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#11250 Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS

Posted by Narcidius on 28 June 2011 - 04:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanks for the heads up on this! someone said something the other day about halo "paving the way for the modern fps" and I almost blew a brain gasket, lol... Goldeneye was amazing.

#7490 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by Narcidius on 16 June 2011 - 06:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah, the terms "casual" and "hardcore" are very ambiguous.  While I affirm the posters above who define "hardcore" as people who play games often or buy a lot of games, I think a helpful distinction in software would be between games that are complex (or "deep") experiences with a LOT to do, a lot to learn, and a lot to master, and games that are intentionally created as simple (or "shallow", but not in a pejorative sense) experiences (i.e. easy to understand, easy to play, not overwhelming in terms of scope).

The hardcore gamers that are not just whining incoherently are usually asking for DEEP experiences - for games that are difficult to master and have a lot to discover (by this definition, even Pokemon could count, and I think it does, but Monster Hunter is a better example).  Lots of hardcore gamers also happen to want their games violent and gritty (for personal taste reasons), but I don't think this deserves to be included in the category as part of the definition.  I love me some Resident Evil... but I've logged FAR more hours into Pokemon.

I think that Nintendo has already proven that they will have great support for casual gamers.  There are the Mii apps (Chase Mii and Battle Mii) demoed at E3, as well as the inevitable WiiSportsU, Mario Party U, etc.  I hear your worries, OP, but I think you can rest assured that Nintendo will not ignore you.  They have a lot of new fans who want to play casually, with friends and family or just for some quick entertainment in the evening, and they will not ignore that fan base!

#7550 A Nintendo MMO

Posted by Narcidius on 16 June 2011 - 08:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It seems like Animal Crossing was a halfway-house attempt at a Nintendo MMO, before the tech was really feasible for the console market. I could see a new MMO on this level - a Pokemon-like world based on collecting, trading, socializing, and "flair"-like display of your personal creations. I can't see them pulling off anything on the level of WoW... but I admit that the idea excites me. Nintendo's art style seems well suited to a WoW-like persistent-world RPG.

#10684 About that sensor strip...

Posted by Narcidius on 24 June 2011 - 12:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

Isn't there some sort of rule against threads with only two real contributors? Seems like back and forth posts are a rather inefficient way of having an argument of this nature...

As for the topic, it has been suggested in the past that the sensor strip could replace the separate sensor bar if you were, say, wanting to bring your WiiU over to your friend's house and play some games with only the wiimotes. I admit that having fewer wires is appealing, but this seems like a pretty limited application. I suppose that it makes sense as a simple perk (being that, as others have said, it's just a matter of a couple of LEDs)... I guess we'll have to wait to see.

#74395 Should Nintendo Be Interested in Making Phones?

Posted by Narcidius on 24 April 2012 - 07:06 AM in General Gaming

Don't know about you, but I'd feel like a total a-hole just holding my 3DS up to my ears. :P

lol... this (the form factor) really is a big deal, i guess. you'd have to use a bluetooth headset all the time, and then things start getting really cost/battery prohibitive for the average consumer, especially as the idea in the first place was maximum portability and minimum complexity.

i think i agree that mainstream gaming (there will always be an 'arcade' niche for console-like products) will move away from consoles eventually... and i'm genuinely impressed by some of the great horizons being explored by indie developers on mobile platforms (just tell me Sword & Sworcery:EP isn't an awesome game). but this really hits on the big frustration of the current crossroads in technology. the more portable you make something, the less physical real estate you have for essential things like viewable space, input devices, etc. but the less portable you make something, the less likely people are going to be to spend the majority of their time with it in our current "always-on-the-go" mindset. what to do, what to do...

#73374 Should Nintendo Be Interested in Making Phones?

Posted by Narcidius on 20 April 2012 - 12:55 PM in General Gaming

So... Nintendo is pretty clear regarding how they feel about smartphones as gaming devices. Iwata says that phones, as non-dedicated gaming devices, can't offer the rich, deep experiences that are ultimately satisfying to their fans. Reggie has said that the company is not - and probably never will be - interested in making a phone.

But... and I'm not just parroting the silly doom-and-gloom-consoles-are-out analysts here... SHOULD they be?

The thing with phones is that - unlike a gaming device - you kind of have to have one (or at least it's becoming increasingly expected in our society that we will have one). We (speaking as the representative consumer, here) feel that it is essential for us to have a phone... and as long as we have to have one, we feel that it would be silly for us NOT to choose a phone that also has so many other things we want (like access to social networks, streaming video, email, web access, books, utilities for performing everyday tasks, and yes, GAMES). Once in the possession of such a device - one that seems to offer so many genuine opportunities for rich media - we feel that it is cumbersome and unnecessary (or at least annoying) to bother with DVD players, separate music players, laptop computers, or even to carry around a second device for gaming...

