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There have been 58 items by Alex Atkin UK (Search limited from 25-June 23)

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#287255 Wii-u and external hdd's?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 30 May 2014 - 10:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yup its all or nothing, formats the whole drive to WiiU format.

#287260 Wii-u and external hdd's?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 30 May 2014 - 11:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

That should work fine.

#275091 Wii U's Memory Bandwidth, GPU More Powerful Than We Thought?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 28 February 2014 - 09:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

My head hurts!

#287257 WiFi works better than a Wii LAN/ethernet adapter! [FIXED ON WiiU OS 3.0]

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 30 May 2014 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

Same here its 20mbit. with normal wifi (80% of my connection). 3ds however sucks to dl with.


with 32gb internal.


The problem is its STILL 20Mbit max even on 100Mbit broadband which when downloading a large game is annoying.


That makes sense over WiFi, its only capable to around 30-40Mbit at best, but on Ethernet it should be able to hit close to 100Mbit.


That said, even the PS4 only goes around 40Mbit.

#279211 whats the advantage of a gpu with high bandwith

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 31 March 2014 - 12:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

Its just another meaningless marketing term like "quality".


Because, High Bandwidth compared to what?  It could mean pretty much anything.


Its also unhelpful because if the system is not balanced you could have WAY more bandwidth than the GPU can actually use, just like you can have too much GPU power that bottlenecks due to lack of bandwidth.


What matters is that the overall system is balanced so you never have too much/little of anything.

#275025 whats invovative about ps4

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 27 February 2014 - 08:40 PM in General Gaming

How about the fact that it actually HAS a tablet. One that works very well in game interactions such as Batmans batarang, Sniping, off TV play, video chat, even blowing into the mic to affect game play, browsing the internet, universal remote, etc. 


The only issue has been that it hasn't been utilized enough.


Then there is the fact that it has had its own social network since launch.


OH GOD NO!  I find games that utilise blowing into the mic to be the most annoying gimmick EVER.  Its even more annoying than waving your arms around with Kinect.


I liked the concept of the Gamepad, but by making it so multi-purpose (being able to put it in a stand for video chat, lay on the floor for golf, dock it as a gun sight) they messed up the ergonomics so its actually uncomfortable for its main purpose - being a standard dual-analog stick controller with a touchscreen in the middle.  The fact they then omitted the analog triggers, that the Gamecube had, was the icing on the cake.  I really don't know what they were thinking.


I would get a pro controller but quite frankly I do not use the Wii U enough to justify the cost.


So again the Wii U innovative?  Not so much.  Even the few unique things it does such as the game where you swipe things at the screen, the gamepad actually feels too cumbersome in one hand for that to work very well.  They forgot what made the Wiimote so popular, that it was small, light and easy to use.

#274963 whats invovative about ps4

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 27 February 2014 - 01:53 PM in General Gaming

I can put my Wii games in my WiiU. I can put PSone games in my PS2/PS3. I can use my Genesis controller on my SEGA Master System.

Those with a Gen1 Genny with a converter could play SMS games on Genny. I can play DS games in my 3DS. I can gplay GBA games in my DS Lite. I can play some Xbox games on my 360. Shenmue II being one of them. Gamecube games on my Wii. Even for Atari 5200 people were not happy it was not BC. So they fixed that the next system.


For people who collect consoles BC isn't as big a issue but for those who do not. It is. Would not cost them that much more to put PS3 on a chip and put it in the PS4. When Sony did it for PS3 it cost 27$ to produce. It got cheaper quickly before they abandoned it. BC doesn't cost much. Nintendo does it and they are scrutinized and accused of being cheap with consoles. WiiU has Wii on a chip. All MS and Sony had to do but they are the ones getting a free pass. So yes they want you to buy some other service or on their store the game you already bought.

It's a load of BS.


Actually, putting a PS3 in the PS4 would be VERY expensive, as none of the hardware is remotely similar.  Its not just a chip, you would have to replicate everything and then tie it into the PS4 OS somehow.


While I would LOVE to have BC on the PS4 so I only have one console, I would even have been willing to pay £100 more for that facility, most people would not.  So they would have needed two SKUs and with having enough trouble manufacturing the standard PS4, and getting the OS barely functional for launch, it would have delayed things and given Microsoft the upper hand.

