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#223340 Metroid or Donkey Kong Country Was a Hard Decision- Retro

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 June 2013 - 07:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

But i think you're wrong.

Jkjk. I am excited about DK. I just would be more happy to have a new Metroid. That said, this simply means that when metroid does come the graphics will be that much better as it won't be new console territory. I spoke hastily when i said that and i whole heartedly take it back :)
DK had been around even longer than Mario (technically) and ours great to see all the love he's getting.

Either way is good, but Metroid can be made by another studio, like Other M. And all Metroid games before Metroid Prime (Fusion as well).

#240111 Wonderful 101 IGN review

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 August 2013 - 03:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The controls are a tad hard to get used to.  At least in my experience, but I wasn't the only one. Multiple users here wasn't fond of the controls either. 

To be honest though, I was more worried that the game would be easy, IGNs review has kind of made me want the game even more.

#240106 Wonderful 101 IGN review

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 August 2013 - 03:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Are the controls genuinely that bad? I haven't played the demo myself... from the sounds of the review, she was just a bit rubbish at the game.

To be fair though, Kid Icarus got unfairly treated due to its control scheme, which I loved.

I still really want The Wonderful 101, a lot.

#240228 Wonderful 101 IGN review

Posted by Happy Monk on 19 August 2013 - 05:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The controls are as tight as capcom/clover/platinums best. And there is an option for EVERYTHING, got a move you never like to use but sometimes accidentally draw it instead of something you want? You can actually turn the move off.

The drawing on the screen is self explanatory and simple (I dont like it because i dont want to take my hands off the controls), and with the right stick, its an improved version of okami's celestial brush.

The actual button controls are the best out there, but the game gives nothing to you, you earn everything. Anyone can stumble through the game like a chump, but, and you can already check this out on youtube, platinum/pure platinum runs showcases how deep the rabbit hole goes if you have the skills.

How much you can enjoy the game can literally be seen by how interesting it is to watch you play.


Apparantly Italians love it. Hmm... makes sense.

Well, I loved Ninja Gaiden 3 (Wii U) and Kid Icarus Uprising, both of which have apparently "difficult" controls, so I think I will love The Wonderful 101 as well.

#204657 Frostbite Technical Director on why Frostbite never came to Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 03:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

yes, they said it's a childrens toy many times. :(


God knows how Nintendo can change their perception of them?.

Then just tell them that if they think something is childish, it is because they are childish.

Think about it, only kids complain about something being too childish. Something is only childish if it was made intentionally for children.

Essentially, one who complains something is too childish is pretty much saying:

'Waah, it's too colourful, I don't like it'.

#226708 DICE: Frostbite 3 engine could be scaled for Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 27 June 2013 - 06:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

What worries me about all this is that EA have said that pretty much every one of their games will run off Frostbite 3...

#280571 Are you getting Smash Bros for the 3DS or Wii U?

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 April 2014 - 05:26 AM in General Gaming

I'll be getting both, although I was kinda hoping for the Wii U version first, as that (to me) seems like the real deal.

#245659 Exactly how much of a downgrade would a PS4 game suffer on Wii U?

Posted by Happy Monk on 12 September 2013 - 10:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

I always go back to this - Iwata said games like Assassin's Creed 3 are only utilizing around 50% of the Wii U's raw power, indeed many of the games released thus far by third parties have only used one of the three CPU cores for the main brunt of processor-heavy elements.

Assassin's Creed 3 looks good enough on Wii U (occasional frame stuttering), imagine something using at least 90% of the system's potential raw power. The Wii U will be fine in terms of graphics, behind? yes. Like the Wii? no. More like the PS2 compared to the Gamecube.

As long as sales pick up, third party ports should start appearing more. But it will never be enough for the internet.

#226495 DICE: Frostbite 3 engine could be scaled for Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 June 2013 - 03:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

Battlefield 4 - Gameboy edition. That is something I'd buy. I mean, at least it would be more interesting than Battlefield 4.

#271205 The 1983 crash Dejavu

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 February 2014 - 04:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Eh. There's always been clones after clones - kinda how the industry rolls. One company makes a game that really does well, everyone else copies it.

#252607 Does IGN hate Nintendo?

Posted by Happy Monk on 22 October 2013 - 08:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No they're not. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean they are crap. ID like to see you do a better job. The chances are you probably can't. At the end of the day reviews are personal opinions and nothing more. You don't have to agree with them but that doesn't mean they are crap. If every review was the same and their was no difference of opinions it would be pretty boring. Personally I like to see different and honest view points whether I agree with them or not.

