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Yo, screw history classes and the fact that they're required. It's useless memorization that doesn't amount to anything afterwards.
Oct 13 2015 06:05 PM
  • Kokirii's Photo
    IMO one of the greatest values of history is the way it can humble us by showing us we are no different than our ancestors even though we think we've made progress just because we have more complex machines. My primary major in college was Classics (Greek and Latin) and I think studying classical philosphy is one of the best things a person can do. Much of that was continued through the middle ages
    Oct 14 2015 07:19 AM
  • TheUltimateWaddleDee's Photo
    I mean I get that, but I just don't find the topic interesting. I only took it because it was the only history class that fit my schedule. It doesn't help that my professor teaches it in the most mind-nummbingly way possible.
    Oct 14 2015 09:04 AM
  • TheUltimateWaddleDee's Photo
    Update: I just finished my midterm and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Guess I'm just salty about having to take it.
    Oct 14 2015 11:38 AM
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