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MH3 Not what I was expecting

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#61 Kao



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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:37 AM

Alright sweet, I'll add you when I'm home

Add me too, if you have time! Though, through the friends list, because I am twelve and there is a barrier. (Don't worry, I am not one of those cod kids)

Hello! My name is Kao and I am a Kangaroo! If you can see my kicking picture there, you can see me riding one of mine friends! I am quite popular in the area because I saved alot of animals turning in to women accsesories. It was quite painfull on the way, but I liked the experience! I plan on buying a plane with all my money I got and going on an adventure on the isles. My first adventure was when that Mcguffin Hunter cought me, but I escaped, and I don't want to let any animal in pain! What's your story, mate?


-Kao the kangaroo

#62 ArmedPrimate


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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:44 AM

Add me too, if you have time! Though, through the friends list, because I am twelve and there is a barrier. (Don't worry, I am not one of those cod kids)

Sure! And hey I gamed online when I was 14, reason being that online console gaming wasn't as big as it is now when I was younger, I would have earlier if it was.

#63 Charles211



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Posted 07 March 2013 - 12:00 PM

Ever notice how the people who agree with my opinion actually PLAY monster hunter, and those who dont are ALL on the outside looking in?



3Dude pretty much got it. So did Lightning-ninja in a much nicer way haha.


I started out with MhF2 on the psp. Since everyone on the pirating forums were going ape sh;t about how great of a game monster hunter was.

Played it for a while, slow paced. Got to this one mission with a Large as monster (Tigrex) that i tried to go up against. Failed so hard.

I was like eff this. This game is stupid. I hate when i fail against games haha (Dark souls still catches my eye because i havent finished it).

Few week later i play the game again. This time i read the quest objective. I'm suposed to get the hell away from the monster not fight it 

because it was obviously oped to the gear i had at the time.


I have more than 200 hours on that game total now. If you just call something stupid because its difficult, you'll never get the full effect of playing it.

Its no Mario game, it doesn't spoon feed you levels with minimal difficulty that you can pass on the 2nd try. It gives you monsters that are hard as hell.

When you beat them for the first time. You're like Wii yes. i did it. you now know you can beat them, more confident, more knowledgeable. Its a fun game.

I think everyone should try it.


Oh and people who are talking about the online mode being fun. Oh its fun as hell. same concept, but when you're in a party working together effing with a monster. Its so much more fun.

I'm just average at the game. I understand people trashing it because...frankly you're not good at it haha. Don;t take it as an offence, just know that's how It is for ANYONE and EVERYONE at first. 

Its something you learn. Just like learning to read and write. You're gonna eff up at first before you're writing like Jesus.


SO I implore you go buy the game!!! so we can get MH4.... I wanna play it lol. or i'm gonna go have to learn Japanese. and that's no fun.

I made tigrex b;tch dog now. js. 

Edited by Charles211, 07 March 2013 - 12:01 PM.

#64 Hunter



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 04:18 AM

Hunter, on 06 Mar 2013 - 10:14, said:I shouldnt have to play a game online for it to be enjoyable. And no, i dont think i should just be able to run up to an enemy and flail away. Like I said you cannot blame everything on the player being bad, the whole point of a game is to suck the player in with great gameplay and story and then they improve as th game goes on. After playing around with the archaic controls, going through 10 load screens in ten minutes and repeatedly hitting a monster for 20 minutes its safe to say that this game has neither good gameplay or story and there is no way I could play this game from beginning to end. Also Im assuming you must be absolutely amazing at this game because otherwise how could you call other people bad?
Anyway im gonna go with Pedantic Gamer on this one. It seems to me you will just keep arguing until everyone agrees with your opinion.

Ever notice how the people who agree with my opinion actually PLAY monster hunter, and those who dont are ALL on the outside looking in?

And i never said you have to play it online for it to be enjoyable, i said you will instantly recognize how bad you suck and how everything you do is wrong by watching and interacting with others.

You dont have to like it. Im not saying you have to like it. Its far, FAR too hard for mainstream gamers. But you cant say its bad, because you arent capable of playing it. If you COULD play it, If you could manhandle the game, and showed that you could hunt monsters with the skills of the average hunter, THEN your opinion of whether the game was bad or not would hold some water. But you cant even play the game.

Boo hoo, the game didnt roll over and let you push the win button though you whacked a monster for 20 minutes and didnt get anywhere even though you are ridiculously overpowered because you have no idea what you are doing. There are plenty of other games that roll over and play dead for and let you feel badarse without having to actually do anything. Go play those.

Most of your complaints have no bearing. How is a DEMO which only has two monster fights, has no story, or any quests, or any npc's, or anything in the actual game at all, supposed to suck you in with your baroque-ian demands? its a DEMO.

None of your other complaints actually apply. The loading screens are like, 2 seconds compared to the 30 they used to be. The monsters are GENEROUSLY plastered on your map, so unless you are just painfully incompetent at videogames there is NO WAY you can run through every area in the map twice looking for it, and the precision controls allow pixel perfect accuracy lock ons cant deliver, or if they attempt, make the game practically play itself, at the cost of a high entry barrier.

