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#316123 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by Marcus on 16 July 2015 - 08:26 AM in General Gaming

Well make the most of it while you can then! I seriously doubt they're gonna make another.

#315782 Never Alone and the need for Natives in games

Posted by Marcus on 04 July 2015 - 08:57 AM in General Gaming

Lol you might wanna append "Americans" to that. I'm european! We are the natives :-)

#316207 Never Alone and the need for Natives in games

Posted by Marcus on 23 July 2015 - 08:25 PM in General Gaming

No because that  Native "American" part is an insult. They were here before "Murica. Many of them hate the American part added. They are Native to this country and land.


You need words for things. "Native" is a general term and won't mean the same thing elsewhere in the world. Americans might want to call them natives. But I'm not american. If I said that, no-one would know what I was talking about.

#315929 New 3DS games

Posted by Marcus on 09 July 2015 - 05:57 AM in General Gaming

It's not really worth getting for the upgraded processor and memory. That seems like it'll probably just be a gimmick at this point.

The c-stick works well in quite a few games though! And the stable 3D is excellent.

#312493 New 3ds thread

Posted by Marcus on 30 April 2015 - 02:23 AM in General Gaming

It also means that an awful lot of people bought a New3DS just for the sake of the shiny new hardware (as I think they'd said over a million had been sold already). Which you might argue is a bit of a sad fact.

#310193 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 05:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hard to imagine how it would be. You surely need twin sticks for a shooter. Ok you don't NEED twin sticks but it's definitely the optimum method.

#310201 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 07:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well they tend to just stick their new ideas into existing IPs, so it's not that meaningful a question.

Mario Galaxy could've easily been done with a new IP and the main mario series could've remained more 'Cartesian', if you will. It had hardly anything to do with Mario after all.

#310269 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 09 March 2015 - 07:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

only thing duel analog (twin sticks) offers to shooters is comfort/ease of use.  It is inferior to wiimote and mouse/keyboard in accuracy and precision, to make up for this they add enough aim-assist that the game literately aims for you at times. 


wiimote offers near identical precision to PC, but suffers from less options for button layout, and a much harder to use/learn aiming settings, though its worth it once you adjust to it. 



Ok well I agree on PC. I haven't played a game that does shooting with the wiimote very well in a situation where you have to run and gun. I thought the wiimote was excellent in RE4 but that was largely because you stop when you shoot. What games have done it well for running and gunning? And how did they deal with problem of turning the screen to aim? Cos that's the part where the wiimote seems inherently inferior to a control stick or mouse.

#310519 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 14 March 2015 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

the screen turns in the direction you aim, which is perfectly viable, and often times preferable to run'n'gun play styles simply because it lets you aim, and react much quicker than the other 2 control scheme, but sacrifices ease of use, as the player needs to track their courser in relation to the player and the camera. 


The screen turning from your aim does make the wii-mote as a whole harder to use effectively, and one of the reason's the sensitivity options are much more complex then a bar, with dead-zones, turn speed, acceleration based-on distance from the dead-zone/box/center of the screen, ect.  It does make the control scheme a little harder to use competently, but it doesn't sacrifice from the precision or effectiveness of the controller as a whole. 


other note, the lack of the camera responding to where i was aiming on the scheme through me off and it made it a little harder to respond to things like getting flanked, though it does make the control scheme easier to use for people new to wiimote aiming, i would have added the option for more traditional ir aiming where it controls the camera, and had floating scope for the snipers, as having them fixed on screen made snipers only useful as pre-magnum magnums. 


Here is a example, this is of COD and there is much room for improvement to the IR in this game, but it is a example, atleast until (if one is even made) there is a well made shooter with IR controls on wiiU.  This player can also benefit by resting his arm/wrist on something to help stabilize his aim. People who are used to the control scheme also tend to crank the sensitivity.  If turning with the mote throws you off, just make big dead-zones so you rarely do it while you are aiming.



Well I do own COD on the Wii U so I'll give it a try at some point. My only memory so far was of trying it on the Wii and finding it an absolute nightmare. I think it was Goldeneye I played.

#315619 New trailer for a Wii U game

Posted by Marcus on 30 June 2015 - 02:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Interesting game. Looks pretty ambitious for an indie!

#316204 Nintendo & Facebook Come Together for Super Mario Maker

Posted by Marcus on 23 July 2015 - 06:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Having a limited release schedule really does make Nintendo go full-on with the marketing. I hope they do the same for Xenoblade X, that game deserves big sales.

#313688 Nintendo E3 Rumors, Grain of Salt But Good Read

Posted by Marcus on 02 June 2015 - 03:10 PM in E3 2015

Why would Gamespot know anything about E3? This happens every year, loads of fake rumours just come out in June.


These would be pretty great though. A new 3D Mario especially would be desirable. 3D World and 3D Land were great fun but very generic. Didn't leave much of an impact.