I get Iwata's argument... and I agree that smartphones, such as they are, will never replace the experience of gaming with sticks and buttons. But why not simply make a gaming phone with sticks and buttons, then (like Sony's phone, but much, much better)? The iPhone has some games of very broad scope and very deep value (few, I grant it, but they are there). It can be done, and done well... and iPhone sales are exponentially greater than iPod sales (which can do everything the iPhone does except for make calls), simply because it is also a phone.

So... why is Nintendo uninterested? And should they be?

#74024 Should Nintendo Be Interested in Making Phones?

Posted by Narcidius on 23 April 2012 - 09:38 AM in General Gaming

Hm... these thoughts make a lot of sense to me. Especially compelling seems to be the demographic argument (that people of the target age to appreciate an "N-Phone" probably won't want to/be able to pony up the cash to own/maintain one), as well as the worries about size/performance issues at the moment.

Ultimately, however, I suppose it always comes down to Nollog's point that Ninty's "business DNA" is wired toward making games (an end which the hardware serves, not visa versa), and that they would never really be GOOD at providing an iPhone-like experience... still, it will be a sad day for me when I have to download Mario as an app on my iPod.

#71892 WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

Posted by Narcidius on 13 April 2012 - 05:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

lol... flc, you crack me up.

On the topic-side of things... I guess consoles are kind of in a tight spot right now with where to shoot, spec-wise. They just CAN'T make something on par with high-end PCs, because consumers won't pay that much for a console, and they can't cheap out on the specs because people have seen games running on high-end PCs and tend to expect similar experiences...

On the other hand, the functional gap really is not that big right now. Yes, Crysis 2 really does look astounding on a gaming PC with all the settings cranked to 11... but the difference between that and the Xbox360 version of the game is still not as big as the difference between, say, Black Ops on Xbox360 and Black Ops on Wii. Whatever Microsoft and Sony manage to squeeze out for their next generation, it will certainly not represent a challenge for 3rd party ports to the WiiU. The real question, as has been said, is whether or not the lost fanbase even cares about Nintendo any more...

#71755 WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

Posted by Narcidius on 12 April 2012 - 12:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

When nintendo says "specs dont matter, enjoy the game" its a turn off for many hard core gamers, because we know what good specs do and thats what we want. (Its because the knowledge hard core gamers have, from pc mostly... its not just a fetish to see good specs.. because hard core gamers, know very well, what does what.. inside the machine )

lol... yeah, as a loyal apologist for Nintendo since the NES days (where is your hedgehog now, you smug, smug SEGA kids from my childhood!!!) I have had ample opportunity to appreciate the irony of my posture toward the company. On the one hand, it feels somewhat awkward being told by a company what you want ("no Mikey, you want to play with this now... that thing that you think you want really doesn't matter at all")... but on the other hand, the people have crafted some of the most compelling, enjoyable, and beloved IPs of all time, and there's something to their idea that the experience is built of far more than visual complexity.

I do agree with you when you say that their attitude will not win back the so-called "hardcore" gamer (and I like your distinction between hardcore and enthusiast... it is quite a useful distinction). The people that they lost are not the mindless trend-followers that they are so often painted to be (as much as I would love to indulge in the vindication afforded by that caricature) - they are consumers, with money, who know what they want, and they will spend money on what they want. They are interested in a certain aesthetic, and a certain kind of horizon of wonder that is afforded by cutting-edge technology, and I don't really think that they will be persuaded that what they actually want is solid play mechanics within a fresh and robust approach to interactivity in games... no matter how compelling the experience might really turn out to be.

#71762 Nintendo speaks out saying enjoy the games, don't focus on specs.

Posted by Narcidius on 12 April 2012 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

ok, ok, everyone... it's clear that Nintendo isn't saying that their console will be "underpowered" by telling fans to focus on games rather than specs...

but seriously, who can deny that this kind of statement pushes certain kinds of very predictable response buttons in people's heads?  Is Nintendo really ignorant of the fact that people are GOING to hear "underpowered" when you tell them not to think about specs?

I just think that it is a very disappointing angle to take with consumers... I mean, they point blank admitted that what "a lot of people like" (dissecting specs) doesn't really matter to them, and that kind of statement can be disheartening to consumers already suffering from trust issues with a company due to its perceived willingness to ignore them.

