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Holy crap shin en. 10,000 draw calls a frame?
Jul 03 2014 05:24 PM
  • 3Dude's Photo
    Thats infamous second son on ps4 draw call territory. Straight up.

    The potent CPU present in PlayStation 4 is able to handle 30,000 draws instanced in 10,000 actual draw calls...


    That is incredibly impressive.
    Jul 04 2014 05:06 AM
  • GAMER1984's Photo
    SO.... what does this tell us about Wii U? Still sad that Shin'en is not ALL OURS anymore as Nintendo gamers loved having them all to ourselves... but as they say things change. They need to go ahead and give us a trailer.
    Jul 07 2014 07:30 PM
  • GAMER1984's Photo
    also 3dude as I have said before. Is it Shin'en engine that allows these things to happen or is it the hardware? I mean if Wii U is capable ofthese sort of things why cant other developers WITH BIGGER BUDGETS make things like this? Just confuses me so much and kinda pisses me off.
    Jul 07 2014 08:22 PM
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