensions. But both Sonic Adventure games and Sonic Generations had moments of brilliance. They just need to take those, build on them, and remove the flaws.

#309921 Sonic may continue for consoles

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:30 AM in General Gaming

I've seen some comments on twitter where Sega are being called sellouts for abandoning consoles. What do you expect them to do with the situation that they're in? I think it's a bit harsh.


Lol I know this one!!!!!

Make a good Sonic game. Yes, I think that might be the answer.

I started replaying Sonic 2 the other day. It just made me sad really because I'd forgot how good a thing they had going. Feels like a friend dying or something.

#309920 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:29 AM in General Gaming

Does the XBONE not have a Bluray player too? It's a bit ridiculous that the Wii U doesn't to be honest.

#309919 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My greater concern is that they are apparently porting a Wii U game to the PS4/Xbox One...


Ya see, I'm all for the Wii U getting more games, but losing exclusives?  They'd better not be porting Bayonetta 2 (and btw, that CAN be possible since Sega owns the IP and can publish a port on other systems themselves [obviously outsourcing the port job to a developer like Tantalus] if there is no explicit part of the contract stating that the game will remain Wii U-only indefinitely).


This is much like how Mass Effect, originally published by Microsoft Game Studios, eventually ended up on other platforms through EA buying out Bioware and Bioware owning the IP.


It depends on what kind of publishing contract they had I would assume. Microsoft seems to generally go for the timed exclusive thing much more than complete exclusivity. I don't know if that's what happened with Mass Effect or not but they have done it with a lot of games. Whereas Nintendo don't tend to do that. I didn't look into the figures but I think they invested quite a bit in Bayonetta 2 and you only tend to do that if you've got complete exclusivity.

#309845 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 11:02 AM in General Gaming

Dolphins had an explosion of massive updates recently, performance has skyrocketed.


Interesting. Can you quantify it with an example?

#309843 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 10:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

have no idea what that means but ok


I assume he meant it mirrors your own creativity. People enjoy it more if they have an aptitude to run wild with ideas that work in a sandbox world.

#309839 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 10:14 AM in General Gaming

Yeah just eshop purchase it looks like. Probably will be available to buy in the theme shop though.


I hope it's the opening theme for the music. I'd welcome opening my 3DS to that.

#309831 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 07:24 AM in General Gaming

Unless you go dolphin with the HD texture pack, its just preferences.

Xenoblade Wii:
Dual Audio (Japanese and english)
Higher resolution (480p woohoo)
Still a collectors item


Even going with Dolphin for just a higher resolution is worth doing if your PC can handle it. I seem to remember mine struggled with anything higher than native resolution sadly.



Europe.. buy the game before April 9th and get a free theme.



I think this just applies to digital purchases though right? I've got the physical pre-ordered. Depending on what the music is, I'll prob get this theme! 

#309830 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Best suggestion Ive heard was minecraft.


If you read the original job ad from 2012, it says "port of a currently unannounced AAA game". That doesn't seem to fit Minecraft.

#309634 Leaps between generations

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 11:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

This isnt that likely of a scenario, because of the reasons I already stated, publishers have ZERO interest in actually forwarding the progress of game design and optimization. That requires talent, risk, and motivation. They are far happier to keep things exactly where they are, and use marketing to convince their brainwashed audience that crapping in their face is actually advancment, and anything else is backwards.


Oh sure most of them don't care about that. But some do. If you ever read those graphics white papers or whatever they're called, you do come across companies who innovated on the way to their goal. I believe realtime ambient occlusion was first used in Crysis, for example. I don't know if they entirely invented the algorithm or not but I think they were the first to get it working. 

I also read one on how Valve invented a particular kind of improved motion blur for Portal 2.

#309632 Leaps between generations

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 10:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wii U uses a console architecture. XBO and PS4 are just PC's with a custom OS. PS4 and XBO have diminishing returns. Consoles traditionally because of how they were designed games got better looking over time as they optimized better. PS4 and XBO being a PC you see what they have to offer now.


Not really seeing how this is different for consoles than PCs. "Console architecture" is a completely arbitrary term. The improvements over time happen everywhere. Skyrim looked a lot better than Oblivion because of all of the graphical techniques they learned throughout the last generation. It looked better on consoles and it looked better on PCs. In fact, Skyrim runs on my PC a lot better than Oblivion does.

If anything, I'd think it'd be the exact opposite. PS4 and Xbox are going to increase in potential MORE than the WiiU because they can largely share a knowledge base with PC developers and therefore more pioneering techniques will be discovered for them.

