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Anju/Kafei sidequest is really annoying. The story is good but the gameplay is frustrating. So much waiting and in the end it turns out I need the freaking hookshot to get into Ikana Canyon, but I don't have that item yet so I have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN AFTER I GET THE DAMN THING
Feb 09 2014 11:37 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    I have nothing against difficult games, but this is just annoying. :/ I really don't understand why so many people think this is better than OOT, ALTTP etc. Probably just hipsters (the game is still amazing, but a bit too flawed)
    Feb 09 2014 01:20 PM
  • 3Dude's Photo
    Eh... this isnt really difficulty, its just primitive finite state machine game design. Annoying to be sure... but I definately think Todays Nintendo is overcompesating and going to far in the other direction.
    Feb 09 2014 04:31 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    I know it's not difficulty, it's just annoying. But modern Zelda games have been too handholding and obvious I agree. They should find a nice spot in between. ALBW is a step in the right direction.
    Side question: would one in-game day with time slowed down be enough to beat Great Bay temple? I used over 1.5 day to get to it and maybe I want to g et the bottle on the waterfall and explore the Zora domain a bit
    Feb 11 2014 12:51 PM
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