#308608 Nintendo eShop – Moon Chronicles Episodes 2, 3, 4 Launch Trailer

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 05:26 AM in General Gaming

Anyone heard anything of a EU release date? It'd be nice to have had this available in time for the New3DS

#308612 Nintendo eShop – Moon Chronicles Episodes 2, 3, 4 Launch Trailer

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 06:43 AM in General Gaming

I haven't. :( . EU will be getting iron fall though this Friday! NA hasn't been announced with a specific date.


I think I saw a NA date on their most recent tweet or press release. Something like a week or 2 behind europe. 

#314343 NPD May Top 10 Best Selling Games in US (Splatoon #5)

Posted by Marcus on 14 June 2015 - 05:23 AM in General Gaming

I assume these figures aren't particularly meaningful give that the game came out at the end of the month?

#310864 Official Nintendo Software Emulation Question

Posted by Marcus on 22 March 2015 - 05:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not an expert on such things but I would've thought the technical barrier to emulation is actually tied to the fact that dedicated hardware-based functions are just in principle faster than software. Rather than people just struggle to efficiently reverse engineer the software. Although obviously that does play a part too.

#309352 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 20 February 2015 - 05:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd seriously doubt this'll end up being 60fps. Look how insane and huge the world is. Must be pushing the Wii U quite far. I doubt they'd sacrifice other concerns for framerate in this genre.

#309975 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 03 March 2015 - 05:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The white continent has no snow on it, the area is called the white sands.

A basic sense of pattern recognition should have tipped anyone off on a seemingly bland area in a Xeno game.

Satorl Marsh day:
Bland and colorless, full of vison reducing fog
Satorl marsh night:

Its called contrast and juxtaposition.

White sands day:

Dull and colorless

White sands night:



I'm still waiting for the 3DS version to do a proper playthrough of the original. 

This is very good information though! Bravo.

#309940 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 01:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software




Crossing from the green continent to the white continent looks fun. Although the white continent looks pretty ugly in the preview vids.

#312269 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 08:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Can anyone comb through all of the thousands of bits of info we have on this game to answer the question:  "Will you level up by exploring the world, like in the prequel?"


I also want to add my voice to the "stop moaning about supposed visual downgrades" position. Most of the in-game visuals have improved hugely from the first footage we saw. Having 1 cutscene look slightly worse is hardly a problem and really shouldn't be categorised along with the Watch Dogs fiasco which was a huge across-the-board lie about the visuals.

#308751 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by Marcus on 12 February 2015 - 09:15 AM in General Gaming

I'm not buying this rumour. I doubt they'll do any more Zelda in the near future. Nintendo don't tend to oversaturate a genre. I'd much rather see another 3D Mario. The sunshine remake would be birlliant. 


Wrong. Dragon Quest IX sold 1 million units in the US alone. DQ9 became the best selling DQ game of all time. Bravely Default sold 1 million units. Fire Emblem Awakening sold close to 1 million when it needed 240 thousand to be successful.


Not only do they sell. They have been setting sales records.


Fire Emblem is probably closer to 2 million at this point. It's at 1.5million physical sales. Add somewhere between 10-20 percent for digital. It's the best selling in the franchise by quite a way!

#308759 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by Marcus on 12 February 2015 - 12:08 PM in General Gaming


As for people saying "too many remakes/re-releases"...well, you're not wrong. But the thing is, this is pretty much par for the course for Nintendo. The GBC got a few SNES/NES ports, GBA got even more SNES ports, DS/3DS got a few N64 remakes/ports, so it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo moved to GameCube remakes/ports for the New3DS.


The good thing about remakes is at least you know you're getting a pretty good game. They don't tend to remake bad games. And when it's a game you haven't played for a decade or so (like Majora's Mask), it's pretty much as good as a new game.

#308770 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by Marcus on 12 February 2015 - 01:41 PM in General Gaming

I also look at it like this. We're getting legitimate handheld versions of games that were previously tied to home consoles...and I think that's fantastic. Granted, I still think asking full price for a console to handheld port without adding much of anything new is a bit much, but it's still fantastic that we're getting them.


If it's just a port, I agree full price is bad. But I wouldn't call the 2 Zelda games ports at all. They're complete remakes. I don't think Nintendo have ever charged full price for a port, have they?

Wind waker HD is the closest I guess. I'm not even sure I'd call that a port. But I guess some people might. The line between port and remake is very blurry.

#312170 Project CARS reaffirms Wii U release later this year

Posted by Marcus on 20 April 2015 - 02:10 PM in General Gaming

What happened to that other game, fast racing neo?


They said a preview video was coming soon. When you get a teaser for the teaser, it's gotta be a big deal.

#313265 Project Cars struggling to hit 30FPS on Wii U... devs might wait for NX

Posted by Marcus on 25 May 2015 - 06:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Just downgrade the graphics you goons. Everyone expects it to look worse anyway.

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