Each body part has its own health, status, defense against attack types (cut slice, impact, elements) and stamina stats guy. People target INDIVIDUAL LIMBS all the time. Its called STRATEGY. If people can do that, all the time, as a common strategy, the controls arent bad, they are simply different, and you arent good with them.

Break a monsters leg, and its not going to be bouncing all over the place for a while.

While you randomly whale away at whatever body part you witlessly swing at, allowing the limbs to recover stamina, we take out the legs within 5 minutes, now the rabbit cant move 5 feet or do its annoying slide charge without falling over and flopping around for 20 seconds.

At which point its quickly dispatched because the weapons in the demo are ridiculously overpowered.

You cant even handle a rabbit, guy. What are you going to do when Jho decides to show up and eats the damn rabbit?

You are bad at the game. Thats it, you dont have to like the game, but you dont get to call a game you cant play bad.

And you dont get to make demands to lower the skill cieling and casualize the game because you cant play it. There are tons of games out there that casualised and easy. Theres even one made by the monster hunter team for people like you.

They took out everything thats too hard and replaced it with mechanics from other games you are familiar with, and then changed the name because with those changes it wasnt monster hunter anymore. Its even open world and has a big epic story for you!

Go play those.


Why are you being so condescending? Did you somehow see me playing the game? No, you didnt. You just assume that because i dislike the game that means it was "too hard"  or because i am a "casual gamer" i cant handle the game. I have no problem with the difficulty, i realize that it is difficult, but that doesn't justify the outdated graphics, load screens, controls or the repetitive and dull game play.


Stop making out that just because someone dislikes something and considers it a bad game that means they cant handle the game's difficulty. 


It's called an opinion. Deal with it.

Edited by Hunter, 08 March 2013 - 04:18 AM.

#65 Kao



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:31 AM

Why are you being so condescending? Did you somehow see me playing the game? No, you didnt. You just assume that because i dislike the game that means it was "too hard"  or because i am a "casual gamer" i cant handle the game. I have no problem with the difficulty, i realize that it is difficult, but that doesn't justify the outdated graphics, load screens, controls or the repetitive and dull game play.


Stop making out that just because someone dislikes something and considers it a bad game that means they cant handle the game's difficulty. 


It's called an opinion. Deal with it.


Hello! My name is Kao and I am a Kangaroo! If you can see my kicking picture there, you can see me riding one of mine friends! I am quite popular in the area because I saved alot of animals turning in to women accsesories. It was quite painfull on the way, but I liked the experience! I plan on buying a plane with all my money I got and going on an adventure on the isles. My first adventure was when that Mcguffin Hunter cought me, but I escaped, and I don't want to let any animal in pain! What's your story, mate?


-Kao the kangaroo

#66 3Dude



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 10:21 AM

Why are you being so condescending? Did you somehow see me playing the game? No, you didnt. You just assume that because i dislike the game that means it was "too hard"  or because i am a "casual gamer" i cant handle the game. I have no problem with the difficulty, i realize that it is difficult, but that doesn't justify the outdated graphics, load screens, controls or the repetitive and dull game play.
Stop making out that just because someone dislikes something and considers it a bad game that means they cant handle the game's difficulty. 
It's called an opinion. Deal with it.

Opinions can easily be, fellacious, erroneous, contradict facts, and be wrong. Deal with it.

You dont understand how we know because you are on the outside... So you think we make assumptions. But dont.

The difference is, EVERYONE who plays monster has been on the outside looking in. We KNOW exactly what you are thinking what you 'see' and how you 'feel' about the combat. We know ypur position, weve been there. You have no clue about ours.

We also know you are every bit as clueless as everyone else who played monster hunter for the first time. Every word that comes out of your mouth is hilariously wrong.

Like when you said there were only two moves, until you found out each weapon has
15-20. Then you dropped that argument and created new 'problems' to suit your position.

The only difference between you and us is is we had the determination to learn how to play something new and different.

While you quit and blamed the game for your shortcomings. Like repetitively using only 2 moves out of 20 and playing the game like a dullard.



#67 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 10:21 AM

Why are you being so condescending? Did you somehow see me playing the game? No, you didnt. You just assume that because i dislike the game that means it was "too hard"  or because i am a "casual gamer" i cant handle the game. I have no problem with the difficulty, i realize that it is difficult, but that doesn't justify the outdated graphics, load screens, controls or the repetitive and dull game play.


Stop making out that just because someone dislikes something and considers it a bad game that means they cant handle the game's difficulty. 


It's called an opinion. Deal with it.

Let me try to help out again.  First I recommend reading my previous post in this thread.  I think it does an okay job of explaining some things.


Anyway, let me start by saying that what 3dude said isn't necessarily wrong, he's just not saying it nicely.  Also, vets of the series have seen enough newcomers, and they all play pretty much the same way.  We don't need to watch you play because everyone is the same way at first.  I'm sure even 3dude was terrible when he first started.  I know I was.  Thats okay.  It does take practice to understand the game's mechanics.


