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If you lead a bad life you should turn away from it because it's ultimately going to come back and bite you on the ass and there will be no way to hide from it

I find this to be untrue. When someone does something good for another, it usually ends up costing them time or something bad happens to them immediately after.
Aug 10 2013 04:06 AM -
^ but if you do good for people all the time, then when something bad happens to you, the people you helped will do good back. Like my uncle who was a volunteer fire fighter his entire post high school life, when he got 3rd degree burns all over his body and was in a coma, his community got together and completely remodeled his house free of charge. They also donated money to pay of all his medical costs. Do good, receive good.
Aug 10 2013 04:45 AM -
To get any good back for passed deeds you need 1 of 2 things: 1. someone on your behalf to ask for it. 2. you asking for it.
Most people you help yourself will not have asked though.
Aug 10 2013 04:52 AM