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#202566 How loud is your wii u Disc Drive?

Posted by Happy Monk on 01 May 2013 - 02:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

It's a little loud, but when I'm playing a game I do not notice any sound (I play my Wii U quite loud).

It's about the same as my Blu-Ray player (that thing is too loud).

#202565 What's Your Favorite 3DS Game?

Posted by Happy Monk on 01 May 2013 - 02:24 PM in General Gaming

Hmm, hard question, there are so many good ones (I own 24).

So here's five that are completely awesome in no particular order.


Super Mario 3D Land


Fire Emblem: Awakening

Metal Gear Solid 3D (I know it's a remake)

Kid Icarus Uprising or Castlevania (they're both as awesome as each other).

#201599 The Let's get Stupid edition 2nd annual Wii U Forum awards-RESULTS!

Posted by Happy Monk on 29 April 2013 - 01:02 PM in The Café

Pfft, my avatar's clearly the best. I painted it myself.

#201054 Favorite RPGs of all time

Posted by Happy Monk on 28 April 2013 - 06:39 AM in General Gaming

attack of the sayians, YES!!


It does not get the recognition it sorely deserves!

I forgot about Skies of Arcadia though, that game deserves all the praise it gets.

#201052 Do you think North Korea will attack South Korea?

Posted by Happy Monk on 28 April 2013 - 06:37 AM in The Café

North Korea could attack South Korea at any time. I really hope something happens to end the whole fiasco and just let the Koreans live in peace.

If you couldn't tell, I feel very sorry for the North Korean people, it's ridiculous that there is still a country like that in 2013.

#200209 COD Ghosts

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 03:26 AM in General Gaming

They will show the game, no one will be very excited. We've come to expect exactly what it'll look and play like, which is something you don't really want, other than it provides a nice safety net of quality; the games are quite fun.


It seems legit enough.

Although the box art is terrible.

#200208 Rayman Legends release date changed, coming in August 30th

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 03:22 AM in General Gaming

I was always gonna get this game, but since the delay for porting, it has moved back to christmas for me. Shame really.

Just you wait until it gets delayed for a PS4 and 720 port, as well as the complimentary IOS and Android games. Maybe a Vita and 3DS version as well.

#200207 Favorite RPGs of all time

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 03:18 AM in General Gaming

Does Fire Emblem count?

If so (in no particular order):


Any Fire Emblem game, they're all so good.

Dragon Quest IX, I also really like IV and V, but IX wins it for me.

Any Pokemon game, they're all so good.

Dragonball Z: Attack of the Saiyans (awesome game that not many people know about).

Secret of Mana.


If Fire Emblem doesn't count (again, in no particular order):


Dragon Quest IX.

Any Pokemon game.

Dragonball Z : Attack of the Saiyans.

Secret of Mana.

The Last Story.



I also very much like the DS remakes of Final Fantasy III, IV and Chrono Trigger. Never got into Mass Effect, reminded me too much of Star Wars Episode 1 (kidding). Oblivion and Morrowind are both great, Kingdoms of Amalur is good. Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi are also great series. But the 5 listed above take the crown.

#200190 More light on Nintendo's E3. Adam Sessler.

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 01:40 AM in General Gaming

To be honest, the only thing Nintendo need to do is spend a lot more in advertising. I'm guessing that at least 99% of the population in the UK doesn't know the Wii U exists, despite most of them probably owning Wiis. Just throw a few adverts out and consumers will come. They could put an advert for the Wii U during the ad breaks for Britain's Got Talent and many many people will then be aware of the console and start wandering into game shops to ask about it.

If 10% of the population of the UK knew about the Wii U, sales will generate by themselves and word of mouth.

More to the point. E3 won't win anybody not in the know about videogames over, they do not watch it. It could however win over people who do watch E3 and have been unsure about the Wii U.

Last point, Nintendo does have games to show at E3 (this point should be very clear to anybody paying attention), they have a new 3D Mario game, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros to show at E3, indeed, they have already said they will show these games at E3. Those 3 games alone will generate huge amounts of hype and newfound buzz (and therefore sales) for the console.

#200189 Should the Mii''s be changed?

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 01:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Mii's look good, they always have. All they could do to make them better is add more colour options and more facial options generally. I'm sure a Mario hat or two won't go amiss either.

#199653 I think stores like GAME are Wii U biast

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 April 2013 - 02:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the main problem is that people do not want to spend £50 on a new game, it's too much.

Also, yeah, barely anywhere seems to actually stock Wii U games and such, perhaps it's just that GAME have the monopoly and can therefore charge whatever the hell they like.

We need to see the Wii U in supermarkets and the TV, otherwise average joe six-tooth will not really know it exists.

#199652 No traditional Nintendo E3?

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 April 2013 - 02:43 AM in General Gaming

What it means for us is that they are cutting the crap. No one wants to hear statistics and such, we just wanna see the games. Nintendo is going to be there for the whole weekend, showing the new games it has to the public and seperately to the investors. It's better for us.


Also, we already know they are going to show 3 (potentially) amazing Wii U games in the new 3D Mario game made by the same team as Galaxy 1 & 2 and 3D Land, A new Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. Which is kind of the game most people are dying to see.

Sorry, the internet decided to go very slow when posting.

#199289 PS4 will have strongest launch lineup in PS history

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 April 2013 - 01:01 PM in General Gaming

Does this mean they'll have one game that people want?

#199287 Okami announcement coming next week

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 April 2013 - 12:58 PM in General Gaming

It would be so funny if this turned out to be an IOS or Android port.

#199286 Next Xbox to be Revealed on May 21st

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 April 2013 - 12:55 PM in General Gaming

Even though I know I won't get the new XBOX (or PS4, Wii U only for me), it will be interesting to see what route they are taking.

#198617 RUMOR - Wii U firmware update/VC not coming until the week's end?

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 April 2013 - 04:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

It's just an update, you've been waiting this long, surely a few days won't hurt.

#198614 Do You Ever Use the 3DS's 3D?

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 April 2013 - 04:11 AM in General Gaming

I always play with the 3D on. The games look better in 3D and I just seem to enjoy the games more when playing in 3D, even the ones where it's entirely pointless. I also never turn the brightness down. I don't get the point if you can just charge it when it runs out.

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