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Got the little Mayflash adapter, works flawlessy. Sad that some games just won't come to the Wii U, but atleast I can use Ninty's controller.
Oct 02 2014 03:10 PM
I don't understand the whole Wii U power thing, especially when devs put the game on the PS360. I mean Devs had no trouble, I guess had to hold back a little bit, on the PS360, but even if the Wii U is 3-5x more powerful, its way to weak to make games on for them?
Sep 30 2014 12:57 AM
If you stop being so obtuse for a single moment. A developer needs a publisher when they can't afford the marketing and distribution. EA,Act,Ubi do both. Their games are both developed and published by themselves. Madden,AC,Cod and such usually what people mean when devs are lazy are these A ranked series. indie games have a self publish model MS was slow to adapt that Sony/Nintendo understand.
Sep 30 2014 06:08 PM -
do I really have to explain this? Who do you think signs the developers checks that work at any of those companies you just named? Now usually the person that signs your check is your boss and can pretty much tell you what to do. What I am saying is that not every single game we see that is a bad port is the developers fault.
Sep 30 2014 06:26 PM -
if ubisoft managment goes to the developers and say hey make sure the ps4 and xb1 version are fiished and polished first put 10 people on the Wii U version and get it started and lets go from there. Do you think the developers is going to go against those orders? No they have a family to feed and they take orders also. All I am trying to say are there are more things we do not know about that can affect development of a game more than just the developer is lazy.
Sep 30 2014 06:28 PM
Anyone else think Nintendo should get Yazuka 1+2HD out to the west, alongside getting No More Heroes 3 and Conduit 3 on the Wii U, maybe even a HD bundle?
Sep 28 2014 03:27 PM
Hank Hill
Yakuza HD sold like crap in Japan (around 2,000 copies at launch), where the Yakuza series actually sells well. I doubt Nintendo's going to pour money into localizing the game for western audiences.
Sep 29 2014 05:11 PM
Could you still pre-order Hyrule Warriors? (Releases tomorrow), We've yet to go to a demo to see if we want it, tried but out store didn't have one.
Sep 25 2014 11:59 AM
got solid reviews. pre-order here if in USA
Sep 25 2014 12:08 PM -
I know, and I'm sure I kinda want it just because Zelda and it looks interesting, but still want to try it. And I atleast want to Best Buy it, Skyward Sword ftw, if possible. But I'll settle for TP if Amazon only takes it this late.
Sep 25 2014 12:13 PM -
@TheDoctor I just pre-ordered it on best buy.... lol
However, I'm not sure if I am getting the code or not...
Sep 25 2014 02:51 PM
Never even seen it. Glad that I have now though...
Sep 23 2014 11:25 PM -
Neither have I, but I found a mention of it on reddit while researching the topic again. Glad I did, as the other programs that rely on standard Bluetooth are a hassle and don't work completly proper, while this is just plug in and ready perfectly. (and drivers, but whatever).
Sep 24 2014 12:17 AM
Too bad. It looked really good.
Maybe Nintendo will step in and bring it to Wii U! :)
Sep 23 2014 02:26 AM -
They talk about it on Twitter, but it's usually only fun screenshots. No big announcement.
Sep 23 2014 03:10 AM
I found a video comparing Bayonetta 1 Wii U to the 360 version, somehow the 360 version looks way better, atleast in the intro. Stange.. maybe they switched the files on purpose.
Sep 17 2014 05:23 PM
So I played a bit of the Smash Bros demo, weird on a handheld. But all this fuss for the demo, really? Nothing special.
Sep 14 2014 08:06 PM
Too little is never a thing when we're talking about freebies ;)
Seriously, Nintendo could have just DENIED you and told you to buy the game. It wouldn't have been a surprise considering how popular the series is. Considering the demo has unlimited uses, online would have been too much. Don't wanna clog the servers with demo players.
Sep 15 2014 12:03 AM -
True True. I mean it gives you the feel of the game and thats what counts. And yes about the freebies, haha. I just find it with people wanting to pay for it, and Nintendo making it selective, seems kinda heh for what its built up to be, just to me I guess. :P
Sep 15 2014 12:15 AM -
Loving the damn demo. Like this maybe the last game I buy for 3ds in a while.
Sep 15 2014 08:40 AM
I wonder if the cosmetic customization in SSB for the Miis hopefully means there will be a system update where we have more than just plain color t-shirt for regular miis.
Sep 14 2014 01:59 PM
-looking through Steam- Is Skyrim worth it at $5? Seems like a good deal, but don't think I'll like it. Divinity II is also cheaper, seems more interesting.
Sep 14 2014 12:16 AM
Cool dungeons wasted on a bad combat system. I wouldn't recommend getting it.
Sep 14 2014 10:02 AM
I don't know if I'll get the code, I think I unchecked the recieve information a long time ago. F**k!
Sep 12 2014 02:07 PM
I have a code now, but I wish I got one myself so I can play with my brothers, haha!
Sep 12 2014 03:23 PM
I forgot the stream was today, a few minutes and I want to leave. That chat..
Sep 12 2014 12:00 PM
Pretty old news. Cant really blame them. But so far its just wii u ports.
Sep 09 2014 02:20 PM
So I got a chance to use the PS4 controller a little bit yesterday. Still weird but I guess I could get used to it. Defiantly much better than the previous 3, still feels a little small though.
Sep 01 2014 04:29 AM