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I think the PS4 specs are a lie

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#141 3Dude



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 02:39 PM

Desert Punk, on 26 Mar 2013 - 08:40, said:It's frankly pathetic how people here are clinging on to the wii u being a early next gen console in technology. There is not a single fact to support that. Yes there is a difference between wii u and 360 cpu's but they are basically the same architecture family where as PS4 and Xbox 720 are x86 based. A world apart.
Denial of reality here is unbelievable.  How many technically weak games have to be released on wii u before people start coming to their senses?
You do realise anyone reading this only has to look at wii u games and then read your comments to realise you are totally clueless and the more wii u games released the more clueless you look. The excuse that the wii u hardware is new can only last for so long, development hardware has been available long before launch. Even Nintendo's own wii u titles are technically weak and even PS3 and 360 owners can make the case that their consoles are in some ways more powerful than wii u. So far nothing has been achieved on wii u that comes close to the exclusive 360 and PS3 titles that have been written from the ground up for those consoles.  I think the best we have so for is Need for Speed Most Wanted which is not a cpu intensive game and is still running at 720p 30fps like the 360 and PS3 even if the textures used are PC version textures thanks to the 1GB of system memory. So we have one enhancement so far thanks to extra memory. The IGN review stated the visual difference couldn't really be seen though, probably because of the native resolution.

They are NOT the same architecture family, they use the same power isa instruction base.

Do have any idea, can you even REMOTELY comprehend how stupid what you just said is?

Do you understand the implications of the silly pony logic you are using if we turn your logic onto the x86 instruction base?

Everything else youve said is the same stupid unchanging outdated crap youve been spewing non stop without ever realizing the landscape has changed.

Your cherry picking garbage is becoming a complete waste of time to respond to, completely lacking in any redeemable logic, or the merest suggestion of plausibilty.

Edited by 3Dude, 26 March 2013 - 02:47 PM.



#142 Blade of Dyna

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 02:58 PM

Desert Punk, on 26 Mar 2013 - 08:40, said:It's frankly pathetic how people here are clinging on to the wii u being a early next gen console in technology. There is not a single fact to support that. Yes there is a difference between wii u and 360 cpu's but they are basically the same architecture family where as PS4 and Xbox 720 are x86 based. A world apart.
Denial of reality here is unbelievable.  How many technically weak games have to be released on wii u before people start coming to their senses?
You do realise anyone reading this only has to look at wii u games and then read your comments to realise you are totally clueless and the more wii u games released the more clueless you look. The excuse that the wii u hardware is new can only last for so long, development hardware has been available long before launch. Even Nintendo's own wii u titles are technically weak and even PS3 and 360 owners can make the case that their consoles are in some ways more powerful than wii u. So far nothing has been achieved on wii u that comes close to the exclusive 360 and PS3 titles that have been written from the ground up for those consoles.  I think the best we have so for is Need for Speed Most Wanted which is not a cpu intensive game and is still running at 720p 30fps like the 360 and PS3 even if the textures used are PC version textures thanks to the 1GB of system memory. So we have one enhancement so far thanks to extra memory. The IGN review stated the visual difference couldn't really be seen though, probably because of the native resolution.

They are NOT the same architecture family, they use the same power isa instruction base.

Do have any idea, can you even REMOTELY comprehend how stupid what you just said is?

Do you understand the implications of the silly pony logic you are using if we turn your logic onto the x86 instruction base?

Everything else youve said is the same stupid unchanging outdated crap youve been spewing non stop without ever realizing the landscape has changed.

Your cherry picking garbage is becoming a complete waste of time to respond to, completely lacking in any redeemable logic, or the merest suggestion of plausibilty.

Butthurt much?

#143 Gaymer


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:09 PM

It's frankly pathetic how people here are clinging on to the wii u being a early next gen console in technology. There is not a single fact to support that. Yes there is a difference between wii u and 360 cpu's but they are basically the same architecture family where as PS4 and Xbox 720 are x86 based. A world apart.