#275083 whats invovative about ps4

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 28 February 2014 - 07:09 AM in General Gaming

One of the most innovative features is the wobbling mode




Hehehe, yeah I don't know what that is all about.  I bought some adhesive rubber feet for mine as my shelf is too shallow so it wasn't sitting on the PS4s rubber feet at all (so it didn't wobble anyway).

#274912 whats invovative about ps4

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 27 February 2014 - 09:45 AM in General Gaming

Whats innovative about the Wii U?


Sticking a touchscreen in the controller is no more/less innovative than a touchpad on the controller.  Heck, the Wii U is lacking one of the most useful things on modern consoles - the analog triggers.  I also find it the least ergonomic controller in a long while ESPECIALLY from Nintendo.  Both the N64 and Gamecube controllers felt comfortable in your hands, the Wii U Gamepad does not.


Its more about evolution.  The PS4 is an improvement on PS3 (hugely on the controller, its actually comfortable which no dualshock has ever been for me), the Xbox One is (or will be, once they put the functionality back in the OS) an evolution of the Xbox 360 + Kinect, they are just refinements over what went before.


If anything, the PS4 is the biggest improvement because I hated its old controller so much and it inherited the speaker in the controller that really enhanced surround sound.


For the record, I do find the touchscreen on Wii U useful especially for inventory management.  But when playing games like LEGO City Undercover, I never once felt that "this game plays better BECAUSE of the touchscreen".  It would have been just as much fun without the gimmicky bits.  Same when playing LEGO Marvel on PS4, the only time the touchscreen would have been useful is the map and the ONLY reason that was an issue is because the game was poorly optimised so took a few seconds to display the map screen.  Had it been better optimised so the map appeared instantly, it would have been no better as if you have to take your eyes off the TV you might as well just display it on the TV in the first place.

What i mean is all the features on ps4 are available on ps3 or its easy to create on ps3


No they are not, because of the huge increase in RAM mainly.  Also the fact it can access the HDD quicker than PS3.


Streaming to twitch.tv/Remote Play/Saving your last 15 minutes of gameplay.  This is all done due to hardware encoding, the PS3 didn't have that which is why only a few games worked with remote play as those games had to specifically use LESS CPU power for the game and be optimised to work with the software video streaming tech.  Also to be able to remote play from power off you effectively had to leave the PS3 powered on, the PS4 uses ten times less electricity in standby than the PS3 did in remote play off mode.  Likewise the PS4 will be able to suspend your current game in RAM and go into standby in the future, so you can instantly resume playing.


Then there is just general OS improvements.  Being able to go into the Playstation Store without quitting your active game, how quickly you can go look at your trophies without quitting the game (PS3 is very slow as it has a tiny amount of RAM for system tasks), how background downloading works.  Its just a more pleasant OS to use and that is because of the improvements in the hardware.


These are the sorts of improvements I expected Wii U to have over Wii and sadly it does not.  Its still slow and clunky going into different sections of the OS.

#266169 USB3 is pointless

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 12 January 2014 - 03:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

Consoles don't work like that. If you load a game faster one of two things happen:
1. the game plays at a higher speed. (2 second becomes 1 etc.)
2. the data stays in memory and does nothing for gameplay.

I made this in response to that kid what wants to be a developer and always says wii u sucks and sold his wii u but buys games for it all the time to say how bad they are, he made a thread saying something like wii u should have usb3 in an update to hardware or software or something.


1. That doesn't make sense, you are talking about executing the code quicker not loading quicker. 

2. Consoles are still just computers, the quicker the data get into RAM the less time you spend staring at loading screens and the less texture/object pop-in you get.


The problem is the WiiU (like the PS3) seems to have some other bottleneck that slows down loading so it never reaches the speed of the media itself, most likely its the DRM.


So yes USB 3.0 would be pointless on the WiiU, but its far from pointless in other cases.

#266028 USB3 is pointless

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 11 January 2014 - 02:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

USB 2 is faster than any disc drive currently available.


I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.  If the Wii U actually utilised it properly then it totally would be worth it.  Who wouldn't want the Wii U loading games as fast as PC?


As it stands I could argue the same that more than 20Mbit broadband is pointless, purely based on the fact the Wii U refuses to download that fast.  It doesn't mean its pointless overall, its just pointless due to how the Wii U is poorly optimised.

