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My Xperia SP is kind of laggy after the Android 4.3 update. What can I do? Restore to factory settings after making a back up? More RAM has come available, but management seems worse. It's using about 500 out of 880mb with no apps open.
Feb 22 2014 01:21 PM
  • Bill Cipher's Photo
    Bill Cipher
    Bleh, I meant support as well.
    Feb 23 2014 03:01 PM
  • YoshiGamer9's Photo
    You can't keep bashing the galaxy S3 when you haven't even tried it for yourself...
    Feb 23 2014 07:12 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    Alright, apparantly factory reset helps. But I'm scared to do so. I backed up my contacts to my SIM and right now I'm backing up my photos and stuff. Anyone willing to assist me?

    Feb 24 2014 10:38 AM
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