Nintendo's track record with hardware has included a great number of significant lost opportunities due to the decisions that they have made, and I think that people have a right to be nervous about this...

#9862 metroid wiiu prime or classic

Posted by Narcidius on 21 June 2011 - 12:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This franchise seems to be most closely associated in peoples' minds with the HD era - probably because the aesthetic of the Prime trilogy already tended toward this direction (I still think that Corruption looks good, even when compared to HD games)...

But I don't necessarily want another "Prime" (meaning, a first-person shooter/adventure)... I would be all for an entirely different mode of play for the franchise, as long as the core Metroid dynamic of recursive, layered exploration, haunting atmosphere, upgradable abilities, deep alien lore and complex environmental puzzles were all preserved.

Keep the above qualities, keep the realistic, captivating aesthetic, and you've got me sold...

#13302 What Would You Do If the Wii U Was Released NOW?

Posted by Narcidius on 09 July 2011 - 08:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Of course I would buy it! Sure I don't have a load of cash lying around... but that's what kidneys are for, right? :)

#8889 Would a Majora's Mask remake be better suited for the Wii-U?

Posted by Narcidius on 18 June 2011 - 04:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would be all over a full 3d version of a link to the past, but with OOT and star fox its now time to focus on new things again.

This is where I'm at, too... I have genuine love for the classics, and playing them again really takes me back.  But there has been a LOT of remaking lately, and precious little progress into new realms.  If a company relies too much on repackaging and re-selling to me games that they've already sold me before, eventually it starts to feel less like a service for the fans and more like a lazy way to make a buck, or even (and I flinch to say this) a lack of good ideas.

Nintendo is actually worrying me... I feel that they might be in the place that Disney got to be in, when Walt got old, endlessly combing over the old man's old ideas, looking for a note or a scrap of paper to turn into a full-length feature. I don't think Miyamoto is there... but I think that everyone could use a Pixar-like infusion of fresh genius - someone with really NEW ideas for a new generation, and an organic vision of future gaming that syncs with where the market's at.

#7486 Would a Majora's Mask remake be better suited for the Wii-U?

Posted by Narcidius on 16 June 2011 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Personally, I think that the 3DS is the perfect delivery vehicle for N64 re-releases (OoT has me stoked)... but if they were to completely refurbish the game (more akin to what MS is doing for the Halo:CE anniversary), I could see an HD version blowing me away.  Even more exciting to me, in many ways, would be a re-imagining of the tale, like what Eurocom did with the recent Goldeneye for Wii.

Honestly (and I know this will be unpopular) I think Nintendo needs to cool it with the Zelda franchise for a while (other than these kind of remakes)... I like Zelda as a kind of epoch franchise, giving me a new tale for a new era.  I would hate to see it become a serial, faerie sitcom... I think the same thing about Metroid, for now.  I say, give me (or rather, give Retro) a new Star Fox... it's been ages for that franchise, and it would be in a great position to milk that HD goodness.

#16023 Pay for online?

Posted by Narcidius on 19 July 2011 - 08:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

While I agree that it seems HIGHLY unlikely that Nintendo will charge for its online service, I can't say that I am particularly happy about this...

XboxLIVE is a great service. It really is... and millions of adopters, "hardcore" and "casual" alike, agree. I'm not saying that I really want Nintendo to do something similar, but I AM afraid that I will end up paying each individual company individual, monthly fees on separate account systems for online functionality in their particular game (which is a nightmare). A few things that Nintendo has said make me think in this direction, and I am REALLY hoping that this doesn't happen (but don't know how it can be avoided, especially being that companies like Ubi are already headed there)...

#76368 what is a hardcore gamer....

Posted by Narcidius on 01 May 2012 - 11:47 AM in General Gaming

Hardcore gamers tend to care less about graphics then casual gamers. While some specialize in a single genre, they typically have fairly diverse taste in games, frequently playing a wide variety of games from different genres. They'll often seek out obscure and older games, based on word of mouth or positive critical reception. Hardcore gamers put good gameplay above all else, and don't mind if a good game has poor (or even nonexistent) graphics, sound, characters and plot.

I like this a bit... probably because I feel like it allows for multiple definitions of greatness in a game. But 'graphics' is another one of those vague terms - 8-bit-style pixel art can be beautiful or ugly just like any other art style, and I prefer to play beautiful games (even old ones, or text-based adventures with clever and engaging narration) rather than ugly ones... so I don't entirely agree with the "gameplay above all" mantra as it is here defined... I think all of those "unimportant" things have to factor into a holistic idea of "gameplay"...