I dunno, they're Sonic Lost World review was bad - everything they liked about the game in the previews was what they hated in the review. Reviews are good if they are consistent, logical and their arguments make sense. Something I am trying to teach myself. If you can write a review with a natural approach as to what you like and/or dislike about the product you are on to a winner. The impressions I got from IGNs Sonic Lost World review was that it was clearly rushed.


A much more informed and superbly written review of that game can be found on Nintendo Official Magazine's website. Plus, IGN are far too offended by games with different approaches to controls, ugh, learning.


There is a general trend however for Nintendo's games to be underrated on review aggregate sites such as metacritic. Or is it that 360 and PS3 games are highly overrated? I leave it up to you to decide.

#276031 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by Happy Monk on 06 March 2014 - 08:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yes Deus Ex is amazing on Wii U. Gamepad integration from the ground up for this game. I also think NFSMW U does a great job utilizing the gamepad.

Gah. Forgot about Deus Ex also... Brilliant game.


Need For Speed doesn't use the gamepad quite as well, but it is good.

#275960 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 March 2014 - 04:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

I liked how Lego City used it.

Gah, forgot about that one. LEGO City used it amazingly.

#232056 Sony Prove the Wii U's Texture Bandwidth is not slow

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 July 2013 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

I personally can't wait to see Shin'ens next game for the Wii U, those five guys know what they're doing.

#245240 Ubisoft shuns Wii U time for a Proactive Nintendo...3rd parties don't care

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 September 2013 - 04:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm just annoyed at the lack of LIberation HD, surely that would be painless to port over (not to mention cheap)?

#246223 UnchainedGoku has a serious loss of value problem!

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 September 2013 - 03:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Eh. Yeah there are games for it. But most arent worthwhile.

Most are ps360 ports of games that I already wont touch with a 10 ft pole on ps360.

Others I already own. With a particularly extra stupid nod to me3, which ea released at the same time as the trilogy on other systems.

Then Ninyendo's realeases have been very.... narrow. I like mario platformers, and similar, but they are sitting at the bottom of my gaming heiarchy, sitting just above mobile games. And the system is FLOODED with them. And future releases are FLOODED with them.

Windwaker is the next thing coming out, but Ive been playing that game for 15 years.

The only game in the future we know about that is redeeming the system is X. And painfully, any and all information about that is being held hostage, while nintendo craps donky kong and mario info in their hands and shoves it in our face. I DONT need that much info about donky kong, its a 2d platformer, not much too it. Sigh.

Thank Kamiyah for the wonderful 101. Game has a ridiculous amount of content, a lpt of wish is going to take epic skill to unlock. Ill probably STILL be perfecting this one after I put gtaV away.

Theres just nothing here for some of us, and it gets frusterating.

And at the same time, the Wii U's line up of games is great for me. I have loved all of the games I have played on the system and am very much looking forward to future releases (especially the platformers).


By the way, we have only had information about Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong at E3, absolutely nothing since. So I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

#275955 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 March 2014 - 04:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

A little game called Game & Wario makes great use of the Gamepad.

I for one think the Gamepad is an excellent thing, I love having a map or inventory screen at a quick glance, not having to pause the game and its use in games such as Game & Wario, Tank Tank Tank, Zombi U, Call of Duty (love the split screen), Rayman Origins, Nintendo Land and even Mario and Sonic tries to do something more original with it.


I'm at the stage now where I find it odd to play a game without a second screen, I get over it quickly but it just feels empty without it.

#278388 Could Zelda U look better than 2011 Demo or different

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 March 2014 - 05:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think there is no chance the game will look like the tech-demo. Will it look better? Yes. But most people will say no and complain about it until they play the game.


Personally, I think the art-style will be different to anything we've seen in a Zelda title before.

#248108 Critics of The Wii U Are Way Off Base !

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 September 2013 - 04:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

Firstly, this site is ridiculous. So many people moaning and complaining about stupid things.


Secondly, achievements are pointless extras. Steam is full of achievements, do I care? no. I just play the games. Steam also has those trading cards and Steam levels for when you get more badges, I sell those trading cards and people actually buy them. People's egos are so big that they need to actually buy virtual trading cards? Sure achievements can make you go back to the game, but at the end of the day, the game itself is, not the achievements. This is why Microsoft do well with a lot of "gamers", they fill their ego. Actual gamers (you know, the ones who really hate the word) play games.


Lastly, the Wii U plays games. The controller is good, very good. Miiverse is ace. If I actually want to talk to mates, I do. When I'm playing a game, I want to play it alone (unless it's multi-player of course).


Can no one just accept other people's opinions and move on? I like the Wii U, I own a Wii U and have never regretted it. Does that make me wrong? No. It is my choice, just as it is any body's choice to buy the thing or play it, it is entirely up to them. It is pointless to complain and moan about something so much when at the end of the day it is a piece of entertainment and highly unnecessary for every day life.