#271491 Truth to Nintendo Fusion?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 10 February 2014 - 07:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

"one platform across multiple devices" sounds more like having Wii U games run on a 3DS-like device.  In fact that would be one good reason for keeping Nintendo home consoles somewhat low powered, so that they can make a comparable portable and you buy the game on one device and automatically get it on the other.


Basically its the same principle as what Sony have already done with a few indie games, you buy it on PS3 and get the Vita version bundled in.  It DOES however depends on you buying all your games as downloads.  Then again, Nintendo prices would actually be REASONABLE if you got both versions, they are only pricey when you consider its for a single platform and retail sells cheaper.


This is actually something I have been waiting for since Xbox 360 launched as Microsoft were talking about it but it never really got anywhere.  Sony beat them to it in actually implementing it but sadly its still not happening for retail games, its too profitable to charge us twice.

#274591 Tracking speed of wiimote

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 25 February 2014 - 02:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

You also have to bear in mind that the TV in use will make a BIG difference.


When I upgraded to a TV with horrific input lag it was particularly obvious on the Wii.

#267103 The Secret Developers: Wii U - the inside story

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 January 2014 - 11:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't understand some of the logic in here that somehow the Eurogamer article is wrong because a few small developers can write perfectly fine on the Wii U.


That doesn't prove the developer was lazy or incompetent, it proves what we already knew - that it CAN be done but it costs too much time and money to be worthwhile if your game is also releasing on other much easier to write on platforms.


The Wii U is not a BAD platform to develop on, that is clear, but its certainly not as easy as the competition.  When you consider that even the Xbox One and PS4 now have an equal or larger install base than Wii U (and the code can easily be ported between those platforms as they are similar), its a no-brainer than the Wii U is just not third-party developer friendly, unless you are willing to commit a lot of resources to that single platform.


As many have said already, Nintendo thought they could capitalise on the popularity of the Wii and blew it. 


Is the Wii U a failure?  I don't think so, just as I never felt the Gamecube was a failure (and Nintendo certainly didn't, they made a profit on it).  But from a multi-platform developers point of view it is and that doesn't mean they are wrong, because the most important thing for them it for the platform to be profitable and its pretty clear the Wii U so far is not, for them.


I have said it before, based on the Wii I always expected the Wii U to be a platform only really worth buying exclusives on, I always intended to get a PS4 or One for multi platform titles.  The problem is that Nintendo promoted it otherwise and clearly did not support the port teams well enough to achieve that goal and then delayed their own titles so much that many of us felt ripped off.

#266031 The Secret Developers: Wii U - the inside story

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 11 January 2014 - 02:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

I read it. Sounds like someone's butthurt over Nintendo not doing his job for him.


I disagree, its clear that Nintendo screwed up.  No way a developer should have been struggling to get a simple "Hello World" to run on a new console and if the debugger has issues, how exactly do you expect the developer to do their job?  Having to GUESS that the network code would work okay because you couldn't run it on proper debugging mode, seriously?


It sounded clear to me that Nintendo made it almost impossible for them to do their job and the end results makes it seem totally plausible.  Its perfectly understandable that with a poor experience like that, no developer is going to give it a second chance.


I mean come on, the sheer fact that the WiiU OS is still such a slow laggy mess should be a clue.  Sony aren't exactly fantastic when it comes to OS coding but the improvements between PS3 and PS4 are huge, its finally is up to Xbox 360 quality of experience (when ironically the Xbox One seems WORSE).  In comparison the WiiU OS experience is just a joke.  If the end user experience is poor, I can only imagine how bad the underlying code must be.


I am still very much looking forward to Mario Kart and Zelda, but that's not going to make me say the WiiU is something its not.  The only thing I can really say that is positive about the WiiU OS is that the backwards compatibility is fantastic.  Although that said, they could easily have made it compatible all the way back to Gamecube and I wouldn't have to go out and buy a Classic Controller to play N64 games.  So even there, its not perfect.

#286691 Sony Lied: Watch_Dogs NOT 1080p on any Current-Gen Console

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 26 May 2014 - 02:44 PM in General Gaming

Way to go guys, lets insult the game before you have even PLAYED it.

From what I can see, there is WAY more going on Watch Dogs than Second Son.

I mean I LOVED Second Son, its a gorgeous game and their particle engine is insane. But when it comes to physics and personality of the AI characters, even from the trailers Watch Dogs looks superior.

