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#314103 Kotaku - 70 hours with Xenoblade Chronicles X is "boring"

Posted by Marcus on 09 June 2015 - 11:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well I've seen this article linked to on 3 different forums. Add that to the fact it's Kotaku, I think you've got an explanation.

#314003 Splatoon Sales Figures From Japan / MK8 1mil

Posted by Marcus on 08 June 2015 - 02:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow more than 3D World is a surprise. Congrats on creating a successful new IP Nintendo. You should try it more often.

#313869 Wii U/3DS Rodea story details

Posted by Marcus on 04 June 2015 - 07:30 PM in General Gaming

Hmmmmmm a story, eh?

#313796 Fast Racing NEO - New Pics!

Posted by Marcus on 03 June 2015 - 11:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If these guys could do gameplay as well as they graphics, they'd be damn awesome.

#313695 Are 3rd parties heading back to Wii U?

Posted by Marcus on 02 June 2015 - 03:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's mostly indies you're talking about. Wii U is still doing pretty good with those. We've got Mighty No.9, Bloodstained and Yuka-Laylee all fairly big indie games on the way. Hugely looking forward to the latter 2, not sure about the first. Looks a bit dull so far.

#313689 You Can Create “My Castles” In The New Fire Emblem For Nintendo 3DS

Posted by Marcus on 02 June 2015 - 03:12 PM in General Gaming

As unbearable as that girl's voice was in that video, this looks like a rather nice addition.


I too enjoyed Colony 6 as a sidequest. Great idea.

#313688 Nintendo E3 Rumors, Grain of Salt But Good Read

Posted by Marcus on 02 June 2015 - 03:10 PM in E3 2015

Why would Gamespot know anything about E3? This happens every year, loads of fake rumours just come out in June.


These would be pretty great though. A new 3D Mario especially would be desirable. 3D World and 3D Land were great fun but very generic. Didn't leave much of an impact.

#313643 RUMOR: Another New LEGO Title on the Way?

Posted by Marcus on 01 June 2015 - 05:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not the sort of approach I expect with this sort of name but I guess the early access approach is probably best for this sort of game. Lots of potential bugs to iron out.

#313471 RUMOR: Another New LEGO Title on the Way?

Posted by Marcus on 28 May 2015 - 06:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They've been kicking themselves for not thinking of it first for about a decade now. Might as well just jump on the bangwagon. At least they can claim some sense of authenticity.

#313430 Splatoon reviews

Posted by Marcus on 27 May 2015 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's only at 81 on metacritic. Fairly good, although based on the extreme hype some people were generating, I was kinda expecting high 80s.

Still worth buying though.




Toronto Sun gave it a 60 cause no voice chat. haha



Is that not a legitimate complaint? Or are you just saying they maybe took it a bit too far?

#313380 Legend Of Kay Anniversary Will Now Output At 1080p For Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 26 May 2015 - 12:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hang on, what do you mean by that? How is upscaled 1080p real 1080p? Surely 900 upscaled to 1080 is inferior to just the game rendering to 1080? 

#313377 Lego Jurassic World- Confirmed for June 12, 2015

Posted by Marcus on 26 May 2015 - 11:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I enjoy the Lego Batman series, Lego Movie Video game was pretty good too. I haven't played Marvel Superheroes yet but I plan on getting Jurassic World, simply because i love the franchise. It looks quite fun.


A lot seem to be fairly scripted and linear movie tie-ins. I know City Undercover wasn't, obviously. Am I right in thinking one of the Batman ones was open-world too?

#313375 Legend Of Kay Anniversary Will Now Output At 1080p For Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 26 May 2015 - 11:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well considering the res it's being rendered at it's getting upscaled or downscaled no matter what. Unless you have some weird ass monitor or TV that outputs at 1600x900 you can't play it at its native resolution. If your TV is 1080p+ I don't know why you'd have your Wii U outputting at 720p. If your TV is 720p then it doesn't even matter at all its 720p or nothing at that point. (unless for some reason you want 480p) 


Yeah, it's true. There seems to be almost no reason to say it's outputting at 1080p.


Although coincidentally, my laptop screen is actually 1600x900. They do exist.

#313361 Legend Of Kay Anniversary Will Now Output At 1080p For Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 26 May 2015 - 05:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If that's what you have the Wii U set to output to in the system settings. Then yes I assume It should downscale it.


Your TV will upscale/downscale the signal to its native resolution anyway.


Right, so I guess what they're actually saying is "Anyone who happens to have their Wii U outputting to 720p, might want to put it up to 1080p for this game."

So the 4 people who that applies to will be thrilled?

#313273 Project Cars struggling to hit 30FPS on Wii U... devs might wait for NX

Posted by Marcus on 25 May 2015 - 06:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Probably something about "Defeating the vision and purpose of the game".


I'd at least enjoy the disappointment if they worded their own response starting with "Probably something about....".

#313267 Legend Of Kay Anniversary Will Now Output At 1080p For Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 25 May 2015 - 06:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

1600x900 is pretty good. 


