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I really hope I don't overhype Sonic Lost Worlds. That's the main game I'm looking forward to.
Jul 28 2013 02:24 PM
Just so you guys know, I am and have been accepting banners for August...
Jul 26 2013 06:32 PM
If I'm not a big RPG fan, should I bother with planning on getting SMTxFire Emblem? I personally don't like grinding in games and I have never played either series, so I'm unfamilair with the gameplay.
Jul 17 2013 09:12 AM
Probably not the best series for someone to dabble in for someone who's not a huge rpg fan.
Jul 17 2013 09:32 AM
Damn, $400 for books, half of them used, and I still need to wait before the CS books are chosen. If they stay under $100, my finacial aid might actually cover all tuition and books costs of my first semester... After that, I guess I'm on my own paying these damn books off, and I hear they will only get more expensive...
Jul 15 2013 03:36 PM
I found 1 of my books on pirate bay lol. Best advice would be to wait til your first day of class to buy books. A lot of teachers won't even use it and I wasted about $300.
Jul 15 2013 07:11 PM
A pretty nasty storm is coming in, crazy wind and tons of lightning. One bolt that even flickered 4 times. I should have figured this with the minimal thunder and lightning the past few weeks, but storms typically don't happen anymore here.
Jul 14 2013 05:04 PM
I could change my avatar, but probably after work ends in two days and if I find a cool picture of Bernkastel (or use one of the 50 I already have)
Jul 10 2013 10:17 PM
Congratulations to Sage for the new banner. Banner submissions and ideas for august are now open.
Jul 10 2013 10:10 PM
The servers went down for 2 hous yesterday due to some technical issues.
Jul 09 2013 06:19 AM
I just finished GiTS Stand Alone Complex, what an amazing series. Too bad 2nd gig isn't on youtube, so I had to order it off amazon. It's a good thing I got a raise and more hours this summer, as I can actually buy a few things before college starts up...
Jul 06 2013 08:42 PM
Goddamn. The challenges in NSMBU are just plain annoying and cheap. Mini challenges a bull compared to regular physics. How is using toad for one level the only way to get gold even fair?
Jul 05 2013 06:12 PM
This never happens, we're about to have a crazy thunderstorn (we're in a drought in a desert, Albuquerque). The lightning looks like it's making contact in some places.
Jul 04 2013 07:46 PM