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#311091 Wind Waker LEGO Idea set nearly at goal for consideration

Posted by Marcus on 28 March 2015 - 10:17 AM in The Café

Looks really good. But I bet if they're gonna do Nintendo LEGO, they'd do it to coincide with upcoming releases.

#309267 Would you like Nintendo to get into VR again?

Posted by Marcus on 19 February 2015 - 12:42 PM in General Gaming

I think Nintendo should just wait and see what happens with VR. It could be a game changer. It could end up being a temporary fad like motion controls. 

#315023 Xbone gets XBox 360 Backwards Compatibility?

Posted by Marcus on 19 June 2015 - 08:59 AM in General Gaming

Have they said anything definitive on how many games this will apply to? 

#315025 Xbone gets XBox 360 Backwards Compatibility?

Posted by Marcus on 19 June 2015 - 09:14 AM in General Gaming

100 games ready by holiday, that is about all we know


Is Tales of Vesperia one of them (that's all I really wanted to know)?

#310952 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 25 March 2015 - 03:18 AM in General Gaming

I think the addition to make the game 3D as well will help immersion and make up for any quality that may have been lost.


Yeah, probably. Although I really wish all games with 3D offered a graphical improvement when the 3D is turned off. Ironfall was great in that respect. 30 fps with 3D on. 60fps with it off. Monster Hunter 4 added anti-aliasing when the 3D was off. 

#312272 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 09:11 AM in General Gaming

I've just got to the Mechonis (actual body, not the sword).


Such an incredible game. This probably has to be my favourite video game world ever created. I don't think I've ever really stopped to take in the view in games before.

#312276 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 09:57 AM in General Gaming

Lots of people on the gaming site comment sections is complaining about the graphics. Do they bother you?


Not at all. It's perfectly playable and the original game feels completely intact. There are just a few moments when you think it looks a bit rough, Colonies 6 and 9 buildings all look a bit muddy for example. In contrast though, some of the wide-open natural parts don't feel like they've suffered at all. The fact that areas like the Bionis' Leg run without any framerate dips is pretty incredible to witness on a handheld. The only performance hit I've noticed so far is in parts of Sword Valley. 

As ports go, it's better than average.

#310950 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 25 March 2015 - 02:41 AM in General Gaming

Interview with Hiro Yamada on the 3ds port.



Yeah, I saw that. It does sound quite impressive a technical achievement. I hope the fact that they seem to have sacrificed some graphical quality in order to maintain the draw distance ends up being a worthy sacrifice. The epic views were a big part of this game, from what I'd played and seen.

#311594 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 07 April 2015 - 12:25 AM in General Gaming

Well you seem to be detecting a lot more than I could by looking at it. As far as I could tell, there was just about 5-10m of depth and then everything else was just flattened into line with that 10m distance.

#310966 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 02 April 2015 - 09:02 AM in General Gaming

So far it's looking very good!!


NintendoLife 9/10

Gamespot 8/10

Gamesradar 9/10

Nintendo-insider 9/10

God is a geek 9/10

Mynintendonews 8.5/10


So probably only slightly lower than the metacritic average for the original if things continue in this pattern. Big sigh of relief!!




Got my copy today. Really enjoying playing it on handheld so far. The graphical downgrade is noticeable but doesn't ruin it for me.


The 3D however is really terrible! One of the worst implementations in a 3DS game. It seems to add almost no depth at all.

#309839 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 10:14 AM in General Gaming

Yeah just eshop purchase it looks like. Probably will be available to buy in the theme shop though.


I hope it's the opening theme for the music. I'd welcome opening my 3DS to that.

#310211 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 10:00 AM in General Gaming

as for ff12 PAL versions of the game still seem to have trouble, with performance dropping around groups and wendigoes. NTSC versions seem to be able to reach full performance and up to 200%/300fps with Wait Loop 


I would've thought regional standards would be one of the easiest hurdles for emulation to cross.

#309618 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 04:57 AM in General Gaming

It's great they've managed to preserve the draw distance. That's part of what made the game so great: it's sense of scale.

#309831 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 07:24 AM in General Gaming

Unless you go dolphin with the HD texture pack, its just preferences.

Xenoblade Wii:
Dual Audio (Japanese and english)
Higher resolution (480p woohoo)
Still a collectors item


Even going with Dolphin for just a higher resolution is worth doing if your PC can handle it. I seem to remember mine struggled with anything higher than native resolution sadly.



Europe.. buy the game before April 9th and get a free theme.



I think this just applies to digital purchases though right? I've got the physical pre-ordered. Depending on what the music is, I'll prob get this theme! 