#309628 Leaps between generations

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 10:20 AM in Wii U Hardware


Basically. Wii U will optimize more over time while PS4 and XBO have no secrets. 


What is this based on?

not the huge leap from 32/64bits systems to the 128 bits systems like gamecube,xbox and ps2 or the great leap from these consoles to the ps3 and 360. 



That whole bit-rating was largely marketing nonsense. After you get to 32bit, it's mostly just meaningless. As seen by the fact that the vast majority of recent PC games still ran on 32-bit operating systems. (as recent as Assassin's Creed 4)

#309619 Jimquistion - How Hyrule Warriors Does DLC Right

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 06:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

And Fire emblem Awakening


My only problem with Fire Emblem's DLC was the reusing of the same maps 3 times. Except for that, it was a great addition. And a necessary one for Lunatic mode.

#309618 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 04:57 AM in General Gaming

It's great they've managed to preserve the draw distance. That's part of what made the game so great: it's sense of scale.

#309616 Teslagrad’s Wii U retail release

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 04:22 AM in Wii U News

Why? I collect physical games and they are only doing this after they had enough success to print physical. Also it already is a thing. rain on PS3 is Physical. Strider on PS3 is Physical. Journey went Physical. Ducktales Remastered went Phsyical. These all went physical after they had enough success on digital. Why is it a good thing to restrict it if they can do it?


Not to mention the game already became Physical on PC.



Mostly because it leads to them costing more, which granted might decrease over time. But I've seen a few developers who released physical versions all say that they make more money from digital because of all the other guys who take a cut with the physical. Personally, I prefer money going to the developers than to some faceless publisher who just does the menial task of creating the physical item.

#309606 Teslagrad’s Wii U retail release

Posted by Marcus on 24 February 2015 - 07:41 PM in Wii U News

I hope this doesn't become a habit. Smaller games should stick to digitial imo.

#309541 Darksiders or Castlevania being teased...or something else

Posted by Marcus on 23 February 2015 - 05:51 PM in General Gaming

Darksiders 3 please! Although I'm guessing it'd skip the Wii U.

#309539 Code Name S.T.E.A.M

Posted by Marcus on 23 February 2015 - 05:18 PM in General Gaming

I've never played a turn based strategy game before, but the demo sold me on it. As a side note, I hope Nintendo restocks all the FE amiibo so the amiibo functionality doesn't go unused by most.


If you've never played a turn based strategy game before, hurry up and play Fire Emblem Awakening (assuming you weren't placing that in a different genre). It's a lot better than this.

#309538 Devils Third - More New Tidbits

Posted by Marcus on 23 February 2015 - 05:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because originally it was for PS3 and 360. used Relic Engine but then they went out of business. THQ picked up publishing rights and was on Darksiders II engine. THQ went out of business. Nintendo like they did with Bayonetta 2 swooped in saved the game and said they would publish it. Now it's on UE3. So like Bayonetta 2 if not for Nintendo the game would not exist.

I find it funny when ever MS or Sony publish something people either cheer or don't react. When Nintendo does. "why is this not on console X or Y?"


Well that's only cos it's better suited to the Xbox. That's where the action whores live. I understand the reasoning though. Given that the game was well under way, it was an opportunity for Nintendo to get an exclusive game at a lower cost than it otherwise would've been.

#309536 Devils Third - More New Tidbits

Posted by Marcus on 23 February 2015 - 04:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My main question about this is why on earth it's a Wii U exclusive. This would sell a hell of a lot more on Xbox.

#309535 Wii U SRPG Liege (If you like Fire Emblem)

Posted by Marcus on 23 February 2015 - 04:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, I just saw this posted on Vita sites. I'll almost definitely get it, although probably the Vita version, as it does tick a lot of my boxes.

The art style is great and the environmental design reminds of something like Final Fantasy tactics, which is a surefire way to grab my attention certainly.

My only negative so far is that the combat looks rather dull.

#309411 Code Name S.T.E.A.M

Posted by Marcus on 21 February 2015 - 06:58 PM in General Gaming

Not trial and error. Replaying chapters. If you just look around you can keep track of enemy placements and know where to hide. It's a challenge.


I assume it's mostly replaying chapter because you start off with few characters though right?

#309409 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 21 February 2015 - 05:58 PM in General Gaming

Well, difficulty is a subjective matter dependant upon perspective.


Haha it's also highly dependent on how much your brain selectively edits your own memories to make you remember being better than you actually are. And that's not meant as an actual joke, our brains do genuinely do that. It's a commonly known fact in psychology.

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