As far as "hardcore" goes... I think Nintendo, when it says that it wants back hardcore gamers, pretty much only means that they would like to have some customers that actually buy games. They're a business... *shocker!*... and they need to have a platform that encourages developers to produce games by offering the reasonable expecation of profit. Millions of households own a Wii + exactly one game (WiiSports)... millions more own a Wii + a few shovelware games that they thought would be fun at parties. This really does not encourage developers to make games for a platform.

Perhaps we personally find "bloody" games distasteful, or believe that CoD offers a very simple and uniteresting gameplay experience. Perhaps we have some sort of Freudian complex surrounding impressive visual prowess and would rather not allow the people who enjoy such games to be elevated by the title "hardcore" - which suggests a certain prestige or prowess or dignity or good taste or whatever... but I think that ultimately none of that matters to Nintendo when it says it wants the hardcore gamer back. I really think that all they're saying is "please, people that buy games, come back and buy those games on our platform, so that we can continue to sell consoles and thereby have the income to continue making the games that WE want to make".

#76698 what is a hardcore gamer....

Posted by Narcidius on 03 May 2012 - 07:39 AM in General Gaming

yeah... all of these "standards" seem really, really arbitrary. For Nintendo's purposes I really do think they just mean "people who will buy lots of games". Why would they care about whether or not a person is psychologically affected by their friends' choices, or knows how to disassemble and reassemble a PC in a minute and fifteen seconds flat?

to be honest, everybody here (including myself, I know, I know) sounds like a blowhard every now and then when pushing their definitions and opinions about what gaming is all about... and I think there's a big lack of self-awareness when people turn up their nose at "kids who only play games for x or y silly reason". What, like you REALLY know what you mean by "gameplay is all I care about"? Like you never find yourself enjoying a game that a hundred million 8th graders also happen to like, just because THEIR reason for liking it is the cool poster with the guy holding a really big gun? Come on...

That's like pretending that you don't enjoy fast food or junk food, simply due to the fact that fine cuisine is "better". Better for what? For complexity? For skill of composition? For profound possibilities of reflection and existential bliss? Sure. For quick energy? For facilitating social interaction? For comfort? For excitement? Maybe not.

Also, what's with the tacitly accepted disparagement of "violence" in games, and the somewhat bigoted insinuation that violence is something only "Americans" like? Um............ last time I checked, "violence" was a staple of the industry. I don't think that Mario crushes his enemies in the spirit of peace and goodwill. If people are somehow arguing that "sanitized" violence - violence that is disguised as non-violence by clever puffs of smoke or the absence of blood - is somehow not violence... well then that's a different discussion.

#7506 what do think of the look of the console?

Posted by Narcidius on 16 June 2011 - 06:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah... I wish, for silly aesthetic reasons, that there was a greater contrast to the look of the Wii.  I like some curves... but then again, I think the N64 was the sexiest looking console ever released.

Ultimately, however, I don't think the look matters (as long as they give me an option of black, so it blends in with ALL THE OTHER ELECTRONICS OUT THERE).

#77446 Starfox Wii U at E3?

Posted by Narcidius on 08 May 2012 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

... yeah, I think what made the original Starfox and SF64 so amazing was the presense of the big, interactive action set pieces and the frenetic action (things which have all become kind of staples of AAA game production in recent years). I'm not sure that Nintendo could stick with the original formula and end up with the kind of mind-blowing experience that fans are begging for, if only because that kind of experience has become so common.

The cinematic feel of the first two games seems important - the sense that these big, gorgeous worlds are just coming at you, and making you react to events with speed and precision. This doesn't require the game to be "on rails", I suppose (originally, my favorite level from SF64 was Katina), but it does require a certain kind of cinematic, action-oriented pacing. The RPG/Adventure elements always felt like an awkward departure from this core, to me, and left me feeling that I was playing a different (albeit somewhat interesting) franchise.

#10268 Jack Tretton (PS CEO) talks Wii U

Posted by Narcidius on 22 June 2011 - 05:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

Link to the story on WiiUBlog.com
Sure, Nintendo's late to 'the HD party', but, in a certain sense, Sony should have respect for its 'elders'. Nintendo's been part of this business since 1985. Sony came along like ten years later after WORKING with Nintendo in the first place. Welcome to the party? I think that this is honestly the first time Sony can tell Nintendo that about ANYTHING. I love the PlayStation brand, but I have to say that I hate its bigwigs.