Another thing, the mh fanbase has invested a lot of time in the series.  This will sound corny but a lot of us have fought together, learned together, failed together, trained together, and triumphed together.  As a result, we have become a pretty tight-knit group.  Also we have heard the same complaints from newcomers for years.  Some of us have grown weary of it and don't take the criticism well.  There have been enough people approach the mh fanbase with an attitude of "This game sucks and you should feel bad for enjoying it!" that if we detect a hint of it we get defensive.  I know 3dude came off harsh but most fans are willing to help if you come to them with a willingness to learn.  There's little I enjoy more in the game then helping a newbie get skilled.


The reason most fans will call you out for complaining about load times, is that the load times used to be a lot longer.  The new ones are short from our perspective, so we don't understand the criticism.  Just trying to help you understand where we're coming from.   Besides, MH ain't the only series with load screens, and there are many games with way worse load times.


About the graphics.  The 3ds version was made first, and it came out around October 2011.  That would be about a year before the Wii u version came out.  They did more or less port the game to the wii u and add online (the 3ds ver didn't).  I thought I heard they did update a couple textures, but nothing really major.  So if you look at it as a 3ds game, the graphics are fairly impressive actually. 


Alright, now about the gamplay.  It would help if you told me what weapon you were using and how long it took you to beat the lagombi.  Once I know that I can better help you with tips.  I recommend the Sword and Shield (SnS).  Its kind of a jack of all trades/master of none type of weapon.  The only thing it can't do is hit high up places.  Here's some info on how it works:



1) X, X, X

2) A, A, A

3) Forward+A, A

4) R+X

5) X+A, X

6) while holding R press A

7) Plus button

8) With weapon sheathed, moving + X, X


4 and 5 can be followed up by 1.  During 1, you can go into 2.  7 is basically just the last hit of 2.  8 and 5 do the same thing, but 8 is an unsheathe attack.  3 does exhaust damage and will eventually KO a monster if used on the head.  Both monsters in the demo can be difficult to pull this off though.


Pressing R+Y will let you use your selected item without putting your weapon away (though your character will put their weapon away after using a whetstone, not sure why)  this is the SnS's claim to fame, since its the only wepon that can use items with the weapon out.


This is a "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" kind of weapon.  None of the attacks leave you open, and you can press B to dodge right after any attack.  Just stay on your toes and you should be fine with this weapon.  I can personally beat the lagombi in under 5 minutes with this weapon.  Surprising since it has an ice element on it and the lagombi is resistant to ice.

#68 Kao



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 11:18 AM

I followed 3dudes tip for sllicing the monsters leg, it was fun!

Hello! My name is Kao and I am a Kangaroo! If you can see my kicking picture there, you can see me riding one of mine friends! I am quite popular in the area because I saved alot of animals turning in to women accsesories. It was quite painfull on the way, but I liked the experience! I plan on buying a plane with all my money I got and going on an adventure on the isles. My first adventure was when that Mcguffin Hunter cought me, but I escaped, and I don't want to let any animal in pain! What's your story, mate?


-Kao the kangaroo

#69 Zinix



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 11:23 AM

I'm 50/50% on MH3 right now. I enjoyed the demo, but I'm not much of a fan of the controls.

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#70 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 11:36 AM

I'm 50/50% on MH3 right now. I enjoyed the demo, but I'm not much of a fan of the controls.

What weapons were you using and what were your problems?  I'll see if I can help with tips.

#71 ArmedPrimate


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 12:25 PM

Vets would probably hate me but I just go to the beat of my own drum when it comes to playing. I've played Monster Hunter Freedom on the PSP and I really enjoyed it I was never good though still pretty crappy now, it's just a fun game for me

#72 3Dude



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 01:29 PM

man, on 08 Mar 2013 - 05:37, said:I'm 50/50% on MH3 right now. I enjoyed the demo, but I'm not much of a fan of the controls.

Youll understand why the controls are the way they are more and more as you get better.

They are harder, and without the cpu assist of more modern titles, leave a HUUUUUGE margin up to human error (actually.... The depth perception the 3ds offers helps IMMENSELY with this. I find myself innately just.... knowing when im in range/alligned instead of having to use tricks like looking at monsters feet or leg angles or something... its actually made me ever so slightly faster) But you will find, it offers a whole range of minute fidelity that cpu assist controls negate.

ArmedPrimate, on 08 Mar 2013 - 06:39, said:Vets would probably hate me but I just go to the beat of my own drum when it comes to playing. I've played Monster Hunter Freedom on the PSP and I really enjoyed it I was never good though still pretty crappy now, it's just a fun game for me

Not unless you go onto the expert/G rank servers, and into a city specifically labeled 'skilled players only' or 'questing' or something where they are trying to clearly accomplish something and screw around.

Vets on rookie servers are there for just that, to help rookies come to grips with the high challenge of the game, and have a good time watching rookie shenanigans, and maybe sharing some stories of their own rookie days.



#73 Dusean17



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Posted 09 March 2013 - 09:58 AM

Does this game have an easy or beginner difficulty setting?


I want to have fun killing monsters on easy and then when ready, go to normal setting

No difficulty settings are available you simply have to stick with the earlier quests if you are not ready for the later ones. That's all there is to it, but simply give the game some time and you will love it, also make sure you use your controller of choice.


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