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Just bought it the same time you posted that, I think. xD I heard it has its issues, but with the sale for $4, seems to be fine enough.
Dec 02 2014 10:24 PM -
yeah I talked to the devs they were working on a patch I dont think tey released it yet. all in all though very good for the price.
Dec 02 2014 10:57 PM
Finally got a chance to play the Sonic Boom 3DS demo, and now I'm kinda sad you only get 8 uses. There is 3 levels available of the 3D running levels, to the metroidvania style, to a classical sonic level (more or less). I liked it, and the adventure level there were some complains that it was sonic only, not true, there was areas that you needed Tails hover, and Knuckles digging, not sure about the new chick as I still missed a few areas.
Dec 01 2014 11:29 PM
It's not classic Sonic at all. It's still based on pre Lost World Sonic 3d design. Straight lines with a couple pits for difficulty and focuses on speed. That is not Sonic. That's the misconception about sonic.
Dec 02 2014 12:22 AM -
Thats why I said more or less, but more on the less side. Oh wait I think your talking about the tunnel level not the runner level? I was saying the race level was kinda more like Sonic. The tunnel level was kinda boring, it was just "going fast and straight" and that isnt really sonic.
Dec 02 2014 12:28 AM -
I like how on Metacrtic, fans are ok-good with the game, and critics are bad, terrible, haha.
Dec 02 2014 12:38 AM
I probably should have played games that came out in 2014, played so few.
Dec 01 2014 02:03 PM
I haven't had much time with it, but I could pop it in tonight and give you some thoughts. I mean its Kirby, haha.
Dec 01 2014 06:16 PM -
Bill Cipher
This year was WAY more PC/Vita. RL, VC,LoG2,Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm,etc. I really should look into D3, but that's just me.
Dec 01 2014 08:26 PM
Do I need to watch the movies for the Spiderman Wii U games? I think there just adapations of the movies? Heh. Free-roaming should be fun though.
Dec 01 2014 02:08 AM
I heard that they tried to copy but water down City to Origins, is there much difference in the gameplay that made you like it more, or was it the story?
Dec 01 2014 09:35 PM -
Hank Hill
Personally, it was the character development and story. They made Batman seem like a more complex character than "MY PARENTS ARE DEAAAAAD, so I can't kill anyone" like we'd seen in Asylum and City, and the Joker's monologue scene is just...stunning. The game gets a LOT of hate, but it's arguably the best Arkham game from a story perspective. And the online multiplayer is a lot more fun than anybody lets on. :P
Granted, that's just my opinion. Do with it...
Dec 02 2014 09:23 AM
I kind of want to go digital on some games but I can't. Nintendo Land is not on the eShop, Tank Tank Tank is now a freemium game but whatever I guess, depends on the prices. But this means I'll be rebuying games I own, lol.
Nov 28 2014 12:54 AM
Well aparently, at least the prices announced last year. $32. Yeah.. not worth it.
Nov 28 2014 12:58 AM
I must be crazy. So like Toki Tori and Rush are on sale for .50 each on Steam. But since their also on Wii U, I seem to rather pay more to play it on there instead.
Nov 27 2014 12:11 AM
Should there be a Operation like Rainfall to bring better known indies like Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Issiac, Fez, ect?
Nov 25 2014 02:35 AM
Fez kinda sucks and who wants to give Phil money? Limbo is dull. Screw those games. New Nindies.
Nov 25 2014 09:57 AM -
Bill Cipher
Eh.. I don't mind Fez, but I would have never bought it. That's one way I like PS+
Nov 25 2014 11:39 AM -
I don't know, not big on the indie scene just listing ones I know the name of.
Nov 25 2014 03:45 PM
Ow, somebody was asking about horror games on Wii U, seems a lot of the games turned away to either being not talked about/hiatus/cancelled or shut out Wii U.
Nov 21 2014 07:37 PM
What, to other regions? I don't know that. I'm talking more Forgotten Memories: Alternate Dimensions (Haven't heard from it for a while), Fade into Memories (Same deal), Sacrilegium (Seems to be no longer coming to the Wii U.)
Nov 21 2014 09:41 PM
I kinda wish there was a 3DS slot on the Wii U gamepad, it would've been cool.
Nov 21 2014 11:40 AM
I think with the big popularity of games like Riptide GP, Nintendo should bring back Waverace, at least a small title.
Nov 20 2014 11:24 PM
Agreed. But I don't think they should charge $60 for it. It might be enough to kill sales
Nov 20 2014 11:31 PM -
only thing they have to do is make it an eshop only title and dont pour too much money into it. make it a good budget title. 15-20 on eshop
Nov 20 2014 11:58 PM
Watch_dogs Wii U or PC w/ Wii U pro controller. :/ I want to support the Wii U but it makes it hard. Maybe once it drops in price, and I might buy both.
Nov 20 2014 06:21 PM
Why do you want to support Nintendo or Ubisoft when they make mistakes? you are a consumer... you aren't there to keep them in business when they screw up, this is a really weird mindset that a lot of people have here.
Nov 20 2014 07:09 PM -
Well Nintendo didn't do anything wrong in this case. This is all on ubi.
Actually Nintendo rarely ever does stuff wrong, and nothing that really warrants a boycott, but whatever.
Nov 20 2014 08:21 PM -
WydrA, are you implying I pirate? Cause they would get my money either way, haha. I don't want to give them it though. I do kinda want to show Wii U support, so when the Wii U gets more of a base third parties might change their practices on Wii U or future Nintendo consoles. Unlikely though.
Nov 20 2014 08:58 PM
My Uncles friends cousin works at Nintendo, they say they are planning a "Wii-release" schedule, a selct few Wii games that they are going to get remastered and release them for $40 bucks each.
Nov 19 2014 12:11 AM
My Uncle's Brothers's Son's Girlfriend said her Dad's best friends'wife's son said they're releasing gamecube games on the virtual console at the end of 2015.
Nov 19 2014 01:43 AM -
Come on guys, this might be real info. Don't be this way and shoot the messenger
Nov 19 2014 02:42 AM
I heard that Majoras Mask 3D will have /some/ exclusive content on the New 3DS.
Nov 16 2014 11:46 PM
So I just saw someone on Google+ saying they were going to mod their gamecube to play Wii U games. They say they just need to put in a terabyte hardrive and install the Wii U OS software. ...
Nov 15 2014 07:04 PM
Ok while they are at it make PS3 play PS4 games and Wii play Wii U games
Nov 15 2014 07:27 PM -
Wii isn't powerful enough to play Wii U games. You can mod a Gamecube to play Wii U games because the Wii U's infrastructure is so similar and they have about the same power. The only difference is the amount of memory they can process at a time but that can easily be fixed by replacing the Gamecube's hard drive with a more modern one.
Nov 15 2014 08:10 PM