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Went on to spotify for the first time in months to find that it now has a 2.5 hour limit per week. Oh well guess that's getting uninstalled.
Sep 13 2013 08:20 AM
  • Hunter's Photo
    The worst thing is I listened to one song, and then left my laptop on hibernate. Came back a few hours later to find I had exceeded my limit...
    Sep 13 2013 09:24 AM
  • Zinix's Photo
    You know that if you have a phone you can just abuse the 48 trial period right? That's what I do. I keep making accounts, you don't need to verify the email.
    Sep 13 2013 09:36 AM
  • Nollog's Photo
    eh? says it's free with ads for me
    I just installed it yesterday
    Sep 13 2013 12:02 PM
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