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I just had the server upgraded with 25% more RAM. All of my sites should be more stable now. Please let me know if they aren't.
Jul 27 2011 04:31 PM
  • Caius Casshern Sins's Photo
    Caius Casshern Sins
    So far i have no problems, everything is running smoothly.
    Jul 27 2011 05:55 PM


There was an issue earlier with Azuras sending out emails from the forums for this and that, which I've fixed. A server migration is a complicated process, so if there's anything else amiss, please let me know about it ASAP.
Jul 25 2011 05:19 PM

Reaper PinFeld0

Hey Feld0, I wanted to ask, what does the new server do? Make the site faster?
Jul 23 2011 09:55 PM
  • Feld0's Photo
    Most of the awesomeness of the new server is stuff on my end that you're never even going to see.

    But regular users such as yourself should get see the site running faster and better in general. That's due to several reasons, not the least of which is that I can now optimize the server at a much lower level than before.
    Jul 24 2011 12:53 AM
  • Feld0's Photo
    The new server also lets me install custom software and create hosting accounts, too. I've been considering starting a small webhosting company with it.
    Jul 24 2011 12:55 AM


Welcome back, everyone! We're now running on Azuras, my new server!
Jul 23 2011 01:27 PM


There will be some downtime here, on Wii U Go, and all of my other sites later today or tomorrow when I move them to a new server and hosting company.
Jul 22 2011 01:05 PM


It's VPS time.
Jul 21 2011 07:17 PM
  • AMAC's Photo
    He means a Virtual Private Server, as a solution to the site running slowly.
    Jul 22 2011 06:36 AM
  • Feld0's Photo
    It's the solution to a whole lot more than that. But yeah, AMAC got it. I'm not only getting a VPS, but I'm switching hosts, too. I'm getting fed up with my current one.
    Jul 22 2011 07:04 AM
  • StreetPassWanter's Photo
    OK. Sorry for inappropriate comment.
    Jul 22 2011 10:00 AM

Bill CipherFeld0

How do we change our Avatars in this version of IP boards?
Jul 21 2011 12:46 PM


Yo Wert, how's life?
Jul 21 2011 08:04 AM


Nice job I like the new design much better than the other one ^^
Jul 20 2011 02:42 AM


Hey I think there's a bug in IP.Boards 3.2 or it's just my Internet, but whenever I click View All Updates, it just sends me to a broken link.
Jul 19 2011 09:04 PM
  • nintendo3DS's Photo
    This is what the error says: Fatal error: Access level to statusLikeNotifications::_reply() must be protected (as in class public_members_profile_status) or weaker in /home/feld0/other_sites/wiiu/forums/hooks/statusLikeNotifications_4319baab20f20c0a0a4fd89f943c4c87.php on line 116
    Jul 19 2011 09:04 PM


Welcome to IP.Board 3.2!
Jul 19 2011 08:44 PM
  • Waller's Photo
    Wow. It now looks even better. Thanks Feld0!
    Jul 19 2011 09:25 PM
  • Turbo Tails 8027's Photo
    Turbo Tails 8027
    This is actually kinda cool.
    Jul 20 2011 01:44 AM
  • SomeRandomGuy's Photo
    This is awesome; way better than the other!
    Jul 20 2011 06:05 AM


IP.Board 3.2 is out! We're upgrading to it soon.
Jul 19 2011 05:56 PM
  • Reaper Pin's Photo
    Reaper Pin
    Cool! But I have a question, does this mean we are losing our ranks and our reputation?
    Jul 19 2011 06:38 PM
  • Auzzie Wingman's Photo
    Auzzie Wingman
    Can we get post likes? ;D
    Jul 19 2011 07:04 PM
  • Feld0's Photo
    Don't worry; we're not losing anything in the upgrade. 3.2's interface has been overhauled, so it looks much simpler and less intimidating; but it is actually full of -new- features!

    And yes, we're moving to post likes with 3.2. ;)
    Jul 19 2011 07:11 PM


Wow, that's huge! I have to do my homework now, but I'll read through it later tonight or tomorrow.
By the way, since you seem to be a fan of huge pieces of writing, you might be interested in a piece of E3 2010 speculation I wrote last June. Here it is: http://blog.feld0.com/archives/2010/06/12/10
Jul 19 2011 03:22 PM


If you're interested in my next insane post after MiiTropolis, it's finally up - http://thewiiu.com/topic/43-games-you-want-for-the-wii-u/page__st__100__gopid__16063#entry16063 Industry lamentations, massive game list, lots of video links, and more.
Jul 19 2011 03:04 PM


Seems AMAC already helped you there. ;P
Jul 19 2011 02:41 PM
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