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Nintendo is directly adressing the slippery slope of Zelda's increasing linearity as the series grew in other complexities. Simply hearing this acknowledgement is filling me with sheer joy at the prospect of Zelda u.
Aug 26 2014 10:04 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    This is the exact reason why I'm excited for Zelda U and why it could potentially be the best Zelda since Wind Waker, which was the last Zelda game (not counting ALBW) that had a sense of exploration.
    Aug 26 2014 12:00 PM
  • DéliopT's Photo
    Returning to the origins with more freedom and exploration is what i always wanted. Zelda 1 is the best Zelda to me.

    Aug 26 2014 03:09 PM
  • Chrop's Photo
    After TLoZ:LBW I had a good feeling about the Zelda U, they're demolishing the linear style for an open world, and that's what made Zelda great in the first place.
    Aug 26 2014 04:30 PM
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