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David Wise should win awards for his DKC: Tropical Freeze score. It's so damn good.
Mar 02 2014 12:22 PM


If Cranky Kong is Donkey Kong's grandfather (making him Donkey Kong III) then what happened to DK's father, Donkey Kong Jr.?
Feb 27 2014 07:59 AM
  • Kokirii's Photo
    He would only be Donkey Kong III if Cranky Kong's name were Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong's son were also named Donkey Kong. As it is, Donkey Kong's grandfather is Crank Kong, not Donkey Kong, so Donkey Kong could only be Donkey Kong Jr (if his father were named Donkey Kong), but we don't know what Donkey Kong's father's name was.
    Feb 27 2014 11:25 AM
  • Hunter's Photo
    According to Nintendo Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong (who presumably only became cranky kong in later life because he is so grumpy)and we know DK Jr. is his son. He mentions being the current DK's grandfather on multiple occasions so we know that DK Jr. is his father unless cranky had another child we dont know about. So he is DK III.

    Feb 27 2014 11:32 AM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    Not a DK expert (neve played a DK game before actually :( ) But didn't Nintendo actually say that Donkey K 1 changed his name to Cranky BasedGod?
    Feb 27 2014 07:42 PM


Is Dark Souls a good game? Is there a similar game you could compare it to? I'm considering buying it but I want to make sure I will enjoy it before I do
Locked Status Feb 26 2014 01:45 PM
  • Waller's Photo
    It's a great game.
    Feb 26 2014 04:41 PM
  • Hunter's Photo
    oh yeah i forgot in 3dudes elitist world you cant criticize or have an opinion about a game he enjoys and if you do it's because you have low intelligence or dont have the skill to play it. Get a grip loser.
    Feb 26 2014 11:36 PM
  • Hunter's Photo
    I think I'll go ahead and buy it. It's only a tenner and a mate of mine has also been raving about it. Thanks for the replies.
    Feb 26 2014 11:46 PM
  • NintendoReport's Photo
    not bad, I actually think this game will have legs, not quite like mario games but it will do well over time.
    Feb 24 2014 06:51 AM
  • Hunter's Photo
    Yeah I think so too. And it is an amazing game so people have no excuse for not buying it.
    Feb 24 2014 12:31 PM
  • Ghost's Photo
    In the top 5 and top 10 is good. I just hope improvements on sales come along quickly.
    Feb 24 2014 01:00 PM


According to the negative reviews for the new DK it is a bad game because (a) It's a platformer and (b) it's too hard. Ok then...
Feb 21 2014 12:05 PM
  • Structures's Photo
    Feb 21 2014 12:11 PM
  • 3Dude's Photo
    lol, sweet sweet irony.
    Feb 21 2014 12:36 PM
  • Mewbot's Photo
    I think that if a reviewer is rating a game down for it being hard, they need to get a different reviewer to do the review.
    Feb 21 2014 04:00 PM


Anyone else dislike the spiderman reboot and everything it represents? Seems like it's just me...
Feb 20 2014 12:27 PM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    Memorable villains? Green Goblin, Doc Ock, and Venom were all very very bland and forgettable, the only good villain was Sandman.
    The action scenes weren't all that superior at all, but there could have been more of them if the three movies didn't follow the same formula of intro, depression, then a final fight where spiderman doesn't get the crap beat out of him.
    Peter Parker wasn't that relatable at all (not saying the new one is any more relatable), but I felt...
    Feb 21 2014 09:26 AM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    Damn, my reply got cut off. I might be able to add more later, but whatever. I was mainly just saying the points I disliked about the originals and how the original Parker wasn't a great character at all. I did mention good stuff about Jameson, Ben, and Aunt May in the originals.
    I'm also not saying that the reboot is anything incredible, just that Parker has a better character in it.
    Feb 21 2014 09:40 AM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    Parker is definitely better post-reboot. The whole reboot in general is a lot closer to the comics, but having the real, jokey Parker back is the most important (and better imo).
    Feb 21 2014 10:37 AM


grandpa sherm 4 mod 2014
Feb 18 2014 03:09 PM
  • KingBoo's Photo
    thanks, sonneh!
    Feb 18 2014 03:12 PM


Rumour has it that March 18th 2014 will mark the beginning of the Year of Cranky Kong
Feb 18 2014 11:25 AM
  • Ninty64X's Photo
    Is it not already the year of Cranky Kong...now and forever?
    Feb 18 2014 02:04 PM
  • Auzzie Wingman's Photo
    Auzzie Wingman
    The year is 21XX

    Oh shi~ I wasn't supposed to say that! I'm so fired forgive me based Capcom.
    Feb 18 2014 02:34 PM


godammit lionsgate, make a sequel to Dredd already
Feb 16 2014 03:25 AM
  • Lord Pickleton's Photo
    Lord Pickleton
    It was a great movie, but financially it didn't do so well. The studio might not take the risk on a sequel.
    Feb 16 2014 08:28 AM
  • Ninty64X's Photo
    Didn't it do good in dvd sales though? Seems there's enough reason to make another.
    Feb 16 2014 09:22 AM
  • Hunter's Photo
    yeah, and theres a huge following online for a sequel
    Feb 16 2014 02:03 PM
  • Mignaga's Photo
    Thanks! :D
    Feb 10 2014 09:58 AM


The lego movie is awesome, go see it.
Feb 08 2014 10:50 AM
  • Ninty64X's Photo
    Agreed, that was one of the best animated movies I've seen in years
    Feb 08 2014 01:11 PM
  • Waller's Photo
    carp, I wanted it to suck just so that everyone would horsing stop talking about Lego already.
    Feb 08 2014 02:33 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    That movie was awesome!!!
    Feb 08 2014 03:39 PM


the wii u is failing because it cant run wreck it ralph in real time
Feb 04 2014 12:08 PM
  • Abcdude's Photo
    i have one question can wii u run the lego movie in real time?
    Feb 04 2014 12:57 PM
  • Hunter's Photo
    lol this status makes me miss chat

    Feb 04 2014 01:02 PM
  • PyroKinesis's Photo
    Man, what an idiot that dude was, lol.
    Feb 04 2014 01:23 PM


mahmoodinho98 is my bff
Feb 02 2014 06:55 AM


Road Redemption looks cool, i completely forgot it was coming out until now.
Jan 28 2014 12:20 PM


Is it Nintendo gamers' own fault that Nintendo doesn't have strong third part support since they never buy any third party games?
Jan 23 2014 08:03 AM
  • Hunter's Photo
    Why does a game being rated M for sex/violence/whatever put you off buying the game?
    Jan 23 2014 10:25 AM
  • Hank Hill's Photo
    Hank Hill
    Believe it or not, some people are uncomfortable with ridiculous amounts of gore/f-bombs in their games.
    Jan 23 2014 01:15 PM
  • Auzzie Wingman's Photo
    Auzzie Wingman
    It's not any one groups fault that third parties don't sell.

    Nintendo is to blame for not pushing for 3rd Parties, 3rd Parties are to blame for half ports, gamers are to blame for not buying.

    Nintendo and retailers are also to blame for higher that should be priced titles.
    Jan 23 2014 02:48 PM
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