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Reigion locking is utter unicorn tongue. I know there's a way to watch PAL DVDs on my computer without changing the limited reigion code, I just don't feel like it now. How does reigion locking help anyone? It won't stop pirates, they can just change the file or work around it. A DVD set I bought should not take me a while to break through Apple's, Microsoft's, and the entire movie association's unicorn tongue.
Aug 03 2012 10:25 PM
He he he... Because I lived in China I know every way to avoid these kinds of things. They make special DVD players that can read ALL regions! They are about the same price as a regular one too.
Aug 04 2012 05:40 AM -
Caius Casshern Sins
I don't think region locking is for priacy alone. More like to make sure a person buys the stuff from there own country.
Aug 04 2012 06:29 AM -
I know region locking is for the money. They try to make sound as if it's to prevent piracy when it does no such thing.
@nl: Computers are capable of playing any region disc, you just have to mess with the firmware or use a specific program.
Aug 04 2012 09:16 AM