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Just finished creating my first video game!!! Only took me 200+ hours and it doesn't stand against the nes in graphics... Still I made it so I freaking love it!!
Feb 02 2013 09:10 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Mine is just an arcade style shooter and your constantly chased around by a grim reaper dude that shoots homing fireballs at you every 15 see nods or when you shoot him, the goal is to kill as many monsters as possible. And the reaper is really slow at the start but very slowly gets faster, and there is boss monsters that spawn every 1000 points that are like 20x harder to kill. But I used a low price engine that stated it is strictly for personal use and commercial use is strictly forbidden,...
    Feb 03 2013 07:15 AM
  • Fiery's Photo
    Nice. I made a short plaftormer. My goal is to make a RPG
    Feb 03 2013 07:28 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Mine was originally a platformers but sort if evolved in the first 50 hours into an arcade shooter. Platforming was just to hard for my level of experience.
    Feb 03 2013 08:34 AM
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