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#310211 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 10:00 AM in General Gaming

as for ff12 PAL versions of the game still seem to have trouble, with performance dropping around groups and wendigoes. NTSC versions seem to be able to reach full performance and up to 200%/300fps with Wait Loop 


I would've thought regional standards would be one of the easiest hurdles for emulation to cross.

#309618 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 25 February 2015 - 04:57 AM in General Gaming

It's great they've managed to preserve the draw distance. That's part of what made the game so great: it's sense of scale.

#299535 FFXV Trailer does it's best Xenoblade impression

Posted by Marcus on 01 October 2014 - 08:14 AM in General Gaming

what happened to turn based RPG?


Haha they perfected it in FFX so thought the best next move would be to just completely ditch the concept that they'd invented and perfected.

#311090 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by Marcus on 28 March 2015 - 10:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I want to but can't. I am not sure I can get Splatoon and XCX CD at the same time whatever the case XCX CD comes first. I wanna see peoples impressions first. Game sounds like a decent romp.


There'll probably be a big gap between those I'm guessing. Especially with Zelda being delayed. 

#311138 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by Marcus on 29 March 2015 - 11:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Isn't the soundtrack all kinda J-pop rubbish? 

#309215 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by Marcus on 18 February 2015 - 07:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

On the US side I can't find it in search anymore however it's still in my wishlist and if I click that the listing shows up. Might just be off the grid so to speak until official info is updated.


Mmmmm yeah, info on the internet seems to find its way into the public somehow. Either way, I hope the prices being mentioned here are the final prices and not some placeholder. I'll almost definitely buy this if it comes at budget price. Assuming they've actually remastered it of course. A direct port, maybe not.

#308615 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 07:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd love to see some footage or screenshots of this if anyone's noticed any (the remaster)? If it's a remaster along the same lines as the 3DS Zeldas, id definitely be interested. I'm guessing it's probably more of a Vita style remaster though. Which probably means exactly the same game in a new resolution.

#309204 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by Marcus on 18 February 2015 - 03:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not seeing this on the UK amazon yet. Anyone?

#309919 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My greater concern is that they are apparently porting a Wii U game to the PS4/Xbox One...


Ya see, I'm all for the Wii U getting more games, but losing exclusives?  They'd better not be porting Bayonetta 2 (and btw, that CAN be possible since Sega owns the IP and can publish a port on other systems themselves [obviously outsourcing the port job to a developer like Tantalus] if there is no explicit part of the contract stating that the game will remain Wii U-only indefinitely).


This is much like how Mass Effect, originally published by Microsoft Game Studios, eventually ended up on other platforms through EA buying out Bioware and Bioware owning the IP.


It depends on what kind of publishing contract they had I would assume. Microsoft seems to generally go for the timed exclusive thing much more than complete exclusivity. I don't know if that's what happened with Mass Effect or not but they have done it with a lot of games. Whereas Nintendo don't tend to do that. I didn't look into the figures but I think they invested quite a bit in Bayonetta 2 and you only tend to do that if you've got complete exclusivity.

#309843 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 10:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

have no idea what that means but ok


I assume he meant it mirrors your own creativity. People enjoy it more if they have an aptitude to run wild with ideas that work in a sandbox world.

#309830 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Best suggestion Ive heard was minecraft.


If you read the original job ad from 2012, it says "port of a currently unannounced AAA game". That doesn't seem to fit Minecraft.

#308625 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Haha I hope they're not spending too much on the budget for Devil's Third. Cos no-one's buying the damn thing.

#308718 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by Marcus on 11 February 2015 - 04:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nobody's hyping it up ether. Still have no idea if its going to be good then.


Well they've been almost silent about it. And the stuff we have seen looked incredibly last-gen and lacked any memorable style or character. Compare some of the screens to Bayonetta 2 and it's just an instant loss.

#312430 Who are YOU voting for?

Posted by Marcus on 27 April 2015 - 12:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Liberal Democrats probably. Oh wait......I sense I've confused the context here.

#313430 Splatoon reviews

Posted by Marcus on 27 May 2015 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's only at 81 on metacritic. Fairly good, although based on the extreme hype some people were generating, I was kinda expecting high 80s.

Still worth buying though.




Toronto Sun gave it a 60 cause no voice chat. haha



Is that not a legitimate complaint? Or are you just saying they maybe took it a bit too far?

#316108 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by Marcus on 15 July 2015 - 08:52 AM in General Gaming

The 3DS is the better console in pretty much every way imo. I'd even say the lesser specs are maybe beneficial for a contemporary handheld. It just doesn't look like the whole portable Ps3 idea ever really worked out. I think it's tied to the gaming habits. Portables need to be shorter or segmented gaming experiences to entice people in who like game in short bursts. On the commute, on a break at work. Etc etc.

The idea that next Sony handheld, had the Vita been successful, would allow you to be playing something like Witcher 3, FF15, MGS5 type games seems just a misguided idea. Those games need long sessions of dedicated gaming.

I would suggest that's part of the reason the Vita hasn't really worked out as they hope. Though it is very good as an indie machine.

#316123 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by Marcus on 16 July 2015 - 08:26 AM in General Gaming

Well make the most of it while you can then! I seriously doubt they're gonna make another.

#309982 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 03 March 2015 - 05:52 AM in General Gaming

Dude, people play dark souls blind folded, its not that hard, in fact, its gotten EASIER since the name change to the soul series. You want some seriously tough as nails souls action? Play some Kings field, instead of babys first field game. Monster hunter is considerably more challenging than dark souls, so is playing for platinum ratings in platinum games. Dark souls is simple, and predictable, pattern recognition with actual punishment for failure.

