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Am I not the only one who still thinks that Platinum should bundle or release Bayonetta on the Wii U?
Oct 18 2013 08:38 PM
The fact ign gave lost worlds not only a 5.8 because of the speed loss, but also because it's lower than unleashed is disgusting.
Oct 18 2013 08:49 AM
Gamespots gameplay review video is hideous. So many times they don't implement Sonic to run in necessary parts to stay alive and they blame the game..
Oct 18 2013 09:13 AM -
they gave WWHD, an exclusive, a 9.8, and Pikmin 3, an exclusive, an 8.8
Oct 18 2013 10:21 AM
Abcdude Nintendo literally needs something like this to sell the wii U. Just watching this one makes me want to buy a ps4, the wii U ad campaign was just bad dubstep.
Oct 17 2013 08:59 PM
Games sell consoles. The best marketing in the world would probably not help Nintendo at this point.
Oct 18 2013 12:18 AM -
There are already some nice games on the Wii U and even more are coming.
Oct 18 2013 12:42 AM -
Which is why it's pointless to give out heavy advertising now when they barely have anything to show. There's just "some" games, even after a year of release.
They should wait until those cool games that are coming are already here.
Oct 18 2013 02:23 AM
It makes me kind of sick that nintendo couldn't make commercial for either Wind Waker HD or The Wonderful 101.
Oct 09 2013 11:03 PM
"There are far better ways to advertise is this day and age that can pinpoint their target market 24/7."
I disagree. The people that made the original Wii successful are NOT the people who can be targeted by non-traditional forms of advertisement. The people who made the Wii successful NEED to be targeted by traditional forms of advertisement like TV because they don't spend their time checking gaming news sites, watching YouTube videos all day, looking at updates and...
Oct 10 2013 05:16 AM -
I haven't seen a single internet advertisement for either game. All there is, is the videos on their channel. Ocarina of time 3D was advertised all over the place and that's older than wind waker. And there are people who don't catch up on all the footage on youtube, they probably don't even know either game exists.
Oct 10 2013 10:33 AM
Abcdude october 2nd 2020 end of the world, mark your calendars.
Oct 08 2013 04:02 PM
Wii u has like, no games at all. Srsly, buy an xbox 360 if you want a real gaming system. Cuz its obviously SOOOO much more powerful. #yolo
Oct 08 2013 12:17 AM
nintendo like to say nothing for a year or two between announcement and trailer. You should kn ow this by now.
Oct 07 2013 03:53 PM -
Wait till after the holidays for more info. Otherwise things get lost in the shuffle.
Oct 07 2013 04:48 PM