Oh man, don't tempt me to go hating on Sony... the 12 steps have been going so well.

Honestly, though, it seems that this interview has been getting pretty universally negative press, as opposed to the interview with Shuhei Yoshida about the PSV, which impressed me with its earnestness, its positive tone, its concerted avoidance of pot shots, etc.  Genuine excitement about innovation and possibilities always makes for a better interview than hip-fired, juvenile bravado.

#76348 Nintendo Needs A Halo

Posted by Narcidius on 01 May 2012 - 08:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They do need a generic First Person Shooter, I agree.

Sarcasm, anyone?

... but really, I think the OP was talking about a game that filled the function of Halo (solid, complex mechanics, cool visual styling, and a decently rich narrative structure with the opportunity for deep lore). Uncharted does SOME of this for the playstation (the basic mechanics are a bit unpolished, the play is a bit linear, and there's very little opportunity for lore), as does killzone, infamous, and god of war... but I think that a lot of sony's difficulty (other than prohibitive price) has to do with the lack of that one title that really nails all three aspects.

I agree that Nintendo needs this. Their internal focus has always been on play mechanics - which really makes sense as a bedrock starting point for game design. But to really capture nerddome in its entirety (I'm not talking about the so-called "graphics whores" or kids that just want to look cool, here), you need a world that offers everything in one package.

I agree that Retro is currently the best candidate to do this, from many angles... but I have yet to see them foray into the realm of a truly new IP...

#77417 "The Intended Platforms UE 4 is aimed at have not been announced" Say...

Posted by Narcidius on 08 May 2012 - 07:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

^ Nollog nailed it people. He didn't mean the consoles havnt been announced, he meant they havnt announced which consoles ue4 is meant to operate on.

Grammitically, he didn't need to say "intended" and "aimed". It makes that sentence confusing, especially when being read.He should have said, "the platforms this is intended for have not been announced."

or... "we have yet to announce the platforms for which this is intended"... if grammatical precision is absolutely paramount :P anyway, i agree that nothing conclusive was said...

but hey, in relation to the whole frustration regarding "the games industry" and DLC... I realized not too long ago that I actually ended up paying $90 for Gears of War 3, after adding the cost of the DLC season pass to the original cost of the game... so yeah, I get the point about feeling a bit hustled. But you know what? I'm actually ok with it. I appreciate that games are expensive to develop and publish, I like all the bells and whistles that come with high production values and traditional packaging, and the slow feed of extra content is welcome to me. The digital/new media age has spoiled me a bit, but at the end of the day I am still a fan, and fans of all stripes have always been ready to shell out ridiculous amounts of cash for overpriced merchandise!

Also... I remember paying $70 for a game on many occasions during the "good old days" of gaming (talking SNES here)... and that was in 1992 dollars!

#74939 Epic Making Metroid

Posted by Narcidius on 26 April 2012 - 06:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

man, this just seems like the absolute most unlikely of all the unlikely rumors I have heard so far (at least, the ones that people are taking seriously)... is it even POSSIBLY true? would I even WANT it to be true?

... this coming from a big Gears freak... i'm not sure that epic loves any nintendo franchise enough to give it the proper treatment.

#74946 Epic Making Metroid

Posted by Narcidius on 26 April 2012 - 07:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

NO! That's bad news! That would be absolute horrible!
Metroid is about exploring and figuring out puzzles to get from point A to point B, and not a mindless shooter, because Epic Games only produces mindless shooters!

hey now! that's as unfair as saying that nintendo only makes games about fuzzy animals hugging each other. it's NOT a bad idea because epic is somehow incapable of making a nuanced, engaging game. it's a bad idea (if it is one... i'm still undecided) because i'm not sure that epic's strengths align well with metroid's very peculiar "ethos"... which involves, among other things, the core mechanic of recursive exploration/discovery that you mentioned.

I hope for a mindless metriod shooter, a direct copy of halo. :P

man i like this guy's posts... oh sarcasm, the wonders of humor/wit/perspective you enable!

#11215 Nintendo Not Looking to be #1 Online

Posted by Narcidius on 27 June 2011 - 05:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Agreed. We need more games like Secret of Mana. Those were the days...

If by this you mean co-op games... then I think you're in luck.  There are a WIDE array of great co-op games on the current HD consoles, and I imagine we'll be seeing a steady stream from our beloved big N now that they have the horsepower to pull it off without taxing the processor.

btw... I also LOVE Secret of Mana... most nostalgic gaming experience in my memory... played it with my brother on and on until the save file died.

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