The reason people think its so hard, is because its gaining mainstream recognition, and unlike all the other mainstream games, its challenge isnt fake, its not a dramatic depiction of faux challenge, and they have been conditioned to associate these dramatic depictions of the challenge in these cutscenes and quick time events that their character faces, with actual challenge, even though the the actual challenge was removed. This is why, when faced with ACTUAL challenge, and they FAIL, they quickly claim the game is broken.

You want to talk about psychology, try looking up some pavlov, to see how incredibly conditioned the worst generation is.


You say it's pattern recognition as if there's some other way to make difficult boss fights. What other options are there? Every boss in every videogame as far as I can tell is about pattern recognition.

Unless someone writes an incredibly smart AI that can learn and create new moves as it goes, a developer is only going to be able to create so many different attacks. And to save the boss behaving incredibly weirdly, those attacks are probably going to be selected by some deterministic algorithm. Ergo pattern recognition!

#309409 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 21 February 2015 - 05:58 PM in General Gaming

Well, difficulty is a subjective matter dependant upon perspective.


Haha it's also highly dependent on how much your brain selectively edits your own memories to make you remember being better than you actually are. And that's not meant as an actual joke, our brains do genuinely do that. It's a commonly known fact in psychology.

#309299 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 19 February 2015 - 07:32 PM in General Gaming

The souls games really werent that difficult. 


Ha! Speak for yourself. Some bosses took me about 20 attempts.

#310044 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 04 March 2015 - 08:54 AM in General Gaming

Mmmm I could never get into Monster Hunter I'm afraid. It just didn't reel me in like Dark Souls. I may have to try this Kings Field though. It's on the PS1 right? Does it look hideous if you play it now then?

Speaking of the devil. Gamesradar recently redid their top 100 games of all time. Guess what came in top? Quite a shock actually: http://www.gamesrada...est-games-ever/

#310065 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 04 March 2015 - 12:09 PM in General Gaming

Lol did you write that article on gamasutra? Or can I be rude about it?


I started the Elder Scrolls at Morrowind and I still think Skyrim's the best in the series.

#310265 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 09 March 2015 - 03:47 PM in General Gaming

When did you specify this was about western games? He doesn't say that anywhere in his article. That's what I was responding to!


But either way, I accepted that it's a fairly accurate description of the business side of things. Jim Sterling pointed out in a recent video how many times Peter Molyneux had said that his previous game was crap just before his newest came out. The part I was criticising was this as a description of gamer's attitudes. When it comes to actual attitudes, it doesn't seem particularly relevant where the games are coming from (unless you're suggesting people systematically have different attitudes depending on the game's origin). I'm fairly sure you can point to the exact same phenomena with western games. I could link to any number of articles or videos that argue how much worse FPSs have got in the last decade (more or less the analogous argument you hear about JRPGs) and those are some of the most heavily hyped games in existence. Total Biscuit did a good one 


I just don't buy the idea that if people don't know everything about past games, they're defenseless idiots ripe for controlling by marketing departments. I think your knowledge of the past is largely orthogonal to such gullibility.

#310089 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by Marcus on 05 March 2015 - 08:29 AM in General Gaming

You are exactly what they are talking about. Youve played less than half the series, and think you know the latest one is the 'best'. A very rare opinion in the elder scrolls circles by the way. Very, very, very, little has changed in elderscrolls over the decades, beyond the graphics. Its simply gotten smaller, and smaller, and smaller, with less, and less, and less in it. A magic gimmick and 'shouts' dont do much to offput that.


I'm not who he's talking about at all because I wouldn't consider myself anything close to being a hardcore Elder Scrolls fan. I agree that if people call themselves hardcore fans, it's a bit silly to have an opinion without having played all the games. 

The only reason I'm comfortable saying that after only having played 3/5 of the series is because I've listened to a lot of people who are into the series and almost never have I heard anyone say Arena or Daggerfall are the best. It seems to usually be Morrowind.


But my larger complaint is that I don't think this narrative he's stitched together actually describes reality (a pretty typical indicator is when someone has to base their theory on a personal anecdote rather than on some data we can check). It might roughly describe how the business side tries to operate but it doesn't describe people's opinions. If you to any of the fanbases for the long running game series, you almost never find that people just all love the latest game the most. The Final Fantasy fanbases usually like 6 or 7 the most. The Zelda fanbases usually like A Link to the Past or Ocarina the most. The Mario fanbases usually like Super Mario World or Mario 64 the most. What he's called a "normative force" absolutely exists. 

#312408 *Stands up and applauds*

Posted by Marcus on 26 April 2015 - 11:38 AM in General Gaming

Sure, you might be responsible enough and I don't disagree but call me cynical, I don't have faith in mass population having a proper sense of reason and voting responsibly with their wallets, at least when it comes to gaming 


Haha well you've hit upon the dilemna at the heart of mine, and many people's, entire political worldviews! Which is worse? Mob stupidity or state corruption? To be honest, I'm not even sure. It seems to switch from year to year. Look at censorship nowadays. Until quite recently, that was hugely a worry about the government. Now it's a worry about whatever twitter mob happens to arise out of the scum pits.

I would say the main difference is that state legislation is very hard to remove once it's in place. Mob zeitgeist can easily change quickly. For better or worse.

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