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Uggghh... So many LPs are just so ungenuine... I watch one that supposed to showcase a Sonic Generations Mod and the guy freaks out over his deaths like their were unfair, when he either just jumps off the stage or runs into an enemy...
Mar 13 2013 11:05 AM
  • Jacob's Photo
    I'm a LPer / Kaizo Mario Player
    Mar 13 2013 12:02 PM
  • Fiery's Photo
    Pewdiepie? You mean poodiepie.
    Mar 13 2013 12:06 PM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    Eh... Kaizo mario runs end up pretty boring and funny because all they really are are the same thing, time and time again. Kaizo mario hacks are unplayable by normal standards, as tools and savestates aren't real ways to play a game. Blind jumps, cheap deaths, etc are all the things you are never supposed to put in a mario game...
    But enough of my rant on that topic, You shouldn't be offended because the guy playing can't accept the fact he died fairly. He tried to make u...
    Mar 13 2013 12:24 PM
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