#309845 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 11:02 AM in General Gaming

Dolphins had an explosion of massive updates recently, performance has skyrocketed.


Interesting. Can you quantify it with an example?

#310200 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 06:27 AM in General Gaming

Not to get off topic but if you want to build a pc, look up Austing Evans on YouTube. He has a ton of vids for pc related stuff.


Lol this was already off-topic!


I'm a web developer and at my current job I sometimes have three virtual machines running depending on what I'm working on (3 apps that live in different places but communicate with each other). *shrug* At any rate, I didn't pay for it. :)   


I'm starting to think I'd like to build a PC at home for gaming. Maybe I'll make another thread to ask for advice. 


Does that ever get anywhere near to 16GB? What are you simulating on virtual machines, all of google?

#309927 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 10:47 AM in General Gaming

Fiora has made major improvements to the recompiler, making the emulation base line far more effecient, and she has also reverse engineered a lot of missing instructions, the lack of which would result to resorting to the snail speed cpu interpreter, killing performance. Shes also concentrated on games which use extremely rare instructions, greatly improving their performance and fixing many unplayable games. Particularly one game shes (Obviously) A huge fan of: Xenoblade chronicles. She also helped fix the rounding problem of floating point multiply and multiply add, fixing the physics in most all games, and fixing the ghost playback features. Kids a right busy bee, and a real smartie.

Pretty much an average rig now should be able to run xenoblade at full framrate, 1080p, with the enhanced textures, AA, and with no sound problems.


Well it sounds like an impressive list of improvements! Although I'm curious what the physics was like before? I assume rounding errors don't cause that big a problem with physics anyway. Although I have no idea how physics engines work. Something to do with numerical integration estimates I'm guessing.

#310196 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 06:04 AM in General Gaming

What about MacBook Pro 2014? 2.6 Ghz Core i5, 16GB RAM. Graphics is Intel Iris, which I haven't heard of (1536 MB)


What on earth is the point of having that much RAM but no dedicated graphics card? I guess there are some non-visual tasks that might use that much memory but surely the main one that would necessitate that amount would be gaming.

#310192 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 05:12 AM in General Gaming

Floating point doesnt just affect your physics, it affects the accuracy of your polygons vertex placement as well. For example, the reason the psx had wobbly polygons that warped and juttered all over the place was because it didnt have accurate enough floating point precision.


I noticed that a lot when playing the Spyro trilogy. I always assumed it was just a really bad kind of LOD.


By the way, since you seem knowledgable on the emulation scene. Can you give a similar summary of PCSX2? Has that seen any improvements like Dolphin?

I used to use that a while back but its performance was hugely varied depending on the game. FFX worked a dream, which no longer matters as I have it on Vita, but FF12 had a lot of framerate issues. 

#316498 Xenoblade out now on Eshop (Europe)

Posted by Marcus on 09 August 2015 - 07:35 AM in General Gaming

It's weird that the regional differences carry over onto the digital stuff too. I wouldn't have thought there'd be any reason to have the US release be later.

#316657 Xenoblade out now on Eshop (Europe)

Posted by Marcus on 18 August 2015 - 10:45 PM in General Gaming

I haven't bought this yet but apparently you can actually play using the gamepad as your controller. Is this the first wii game where this is possible?


I think Pandora's Tower allowed that too. And possible one other.

It's just any game that was playable with the classic controller on the Wii.

#312513 Yooka-Laylee, revealed, officially planned for Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 30 April 2015 - 09:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I look forward to the sequel Pea and Anno.


This might be my first kickstarter pledge actually. How do they tend to do the different platforms in terms of pledges cos I only really wanna play it on Wii U? I guess it depends on how they set their milestones but does anyone ever have platform specific pledges?

#312560 Yooka-Laylee, revealed, officially planned for Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 02 May 2015 - 04:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Lol so I look back at the kickstarter page for the first time considering pledging.....


No need at all. Already smashed every record in the book. I think maybe I'll just buy when it comes out. Good job 3D platformer fans, we need to revive this genre.

#312574 Yooka-Laylee, revealed, officially planned for Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 03 May 2015 - 04:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Genitals are offensive because children do not yet know they have them.


My favourite ever complaint of that variety was someone who wrote in to a TV show on the BBC at one point complaining about nudity with the reason being "breasts are not suitable for children". Brilliant.

#312911 Yooka-Laylee, revealed, officially planned for Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 12 May 2015 - 09:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't care about Amiibos either. But apparently they've sold more than they have WiiUs....

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