Community Status Updates
Well, I guess I may be getting Super Mario U and Sonic Racers Transformed... But I'm still not sure...
Jun 14 2013 04:38 PM
$382... I have a $200 gift card, but it's just a little difficult for me to hit the purchase button for such a large amount of money (even through it will level out to about $190 0r $200 to me) and I have more than enough for this... I just have never made such a big purchase since my computer.
Jun 14 2013 05:23 PM -
I say wait, because I am sure Nintendo is making a price drop since the Ps4 is $400 and its really close to the Wii U's price and it could really save them money. Trust me I know they will.
Jun 14 2013 05:30 PM -
I already bought it for $310 (and both games). I'm getting it on Monday or Tuesday. (fast shipping for normal shipping price)
Jun 14 2013 06:55 PM
Looks like I cahnged my mind and will be ordering a WiiU online today (I just got my paycheck). Does the WiiU Deluxe come bundled with Nintendo Land? I want to know because it will be great to play with my brother.
Jun 14 2013 02:14 PM
Well, I took too long, I'll get started on the monthly banner poll and the mod issue when I get home after work this afternoon.
Jun 13 2013 06:42 AM
I'm finally back home, a nice internet connection and more time to stay on my computer.
Jun 12 2013 06:01 AM
Hank Hill
You could do a play-by-play of Nintendo's E3 updates in the statuses. :P
Jun 09 2013 11:20 AM -
@Mournblade it was a signature that a bunch of users had, Feldo made it and put it on Wii U Go
Jun 09 2013 11:22 AM -
Hmm... Probably would have been better if I reached out to a few people for stuff like this... On my laptop, I don't really have the tools to make a javascript image and I don't have a website to host it...
Jun 09 2013 11:36 AM
You might have noticed my drop in activity in the past few days (or my absence on steam). I'm housesitting another place and am using my laptop (which is old and slow), so I am a little limited at times.
Jun 06 2013 06:20 PM
I get back to my regular computer on the 11th. But I'll have the E3 stuff taken care of before or close to then.
Jun 06 2013 07:16 PM
Well, I start work tomorrow for another 6 weeks of summer. Then college will begin afterwards...
Jun 02 2013 02:14 PM
College is fun sorta not really study hard its not the same as high school by far
Jun 02 2013 04:52 PM
This is amazing. I loved the movie when I first saw it when I was 7, and 8 years later I still love it.
May 29 2013 01:40 PM
Auzzie Wingman
Any chance you can post a link, Larry? I looked around and I have no idea what you are talking about.
May 28 2013 04:58 PM
I think I'm finally getting over this food poisoning or whatever it is...
May 28 2013 03:55 PM
Here you go. Just relax and soak it in.
May 26 2013 06:56 PM -
I hate being sick too, the longer its in me the more I just want to rip off my body parts.
May 26 2013 07:58 PM
I remember feldo was able to fix the banner cut-off issue before, but I don't remember how... I tried making it smaller, but it still had the same size cutoff. Do any of you remember what he did?
May 23 2013 09:50 PM
Buy everyone better computers so they can see the internet in post 1996 resolution.
May 24 2013 06:35 AM -
The problem is that I am not linking the image in the CSS, but am using a "easy logo changer". I suppose I could look around in the CSS and see if I can fix anything.
But it seems that the problem is that people either have too low resolutions and can't see the entire banner, or they have a high enough resolution to see the gap (or the blue thing isn't wide enough?)
May 24 2013 08:13 AM -
The blue lines and stuff are set at 100%.
An easy way of checking if something fits lame resolutions is to hold ctrl and scroll with your mouse, that'll zoom the page to give a general idea.
May 24 2013 08:16 AM