And yes, Nintendo does need to make it easier to see what friends are up to.

#268095 “Nintendo was dead to us very quickly” says EA

Posted by Happy Monk on 22 January 2014 - 04:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

EA, making friends with Nintendo fans since 2012.

#255569 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by Happy Monk on 11 November 2013 - 09:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was just going to make a topic on this. Thanks for saving me the trouble.


Ugh..I couldn't even bother to get through the first half hour of it. I mean seriously, all they're complaining about is that the games aren't 'dark and gritty'. I thought we had gotten past this BS years ago. I hate this 'mature' mentality. The idea that every damn game needs to specifically cater to the angsty teen/dudebros demographic and needs an M rating. I was there when I was a teen, but I grew out of it so it's really pathetic to hear guys older than myself still saying this crap. There are SO MANY games these days that go for that. Essentially every single 'AAA' title does the 'dark and gritty' look and it's tiring. I'm tired of that and photorealism. It's boring! Developers spend so much time on the dirt and the photorealism that they completely neglect basic artistic aesthetic. They've forgotten that it's not about the pixel density and the texture mapping. It's how you use those to create interesting world. Something Nintendo still does quite well and I never want to see them stop doing. God forbid we have some colors and variety in our games.


The huge irony of it is that Nintendo gave people what they're asking for with the Gamecube. It was more powerful than the PS2, it had 'dark and gritty' games (RE4/REmake, Eternal Darkness, Metroid), and it had 'decent' third party support. Guess what, it didn't sell. People spoke with their money and Nintendo listened. In a race with three nearly identical consoles, Nintendo lost out. People chastise the Wii and yet it sold more than either competitors' systems. Nintendo is trying with the Wii U to offer more of what these guys are whining for and yet once again it's not selling. These so called 'core gamers' need to realize that they can whine on youtube until Rich's moobs hang down to the floor, but the only way for them to get through is with their buying decisions. 


What kills me in this whole article is the guy claiming to be a 'Nintendo fanboy' says he doesn't even consider the Wii a gaming system. Really? I mean....REALLY? In terms of Nintendo's offerings, the Wii smokes both the Gamecube AND the N64. Sure, there are some IPs we didn't get to see and that sucked, but it was still a solid first party line up. Hell, recently I picked up the Operation Rainfall games and I started out with the one I thought would be the least interesting. I'm having a freaking ball with that game. I love it, and I wouldn't have been able to play it if I didn't have a Wii (well a Wii U now). The system missed out on a lot of games the competition had, but it also had HUGE third party exclusives of its own. It just didn't have yearly rehash releases to fluff it up. Look if your primary means of gaming is FPS then yeah, the Wii wasn't for you. But just because something isn't catering to you doesn't mean it has no value as a gaming system. These two 'real' next-gen consoles hold zero appeal to me so far and yet I still acknowledge they're gaming machines.


Nintendo has issues and they've F'd up MAJORLY with the Wii U's first year in almost every possible way. No real account system, tons of games getting delayed, not putting a stop to lazy devs putting out gimped versions of games, etc. But what I can't fault Nintendo for is the quality of their games. That has always been and still is their biggest strength. Their offerings could have been better in the first year and they SHOULD have gotten them out faster (no seriously, they had seven years to learn how to manage HD development. That's complete negligence on their part) but the finished product is still awesome.


The biggest problem I've had so far is Nintendo's attempts with third parties, more specifically WHICH third parties they've been going after. Trying to win over EA, Activision, and Ubisoft was just ignorant. The demographics that their games appeal to are not in any way interested in Nintendo. CoD/BF/AC gamers are perfectly content where they're at. Having their games on this system isn't enticing any new buyers and we all knew they were going to gimp their games anyways. All it is doing is giving already Nintendo fans more options on THEIR system, which is not a bad thing, but there were better devs to go after.


I think Nintendo should have been seriously going after the major Japanese publishers such as Capcom, SE, and Konami. Now to be fair I have way more love for Japanese games than Western games, so this could be bias on my part, but I think their games appeal to demographics that are already fans of Nintendo. Instead of Nintendo focusing on the 'dude/bro' demographics who already have the complete attention of their competitors and like I said before are happy where they're at, I think Nintendo should have been going more for the RPG/Japanese demographic. All three publishers I mentioned before have had huge success on Nintendo platforms in the past and there is zero reason to think they couldn't now. In fact, all three publishers have had some of their biggest franchises begin on Nintendo systems (Megaman, Final Fantasy, Castlevania). Iwata should have been working his ass off to get these guys on board and to have their franchises on the Wii U. Think about what are the two biggest games people are BEGGING for on the Wii U. FFXV and KH3. 