Denial of reality here is unbelievable.  How many technically weak games have to be released on wii u before people start coming to their senses?


You do realise anyone reading this only has to look at wii u games and then read your comments to realise you are totally clueless and the more wii u games released the more clueless you look. The excuse that the wii u hardware is new can only last for so long, development hardware has been available long before launch. Even Nintendo's own wii u titles are technically weak and even PS3 and 360 owners can make the case that their consoles are in some ways more powerful than wii u. So far nothing has been achieved on wii u that comes close to the exclusive 360 and PS3 titles that have been written from the ground up for those consoles.  I think the best we have so for is Need for Speed Most Wanted which is not a cpu intensive game and is still running at 720p 30fps like the 360 and PS3 even if the textures used are PC version textures thanks to the 1GB of system memory. So we have one enhancement so far thanks to extra memory. The IGN review stated the visual difference couldn't really be seen though, probably because of the native resolution.

How many games have been released so far on the Wii U that were built up the ground for it and weren't rushed just to meet the launch date? Oh, that's right. Absolutely zero.

#144 Kokirii



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:09 PM

The cake [PS4 specs] is a lie!!

Games of The Moment

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

#145 routerbad



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:15 PM

It's frankly pathetic how people here are clinging on to the wii u being a early next gen console in technology. There is not a single fact to support that. Yes there is a difference between wii u and 360 cpu's but they are basically the same architecture family where as PS4 and Xbox 720 are x86 based. A world apart.


Denial of reality here is unbelievable.  How many technically weak games have to be released on wii u before people start coming to their senses?


You do realise anyone reading this only has to look at wii u games and then read your comments to realise you are totally clueless and the more wii u games released the more clueless you look. The excuse that the wii u hardware is new can only last for so long, development hardware has been available long before launch. Even Nintendo's own wii u titles are technically weak and even PS3 and 360 owners can make the case that their consoles are in some ways more powerful than wii u. So far nothing has been achieved on wii u that comes close to the exclusive 360 and PS3 titles that have been written from the ground up for those consoles.  I think the best we have so for is Need for Speed Most Wanted which is not a cpu intensive game and is still running at 720p 30fps like the 360 and PS3 even if the textures used are PC version textures thanks to the 1GB of system memory. So we have one enhancement so far thanks to extra memory. The IGN review stated the visual difference couldn't really be seen though, probably because of the native resolution.

The Wii U and 360 CPU's are worlds apart technically, you are the only one unable to accept reality here.  360's CPU was a three core version of the Cell PPE, and was based primarily on the Power 4 architecture.  Wii U's CPU is based on both PPC and Power 7 according to IBM, look into the technical differences between the two parts, and there is little similarity aside from the related instructions.


You do realize that Criterion only started working on NFSMWU in January, right?  They started work when they came back from the holiday break, and after they got their dev units.  Think about how different the architecture is going from a CPU centric development mentality to a GPU centric one on a console?  It is a port of the console game, with PC assets, there simply wasn't enough time to rewrite the code to take advantage of the GPU here.  Dev hardware wasn't available to most developers "long before launch" there was a huge backlog because the hardware wasn't finalized until mid 2012, so the ports developed up to that point were using older development hardware and had few tools from Nintendo to aid development, something developers now are saying is getting better.


It looks brilliant compared to the other versions, and it's easy enough to notice regardless of what an IGN reviewer says, there are gameplay videos and screenshots available, take a look for yourself.  The models are ported from the console versions, and upscaling to 1080p would have been little reward for the effort.  Also, the other consoles had issues with 30fps and there were noticeable dips in framerate, not so here.


So, three months to port a game to a completely new platform while adding sharper textures and smoother framerate I don't see as an issue.  You mentioned NFSMW is not a CPU intensive game, and while for PC you are right, not the case with the console versions.  The fact that the Wii U CPU held it's end speaks volumes.