Am I the only person who realises just how much effort it takes to simulate wind interactions and the lighting of Watch Dogs so you can actually cause the blackouts? Even the little things like being able to crash into an electricity sub-station to cause a blackout, not just hacking, its a level of interactivity we haven't really seen before. I think there are going to be a LOT of little details in Watch Dogs that the trailers have yet to really get across, you have to experience them.

You can only ever get a true picture of how good a game world in when you actually PLAY it and feel the world around you. Sure some of the animations might be choppy (I haven't seen it), but if there are 1000 more of those animations than any other game its totally excusable.

#280239 So, turns out single USB powered drives do work

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 07 April 2014 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

What you also have to watch out for are USB 3.0 drives as they will only have a single USB connector due to USB 3.0 being able to output enough current, but when plugged in to USB 2.0 will not have enough current to work reliably.


Like said above though, a USB 2.0 drive designed to work on a single port should be fine, although I have never seen such a device.  Personally, I wouldn't risk using a USB 2.0 HDD without a Y cable no matter what as you can never be sure any USB host puts out exactly 500mA.  Its not unusual for them to be slightly under-spec and a Y cable ensures you do not have any problems.


Also, caddies that you put your own drive in sometimes only come with a single cable even though almost all 2.5" drives need a Y cable to work properly.  You most certainly CAN damage the drive by running it on less current than it needs as it will randomly fail to write data correctly and become corrupt, potentially even damage the platters as it may spin up/down at random preventing the auto head parking from working correctly.


However, if your Wii U is having problems with a USB 2.0 HDD plugged in, either the Wii U or the drive is faulty.  The Wii U should cut power to a USB port if a defective device is plugged in, I would be very surprised if they did not have sensible safety precautions on the motherboard to deal with that.

#264315 Shin'ens new game is making me confident in the Wii Us power keeping up t...

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 01 January 2014 - 11:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think saying that basing a console on PC hardware is being "lazy" is very narrow minded.


The point is that costs have been constantly going up and if developers say they need thing to be easier you would be a fool to ignore them.


You also make it sound like neither Sony or Microsoft did any customisation at all which is not true.  They did exactly what Nintendo did, started with off-the-shelf designs and revised them accordingly.  The PS4 has a custom network processor and DSP, the Xbox One also has a custom DSP although arguably sticks much closer to the PC design - but as the company who makes Windows that is hardly surprising.


Consoles were custom because they had to be, PCs were very inefficient and this has slowly improved.  Nintendo stick with custom because it means exclusive titles have a huge advantage, but that is also why their key titles have taken so long to come out on Wii U.  Its also really annoyed the third-parties which is hardly a logical business decision.


So if anything, I would say its Nintendo that are shooting themselves in the foot here stubbornly refusing to change with the times.

#277484 Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 16 March 2014 - 03:09 PM in General Gaming

It's too early to judge the ps4 or X1 simply because they don't have a year under their belts, so right now ps4 is winning but who knows how's going to turn out a year later. Still as of right now the X1 has the better games with Forza5, TitanFall, and Killer Instinct but that doesn't seem to be changing the tide towards them(probably the price which did hurt my pocket lol).

Now the wiiu is what it is a 1st party system with the occasional port but I don't see that changing and like the X1 it has better games than the ps4.

The PS4 has some games but nothing that truly compares to those of WiiUs and X1, still it has a ton of potential with its power behind it and it's awesome controller. Also maybe Infamous which is the first big game this year for the ps4 is coming out this week so idk maybe that will prove and justify why everyone is purchasing it.

Still like I said a year from now maybe the ps4 has that key exclusive that wows us or maybe it's the wiiu or X1.


Depends where you are coming from.


Forza 5 was a very poor showing and a downgrade from 4 from what I could tell (I own 2, 3 and 4).  But most of all, they didn't make my expensive racing wheel compatible that I had only just bought.


Killer Instinct, I don't care about fighting games.


Titanfall, I don't care about any game which is online only.


However I actually quite enjoyed Knack, some aspects of it felt like an old Rare game - although not the same overall quality not awful like someone people were saying.  Also when playing it in 1080p you realise it IS a next-gen game, its just the choice of art style doesn't show it off how you expect.  The way the camera pulls away as Knack gets bigger - that needed 1080p to work as it would be really hard to see what is going on otherwise.


