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Capcom survey, asking about Monster Hunter. Flood with Monster Hunter Wii U?
Doesnt even have to be monster hunter... revelations 2 skipping Wii U and 3ds... they should be ashamed.
Mar 12 2015 06:56 PM -
I dont buy that. they would release a game on Vita before Wii U I think Wii U can do just as good as vita. I think a properly done game on Wii U from capcom can sell very decent.
Mar 12 2015 07:43 PM -
Bill Cipher
The Vita has a crazy high attach ratio IIRC, like.. 15-20 titles per system. If you're making a download game, Vita is a good choice.
Mar 13 2015 10:53 AM
i recall reading there was some code or something found in DKCTF for achievements but was scrapped... so that's that.
Mar 11 2015 05:57 PM
Quick! Everyone fill it out with Nintendo bias and we might get more Square games...?
Mar 11 2015 01:19 AM -
Apparently Never Alone and DOn't Starve are coming to Wii U, did not know this!
Decided to make a thread. :) Hmm.. I saw this in the comment of the video, and it might be good. Never Alone / Reverse Spelunky type game for Ice Climbers.
Mar 05 2015 06:06 PM -
I thought the Gold Mario was going to be in store only, whats this talk about pre-orders?
i think they will have some to sell in store especially with the posters and all. most likely they will get them by delivery truck a day or few before the release date and hold them at the electronics counter.
Feb 27 2015 05:52 AM
Ugh I need to get off my butt even though I'm freaking sick and see if there is any CN codes I didn't enter.
I just found out about a game called Freedom Planet, why didn't I know about this sooner??? Its like old school Sonic, love it, hope it will go on sale.
Why is everyone talking about that spiritual Banjo game? It's all Know Your Friends. GOTY!
And I guess I missed the $10 for Metroid? I'm a screw up, I really should use sticky notes
So I saw a comment about Nintendo's youtube program, and this person thinks their now "That's it for me. They became EActivUbiCom combined."
butthurt youtubers who do lets plays can no longer ride the coat tails of nintendo and take in full monetization.
Jan 30 2015 12:15 PM -
Youtube takes a share and now a lets play share taken by Nintendo. You get smaller check. For somethis is now a full time gig. I am sorta in the middle where I can see the free advertisement argument and can see why Nintendo wants a share. I dunno about the whole thing. Let them figure it out
Jan 30 2015 02:20 PM
I missed SMG2 and Punchout because I'm terriable but I can't miss out on this sweet deal on the prime trilogy, this is better than free games with plus/live.
Hank Hill
They don't cost me any money past the subscription, I'd say they're free.
Jan 30 2015 05:41 PM -
I hate Xenoblade 3DS, sure its cool they got it on there, and to show off the new 3DS features. But imagine getting Xenoblade HD with Xenoblade Wii U. Awesomesauce.
would love to see them package the first in with the second like Bayonetta, an HD version would be icing on the cake!
Jan 28 2015 02:30 PM -
Probably not, but some of the finish scratched off because I tried super glueing the sticker back on because I'm me.. So its bothers me and I don't want to buy a new one. :P Plus a sticker/decal could be cool too.
Jan 25 2015 10:06 PM -
Use a stick XD lol I remember this thing, never really saw a purpose to it :P
Jan 26 2015 07:32 AM
I swear to god, why can't people read. "I just reached Platinum, why!!"