Anyways, end rant. That's my two cents.

Exactly. Although I think Nintendo should keep up what they're doing with Ubisoft and Activision (screw EA) as well as pushing heavily for games from Capcom, Square Enix, Konami and Sega.

It would greatly change Capcom's fortunes and Square Enix's as well. Capcom release games Nintendo fans want to play on consoles they don't own, and when they release games like Monster Hunter on Nintendo platforms it's a huge success everywhere. This industry.

#271516 Nintendo learn a lesson from Sega..... Sonic Boom

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 February 2014 - 10:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

So Nintendo need to copy SEGA in making a beloved character with a strong fanbase look strange so it can 'appeal to the Western gamers'?


CryEngine 3 does not mean good game, anyone can use the engine if they get the rights. 


I never liked sonic... never understood the draw to him or the games. Sonic Boom will be the first sonic game on a home console (got generations for my son 3ds) that i purchase. What Sega are trying to do is connect with the western audience. I feel Nintendo needs to do this with one of their IP's (Starfox, Zelda, new ip, shooter). I dont think you do this trying to hit a home run (10 million in sales out the gate). You do it to show you can step out your box and do something that you dont usually do. Sega got a VERY experienced Dev team to make it, got it running on one of the best engines for pushing tech, and I praise them for that. This is what people have been asking Nintendo to "try" for years. Give us something new. Who in here would not play a starfox, metroid, or new exclusive shooter on Wii U built on cryengine, made by an "experienced western dev? It would just be to have something new. Another thing is Sega has their main sonic team in tack working on a mainline sonic game this game is like a spin-off of sorts and I think its pretty cool what they are doing. DAY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone on this forum would play a new Starfox, Metroid or exclusive shooter on Wii U - this is a forum dedicated to the Wii U. Sure, Nintendo could open up to other studios (which they have always done to some extent anyway), but really, the Western gaming world works on one word: 'cool'.


Nintendo does not have a game that would be labelled as 'cool' to non-fans anymore: the closest we've got is Zelda and to a very much lesser extent, Metroid. What's deemed cool these days is Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty and FIFA: Nintendo gets one of the three and no one cares. What Nintendo need to then perhaps does lie in your argument, a new game catered to the boring tastes of the West - it could be made in-house or by an outside studio (that really doesn't matter).


It's just a bit silly that you're basing this on Sonic Boom, which hasn't come out yet - no one knows how well the game will perform, it could sell little to nothing or perform quite well, my guess is around the same as Sonic Lost World - which is fine.

#271552 Nintendo learn a lesson from Sega..... Sonic Boom

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 February 2014 - 02:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

RESISTENCE.... I expected this much so cool let's talk. First I did not say this game was guaranteed to be a lock on GOTY. What makes this game exciting is the new take on something old. It funny how much was ignored from the original post. They did not get some brand new developers who don't know much about the genere. The developers one worked on the canceled sonic color and the other on Jak and dexter and uncharted. These guy know 3d platforming and brining quality titles to the table. The most exciting thing about this game is POTENTIAL. I think if you have success sometimes you can get used to just rinse, wash, repeat. This show Sega is not afraid to mix it up and try something new... not just from their own prospective but allowing someone new to come in and give it a shot someone with "experience". Look guys it really isn't looking good for WiiU I mean mK8 should ship some consoles but the WiiU is what it is a great system that is not going to sell well. I think now would be a perfect time for Nintendo to take some chances and change the direction of their company, their software lineup, and the perception people have about them. 

I just had a thought. If SEGA's new approach to Sonic is so good, maybe it will shift Wii Us anyway.


Joking aside, there is Hyrule Warriors. If that's not branching out I don't know what is. Another Nintendo owned game is LEGO City Undercover. I don't want Nintendo to change their software lineup, that's why I own a Wii U and 3DS. Adding to it would be alright though.

#271536 Nintendo learn a lesson from Sega..... Sonic Boom

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 February 2014 - 12:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Coming from someone who hasn't played a Sonic game. I'll say that Sonic Boom looks cool and better then Lost World imo, but I kinda get a cheesy licensed game feel from it. Will probably be the first Sonic game I buy though. I still like the way it looks.

Sonic's been good since Colours, I suggest you play Colours, Generations and Lost World. Each one is a good game.

I think Boom looks odd, and too different from the Sonic I know. I am open to it though, just as I am every Sonic game.

#206550 Monthly Banner Poll: May

Posted by Happy Monk on 13 May 2013 - 03:24 AM in Site News and Feedback

I like the first, third and seventh. Third is best however.

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