I thought the Wii U upscaled everything to 1080p anyway though.


I assume it can output at 720p as well?

#313265 Project Cars struggling to hit 30FPS on Wii U... devs might wait for NX

Posted by Marcus on 25 May 2015 - 06:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Just downgrade the graphics you goons. Everyone expects it to look worse anyway.

#313207 Lego Jurassic World- Confirmed for June 12, 2015

Posted by Marcus on 24 May 2015 - 06:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Haven't played a LEGO game since the original Star Wars ones. They any good nowadays? The only one that's really appealed has been City undercover. Although I avoided that cos of no off-tv play.

#313205 Fast Racing NEO Still Wii U Exclusive; Multiplayer Included

Posted by Marcus on 24 May 2015 - 04:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Weren't these guys threatening a video at some point? 

#313113 Unconfirmed: Nintendo’s Next Level Games Working on New Online Title

Posted by Marcus on 18 May 2015 - 01:03 PM in E3 2015

What other games have Next Level made? With Nintendo it's usually safe to assume it'll be the continuation of a pre-existent series.

#313079 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 17 May 2015 - 11:36 AM in General Gaming

Well of course it COULD do it with optimization. Almost anything could. But how much? It has 1/4 the RAM for a start. It's unlikely they're designing the game to just leave most of that unused. You'd need to know exactly how they're putting the resources to use to know how easy it would be to port to the Wii U. That makes a huge difference. If they're using most of that memory for high-res textures, well it's simple enough to just scale those down in a few clicks. What if they're using all of that for rendering really high poly models en masse? Well then they'd have to go through all of those models and make alternatives at 1/4 the poly count. That's a lot more work than downsizing a texture.

Recall, it took Ubisoft about 6 months longer to release Watch Dogs on Wii U, and it still came out as a bad port. That was even designed for last gen consoles. Do you think they're all just really crap at their jobs or do you think maybe it's just quite hard to do?

#313074 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 17 May 2015 - 09:02 AM in General Gaming

Right, but there's a difference between supporting the same (or a similar) graphics library and having the same graphical power. The Wii U could have the identical architecture and hardware functions as the PS4 but if the game's being written mainly for the PS4, the Wii U wouldn't be able to handle it in terms of the CPU and GPU power. Which means they'd need to do the whole graphical downgrade thing to get it working on the Wii U. Which I'm guessing puts them off! It sounds like they're having enough trouble trying to get the Xbox to keep up as it is.

#313072 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 17 May 2015 - 08:15 AM in General Gaming

I think they were saying that the full world of FF7, if remade with the detail of FF13 would take ten times as long (which I suspect was hyperbolic). That's not necessarily the same as saying the version they would remake would take that long. If they ever did remake it, chances are the world wouldn't have that same amount of detail. Almost no "open world" games do. A remake of FF7 would probably be about the same size a project as FF15 I would guess. But would probably take less time cos they'd already know what they were making, instead of all the dilly-dallying they've had with 15.


And where exactly did they say that Kingdom Hearts and FF15 will run on anything with DX11. That would be an insane thing to claim.

#313064 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 16 May 2015 - 11:47 PM in General Gaming

English translation for the new DQ7 out as well. Many times companies like this pay to use fan translations. Xseed almost entirely uses them for Falcom games. DQ8 also sold rather poorly..only half a mill in the US and that was only because it included a demo of FF12.DQ7 didn't sell great either but it was released late.  That said they sell on DS but then again this is the same company who hyped people up at a conference to announce a port of a port of a port and so far yet to release it over a year later.


Where is the english translation for DQ7?


I wasn't just basing that on speculation, they did admit that was the reason: http://www.siliconer...rect=no&oswrr=1

#313042 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 16 May 2015 - 03:20 AM in General Gaming


DQ8 3ds will never come to the west. DQ7 still has not nor has Joker. Good thing is 3DS is BC and grab DQIX on DS and 4,5 and 6. Funny how stupid Square is. DQIX sold 1 million in the US and overall best selling DQ in history..Brave sold 1 million..yet they say they won't bring it over in afraid it won't sell. Personally I think older DQs on SNES are much better than DQ8. DQ8 in a sense if FF7 in peoples first real exposure but best? Hmm debatable. Great game but not sure about best. Personally enjoyed DQIX more but not saying it's better. Speaking of DQ I am hyped about Dragon Quest Heroes west. Yeah we are getting that but no main games Square has made clear. Maybe E3 they shock us all.



DQ8 already has an english localization. DQ7 was remade and would've needed a new one. That's a huge difference and it's the main one that tends to be the deciding factor, especially with such a text-heavy game.

To release this in the west, all they have to do is go back to their english script and just copy it into the new game and then probably get at least half a million sales out of it. They'd be absolutely insane not to do it! Whereas with DQ7, it's a huge game with lots of translation to do. It's also a lesser known game in the west. That's a much bigger gamble for them. DQ8 is no gamble at all, it's guaranteed profit.

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