Community Status Updates
Brian6330 → Feld0
Any plans on when you're updating to the new ip board software?
Aug 10 2011 05:43 PM
Today, as soon I mow our neighbour's lawn (which I'm gonna go do right now - gotta pay those server bills somehow). I was planning to do it yesterday, but that robotics meet ended up taking much, much longer than I anticipated and I got home really late.
Aug 10 2011 05:47 PM
IP.Board 3.2.1 came out today. I'll upgrade us to it in a few hours, after I get home from school. There will be some downtime.
Aug 09 2011 09:07 AM
Here's the full list:§ion=projects&do=fixedlist&project_id=24&fixed_in=363
I have to go to a robotics meetup now, but I'll do the upgrade this evening.
Aug 09 2011 11:36 AM -
Can't wait for daily digests for sub-forums to work again over email :D :D :D
Aug 09 2011 11:45 AM
Turbo Tails 8027 → Feld0
Hey, Feld0, I'm a touch confused. I explained myself to DoubleA2 and he (or she, whichever) called me a rapist... T.T
Aug 08 2011 08:03 AM
Feld0 → Bunny
Kurtiss, I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming an admin at 3DS Forums! I'm sure things will be much better there now with you in charge.
Aug 08 2011 12:18 AM
AMAC and I just split the Wii U section so games and the hardware have their own discussion spots.
Aug 06 2011 11:31 AM
Epic Kirby → Feld0
I'm not sure whether it was you or AMAC who added the poll but can you at least put a link to the source that says people will need a new PS3 to enjoy the connectivity, thanks :)
Aug 05 2011 12:39 PM
I dredged up the Twilight Princess soundtrack from the depths of my hard drive today. Listening to it has made me remember just how amazing that game was.
Aug 03 2011 10:16 AM
Too bad it took so long for the Wii to get it's own Zelda /: TP was realy the GC's last Zelda, not the Wii's first.
Aug 04 2011 02:37 AM -
Twilight pricess was the worst of all the Zelda games but that's just my opinion
Aug 04 2011 05:08 AM
I'll get to it, sorry. Providing feedback on a story takes time, and my life is keeping me very, very busy.
Aug 03 2011 08:59 AM
Bill Cipher → Feld0
Here's an article( Abliet Speculation) that you may be interested in about the WiiU's launch.
Aug 02 2011 04:22 AM
Bill Cipher
Aug 02 2011 04:22 AM
Would you be interested in a Wii U Forums Minecraft server? See the thread about it!
Jul 30 2011 07:14 PM
Bill Cipher → Feld0
Just have somewhat of a question... Are you planning to put a cap on the number of guides that will be allowed?
Jul 30 2011 09:59 AM
(possible to say hi to new members). Argh, IP.Board cut off the end of my comment.
Jul 30 2011 08:11 PM -
Bill Cipher
That makes sense. On another topic involving welcoming new members,is Necroposting allowed? I ask because I've seen several incedent where people will reply to a Welcome topic nearly 2 weeks after, and by that time the person's either settled in or they aren't visit the forum anymore
Jul 31 2011 09:51 AM -
Necroposting isn't allowed. I'm afraid people still do it from time to time, and I don't quite understand why. But in any case, post count is disabled in Introduction Central.
Jul 31 2011 11:54 AM
Brian6330 → Feld0
Please tell me you have found a solution to the issue I mentioned, as it is really starting to get annoying, as I won't be able to check the forums everyday. (In about a month... I have school). It's gonna be hard being a guide if I can't get daily digets. Did you try it for yourself? Did it work or not?
Jul 30 2011 09:34 AM
Haven't received any daily digests myself, so I'll write to IPS about it. Thanks for reporting the issue.
Jul 30 2011 11:18 AM