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RIP Blitz games, after 23 years, they are the newest victim of the craptacular state of the out of control games industry bloated business model.
Sep 12 2013 04:05 AM
  • 3Dude's Photo
    *it should have been 'game industries' ' not 'games industry'. Damn auto word turned itself back on. The bloated budgets are just a symptom, not the problem. The business model is whats forcing the out of control budgets. Fix the problem and the symptoms will sort out.
    Sep 12 2013 04:35 AM
  • Hank Hill's Photo
    Hank Hill
    What games did Blitz make, exactly?
    Sep 12 2013 07:21 AM
  • Hank Hill's Photo
    Hank Hill
    Actually, Fusion Frenzy is pretty good. But this isn't exactly a developer I'm going to mourn being lost a few years from now.
    Sep 12 2013 09:50 AM
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