When it comes to multi-platorm, PS4 was a no brainer because why pick the lesser powered console? If I was going ONLY for power then of course my PC easily matches or slightly beats PS4, but I like the ease of console gaming.  I just don't find myself booting up PC games that often even though I have a decent collection.


I'm looking forward to Drive Club, a racing game actually using next-gen graphical features like proper raytraced lighting.  Despite what some people say, the look of a racing game makes a HUGE difference to how fun it is to play.  One reason I got bored with Forza was its so clinical, the environment feels so fake as its identical every time.  This got worse in Forza 5 because the extra resolution just make it more obvious when things aren't animated or reflecting/lit properly, etc.  When you are trying to simulate reality you want those little graphical details that make the world feel alive and different every time.


As someone said above, Microsoft pushed me away.  I LOVED Xbox 360 for many years but with neither console backwards compatible, and Sony seeming to make the biggest effort to bring some of the catalog over, I had no good reason to stay. Had they at least brought over my huge Xbox Live Arcade catalog I would probably have gone for Xbox One.

#286543 Question on Wii games

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 25 May 2014 - 02:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think its more a perception issue.  Wii games have ALWAYS looked jaggied to me, even when I still had my 14" CRT.


Sure its a bit more obvious on a big HDTV, but it didn't look notably better on the 14" CRT either.  The biggest improvement has been using the WiiU to upscale or playing them on the GamePad.

#277486 People accidentally buy stuff on PS4; Sony does not offer refunds

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 16 March 2014 - 03:21 PM in General Gaming

The Dualshock 4 can only connect to the PS3 via charge cable. It doesn't actually pair with the system through bluetooth. It would still have been paired with the PS4 and working input on both.


What this guy did was silly. The DS4 doesn't completely replicate all of the PS3's controller functions. The Touchpad, the Share Button and the Home button do not work as the Select or Home buttons of the PS3. That said, why not just use the DS3 and be wireless in the first place?


Maybe because the DS3 controller sucks?


Personally I HATE the thing and also use the DS4 on my PS3 whenever possible as its so much more comfortable and responsive.

#271495 Pachter: Nintendo stop Wii U production, move to XB1/PS4 until new console

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 10 February 2014 - 08:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U is not profitable (at the moment).


I was referring to the fact that they said from the start they only have to sell one game to break even on the Wii U console.


That doesn't mean they necessarily paid off all the cost of designing the console, but getting rid of any potential for selling more Wii U games wouldn't exactly put them in a better position.


The point is, they have already manufactured the consoles and are making games for it.  The only thing that CAN happen if they dropped it is making an even deeper loss, as all that manufacturing and development is suddenly worthless.  Plus as other people have said, no way people will buy the NEXT console if they drop the Wii U this soon and definitely not if they supported other consoles.


Te biggest reason the Wii U is not making them money right now is because they spent a lot more time/money making the games in the first place.  Its going to take a while to make up for that.

#267154 Pachter: Nintendo stop Wii U production, move to XB1/PS4 until new console

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 January 2014 - 05:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wouldn't make much sense for them to cancel a profitable product, even if they aren't selling huge numbers.

#271489 owning a wiiu is fun but buying it is a disaster

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 10 February 2014 - 07:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm not happy about the money i invested in my WiiU at launch.


How I feel also. 


As I have ranted about before, I got the Premium for the extra memory and it annoys me that I still ended up having to use a USB memory stick because its the only way to get top speed on downloads.


I also never got any benefit from the bonus scheme because of the rip-off prices of buying games on the store and the poor download speeds (even using an external HDD) meant it wasn't worth it.


I feel I was conned into getting the Premium when it offers nothing over the basic really.  Also had I known all the games were going to be delayed, I might have waited.  At least on the 3DS we got the ambassador scheme which I felt was a fair apology, on Wii U we got nothing.

#290447 Original Wii games image quality on Wii U

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 15 June 2014 - 04:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I thought the same thing WITH my Wii and tried it on my old 14" CRT thinking it would come across a much sharper picture.  Overall I felt the smaller size just made it more awkward and a slightly more blurry but MUCH bigger picture played better.


On the Wii U, the picture over HDMI is notably better than playing on the Wii over component, on a HDTV.


The only thing you can really do is play on the Gamepad which is closer to Wii resolution but I also find that blurry due to the compression, even on Wii U games.

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