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WOW. I woke up and my mom was gone, she came homewith Charzard, Greninja, Jigglypuff, Wario, Silver Mario, Pacman, and Splatoon 3 pack. I didn't ask her or anything, great mom, haha
May 29 2015 12:11 PM
Jeez you're a lucky guy. My mum would only do that on my birthday, and probably pick up half as much stuff.
May 29 2015 07:29 PM -
Yeah, she said thats my gift for my next birthday, christmas, valentines, easter, whatever, she is never doing that again. xD
May 29 2015 11:43 PM
Rockstar sues BBC, its not free advertising, people support rockstar. Nintendo goes after youtubers, it is free advertising, people hate nintendo. Logic?
May 21 2015 11:19 AM
There's a difference between free marketing and bad publicity. They simply sued to avoid their game from being protrayed badly,
May 21 2015 12:25 PM
Pushmo, Crashmo, Pushmo World, and now.. Strechmo! Its f2p for a bit but you have to pay for level packs.
May 14 2015 02:06 PM
in all of videos games, its sitting at 13, up from 20 earlier.
May 09 2015 05:59 PM -
Hank Hill
It's not hard to be the best seller in Wii U games whenever you only put out three physical titles a year. (Being facetious there, but seriously...not a huge hurdle.)
May 09 2015 08:44 PM
The only thing I can fully say we don't need VC in Splatoon is if you die, it shows your ghost for a second on the gamepad so your team knows there is a enemy there.
May 07 2015 11:35 PM
Nintendo sucks, their putting development on Starfox and Zelda on the back burner to advertise Xenoblade Chroncles X and shove it down our throats and to keep Shulk popular in Smash bros.
Apr 29 2015 01:41 PM
Theif for $6, or wait to see if the summer sale has a better deal?
Apr 26 2015 10:04 PM
Isn't Thief Gold going for $1 or so on Steam? You should get that instead. Six times less expensive, sixty times more enjoyable.
Apr 27 2015 08:54 AM
Wait so with SMG2, MP Trilogy, Punch-Out, does it download to the Wii U's menu and open on the wii u, or vwii?
Apr 10 2015 10:59 PM
Have it. I'm mixed about about it though, idk, don't really like the style. :P But how much they packed into 3D world in terms of gameplay ideas and level design is pretty impressive. Its still a cool game though.
Apr 10 2015 05:10 PM