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Upon looking at the school's clubs, I find: "my little pony". oh dear lord. i'd be scared to be in a room with a bunch of bronies. also, ever heard of the game 9 hours 9 people 9 doors? supposed to be basically a visual novel.
Mar 19 2012 01:09 PM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    Sorry, for some reason, I am almost never notified when someone posts on my profile. It might have been the server switch.
    Yeah, a group of my friends are bronies, but they have been taking their obsessions a bit too far... Enough to gather a crowd of freshmen to watch one of them play human centipede, I mean pony centipede with the mcdonalds toys.
    I haven't really heard anything about 999. I looked it up online and I guess it has near perfect reviews.
    Mar 24 2012 11:17 AM
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