Finally, what is technically weak?  None of the games I've played on Wii U are "technically weak", there is a lot of effort and technology that goes into creating those games.  Technically weak is a weak attempt to pass off your opinion of a game as fact, because you can determine what is "technically weak".  Was Skyward Sword a technically weak game?  It was developed for relatively weak hardware, but does that make it a weak game?  If so you might need to rethink your criteria for weak vs strong game design.

Butthurt much?

Butthurt, more like saddened and befuddled at how someone could even make such a ridiculous statement.

#146 tboss



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:22 PM

desert punk, take the time to understand what you are talking about before responding. 


as for poor looking games, that is normal for the start of a gen. early xbox 360 games looked allot alike xbox games, with small improvements, all 3 consuls will have the same overhaul, wiiU will probly feel it more do to its archeticture, and that you need alot mroe money to push anything next gen. 

#147 Goodtwin


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 05:56 AM

It's frankly pathetic how people here are clinging on to the wii u being a early next gen console in technology. There is not a single fact to support that. Yes there is a difference between wii u and 360 cpu's but they are basically the same architecture family where as PS4 and Xbox 720 are x86 based. A world apart.


Denial of reality here is unbelievable.  How many technically weak games have to be released on wii u before people start coming to their senses?


You do realise anyone reading this only has to look at wii u games and then read your comments to realise you are totally clueless and the more wii u games released the more clueless you look. The excuse that the wii u hardware is new can only last for so long, development hardware has been available long before launch. Even Nintendo's own wii u titles are technically weak and even PS3 and 360 owners can make the case that their consoles are in some ways more powerful than wii u. So far nothing has been achieved on wii u that comes close to the exclusive 360 and PS3 titles that have been written from the ground up for those consoles.  I think the best we have so for is Need for Speed Most Wanted which is not a cpu intensive game and is still running at 720p 30fps like the 360 and PS3 even if the textures used are PC version textures thanks to the 1GB of system memory. So we have one enhancement so far thanks to extra memory. The IGN review stated the visual difference couldn't really be seen though, probably because of the native resolution.


Not sure if your a troll or just a pessimist, but I am going to assume your simply a pessimist and thats ok.  I do think your making a broad statement when you say that the Wii U CPU and the 360 CPU are the same architecure.  They are both RISC, and they are power power based, but thats where the similarities end.  Is the Wii U CPU a beast in desguise?  No, probably not, but its not the weakling that some haters want to make it out to be. 


Even though the launch window titles are far from showing off the true potential of the console, I can see how people would be skeptical of the systems power.  Never before has a next gen console launched and had even the slightest trouble running a last gen port.  Even when the Dreamcast launched with a bunch of ports, they were all significantly upgraded and had no performance issues compared to the N64/PS versions.  Still, its been four months since launch.  If E3 comes and goes without showing anything that surpasses 360/PS3 quality games, then I will be willing to concede that the Wii U is only on par with current gen consoles, but I really doubt that is going to happen.  Retro Studios will almost certainly show off something very impressive.


Need For Speed Most Wanted in my opinion is just scratching the surface.  It was ported with improvements in the span of just a few months.  From the Criterion interview I get the idea that the Wii U dev kits were pretty sketchy until very recently.  Basically, launch titles and ports had to be done with crap tools and never had a fair chance to really shine.  


Like I said, wait for E3 before making a final judgement on the consoles capabilities.  Keep in mind that the PS2 to PS3 jump was a 20x improvement in processing power, Sony themselves have already said the PS3 to PS4 jump is a 6-8x improvement, so even their console is making a much smaller jump this time.  People also need to realize that the Wii U is the successor to the Wii, so the jump in tech for Nintendo is huge.  It may or may not be a big jump over 360/PS3, but its definately a huge leap over the Wii.

#148 Desert Punk

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:12 PM

Totally agree that the jump from wii to wii u is a big jump and what Nintendo created with the wii was pretty amazing for the humble hardware. That is the great thing about owning a wii u, all the great future wii u titles that Nintendo will create.


I totally and utterly disagree with other people's opinions that there is serious unlocked power in the wii u. That's not pessimistic that is realistic every bit of evidence supports my view that is available.


Whatever though I shall just enjoy the wii u for what it is. I bought it knowing it was weak hardware, it was just I hoped more people would have bought it with me. It looks like the wii u is heading for a big price drop sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed there is some sort of ambassador program this time around too.

#149 3Dude



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 03:00 PM

Desert Punk, on 30 Mar 2013 - 08:26, said:Totally agree that the jump from wii to wii u is a big jump and what Nintendo created with the wii was pretty amazing for the humble hardware. That is the great thing about owning a wii u, all the great future wii u titles that Nintendo will create.
I totally and utterly disagree with other people's opinions that there is serious unlocked power in the wii u. That's not pessimistic that is realistic every bit of evidence supports my view that is available.
Whatever though I shall just enjoy the wii u for what it is. I bought it knowing it was weak hardware, it was just I hoped more people would have bought it with me. It looks like the wii u is heading for a big price drop sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed there is some sort of ambassador program this time around too.

No ones pointing to serious unlocked power in the wii u, except you, in your strawman arguments.

Although usually youd be trolling up a storm right now linking to outdated troll articles and proven false claims.

Looks like even you can only ignore so much contradicting information.

The need for speed face off seems to have really taken the wind out of your sails.



#150 routerbad



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:30 PM

Totally agree that the jump from wii to wii u is a big jump and what Nintendo created with the wii was pretty amazing for the humble hardware. That is the great thing about owning a wii u, all the great future wii u titles that Nintendo will create.


I totally and utterly disagree with other people's opinions that there is serious unlocked power in the wii u. That's not pessimistic that is realistic every bit of evidence supports my view that is available.


Whatever though I shall just enjoy the wii u for what it is. I bought it knowing it was weak hardware, it was just I hoped more people would have bought it with me. It looks like the wii u is heading for a big price drop sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed there is some sort of ambassador program this time around too.

Unlocked power?  No, plenty of people have pointed out that it is a new platform with it's own quirks which requires time for developers to tool for, which will yield better looking games in the future and always does.  No one, on the other hand, is saying that there is some hidden mode that turns the Wii U into beast mode and destroys other consoles.  I haven't heard a single person try and push a claim like that, except haters and trolls when they need a strawman to argue against.

#151 Penguin101


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:42 PM

Wow are we on 8 pages debating the PS4 specs? I was expecting the PS4 to be more powerful, what a lot of people don't understand is that they're only current PC gen specs, the PS3 was at least beating 2005/2006 PC specs, or equalling top end PC back then. Now it's not even matching high end PCs today. The PS4 specs are the truth, and looking at them they may be higher than Wii U, but the Wii U can handle what the PS4 throws at it even if it's only just. AT least it's only just unlike not at all last generation as far as game engines.

#152 thechamp80



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 01:31 PM

 The launch title Killzone Shadow Fall will look better than anything the Wii U will put out in its lifetime. And we all know that the launch games look worse than what happens down the road. I didn't buy the Wii U for its great graphics though, but the PS4 will just look so much better especially in the third party games.

#153 routerbad



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 01:48 PM

The launch title Killzone Shadow Fall will look better than anything the Wii U will put out in its lifetime. And we all know that the launch games look worse than what happens down the road. I didn't buy the Wii U for its great graphics though, but the PS4 will just look so much better especially in the third party games.

It won't but nice try. The gameplay in shadowfall was not even very impressive compared to the ps3 releases we've seen recently and we've already seen alpha footage of a game that far more technically impressive than the killzone footage.

If deep down looks as good in game as the target render does, while not likely, it would be a very clear statement of the PS4s ability. As it is deep down wasn't being rendered live but was generated in their new engine.

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