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Worry about the Wii U? Read this

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 11:44 AM


I know some people here are still doubtful for the Wii U's future, so here's something i found on Forbes help cast those doubts aside  ^_^




The Wii U is far from a smash hit, but its lackluster sales have some already saying it’s going to be the system that finally tanks Nintendo. It’s a statement that seems a bit alarmist given how early in its life cycle the console is, though I have to admit to being worried myself at times.

I’ve previously written a list describing the six major challenges that the Wii U is currently facing. Today, I thought I’d play the opposite role and explain why the system, and subsequently Nintendo, shouldn’t be counted out yet.

Here are six reasons that the Wii U will likely not sink Nintendo,

1: Nintendo is Used to Lackluster Launches

We don’t have to look any further than the 3DS to know that Nintendo can have a crappy system launch, but ultimately turn things around. The 3DS debuted to lackluster sales, but a price cut and a slew of new anticipated titles ended up making it a fast-seller. It took some time, but the system has managed to save itself, and the Wii U could do the same.

No, there are no plans for a price cut right now, but it’s only six months or so after launch, and you can hardly fault Nintendo for that. Once they get costs down, hopefully a price cut will be in the equation, as it would do much to help spur sales, especially in the face of the release of pricier consoles down the road.

2: Good Games Will Come

Far and away the greatest problem the Wii U currently faces is the fact that they simply don’t have a good enough stable of games. A 2D Mario title, the collection of minigames that is Nintendoland and 3rd party ports simply aren’t enough to make hardly anyone purchase the system.

But good games are coming. We know a new Zelda title is being developed for the Wii U, as is a new Super Smash Bros, both of which could spark a huge amount of sales on their own. Of the course of its lifecycle, we will likely see new games from nearly all of Nintendo’s beloved franchises, it’s just going to take some time. Once the Wii U manages to assemble a worthwhile collection of games, it could indeed become a must-buy. It would have been nice if it had a few more sought after launch titles, but when the games do finally come, so will additional sales.

3: The System Might Be More Powerful Than We Think

Much fuss has been made about the Wii U being underpowered, with many saying it’s on par with or even below the graphical capabilities of current generation consoles. It’s true that the Wii U is certainly going to be less powerful that the PS4 and next Xbox, but if it’s powerful enough, that’s all that matters.

We need to keep in mind that what a console is capable of at the beginning of its life cycle is very different than what it can put out by the end. Look at an early Xbox 360 launch title like Perfect Dark Zero , and compare it to a game like Gears of War 3 which squeezed every last drop of power out of the system. It’s not fair to judge the Wii U’s power on a couple of ports right now, and the truth is, we don’t actually know what the system will be capable of in the future. And really, the truth is if the games are good enough, graphics shouldn’t matter all that much in the end.

4: It Could Shore Up Third Party Support

When Nintendo debuted the Wii U, they made a big deal about how 3rd party developers were on board for the system, something that isn’t always the case when it comes to Nintendo consoles. They’ve struggled so far to deliver on that promise, but that doesn’t mean hope is lost.

If Nintendo could relax their demands about developing specific gameplay for the Wii U gamepad, I think developers would be a lot more friendly toward them. A few major titles have already skipped a Wii U release because of the extra demands, but if Nintendo worked to rebuild those relationships, they could have a powerhouse on their hands. I’ve always said a Nintendo system that could play all of its beloved first party titles in conjunction with every major 3rd party release would wreck its competition. That may be a challenge to execute, but I believe it’s still possible. We’ll know more once truly “next gen” games start being released, and hopefully Nintendo will do everything in their power to ensure they do indeed come to the Wii U.

5: Pokemon Could be a Gamechanger

I’m keeping the faith that Nintendo is wise enough to eventually release a Pokemon console game. The Wii U is now powerful enough to render the vast open world that the game requires, and I truly believe that a Pokemon console game would be enough to make the Wii U a hit on its own.

Pokemon games have sold over a hundred million copies over the past decade or more, and a console title, if handled correctly, would not just be a smash hit for them, but it would be a system seller. Nintendo so far has refused to develop the game for consoles, perhaps to avoid cannibalizing its mobile sales, perhaps because they’re crazy (like a Starfox), but hopefully they will come around to realize that many fans would love a truly immersive experience with the Pokemon universe on a big screen.

6: Nintendo Has Always Endured

Every time I write about the struggles of the Wii U, I always repeated a phrase. “Don’t count Nintendo out.” People have been predicting that Nintendo would fade away into obscurity for years now. They’ve been saying that people will grow tired of the same franchises being recycled over and over. But they haven’t, and Nintendo has pressed on despite competitors like Atari and Sega falling before them.

They’ve survived relatively lackluster consoles before (the Gamecube, most notably), and if the Wii U turns out to be mediocre when all is said and done, I don’t think it’s the last piece of hardware they’re going to make. Yes, they need to take action to ensure they don’t fade into obscurity in the constantly changing video game landscape, but they have it in them to not only survive, but thrive. It will take a lot of work, but they’ve always been up to the challenge so far, and I believe they’ll continue to do so with the support of so many lifelong fans.


#2 nothinglost


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:13 PM

^^ Nice article. Thanks

#3 Gamejunkie



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:34 PM

All of this we know about. All of this has been mentioned and discussed here and elsewhere. Its hardly concrete evidence or even a reality. Its all supposition and speculation and doesn't change anything at this point.

#4 routerbad



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:41 PM

All of this we know about. All of this has been mentioned and discussed here and elsewhere. Its hardly concrete evidence or even a reality. Its all supposition and speculation and doesn't change anything at this point.

True, but it is nice to see an article that isn't dripping with contempt for Nintendo.

#5 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:47 PM

All of this we know about. All of this has been mentioned and discussed here and elsewhere. Its hardly concrete evidence or even a reality. Its all supposition and speculation and doesn't change anything at this point.

Are you blind man? WF made an eye opening post and apparently you still couldn't see. Its like you actually want the Wii U to fail. 


#6 routerbad



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:50 PM

Are you blind man? WF made an eye opening post and apparently you still couldn't see. Its like you actually want the Wii U to fail. 

I doubt very seriously he wants the Wii U to fail, perhaps jaded by supporting Nintendo in the past only to receive p*** poor third party support at the time.


Honestly I think he's just trying to be realistic about his expectations of Nintendo, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  

#7 dustinb12


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:53 PM

nice find. i must admit i keep getting a sinking feeling about my beloved nintendo, starting when i read the last page of the last Nintendo Power. obviously they've been playing catchup for a long time but now it seems like they've just lost touch.  i was 5 when the NES came out, was completely captivated from my first time playing SMB, and have been playing almost only Nintendo games ever since.(27 years of loyalty) Now i have a child of my own and i tried to turn her on to the 3DS, and she opted for the IPOD touch. she does enjoy the occasional mario party, kart, nintendoland sessions. Nintendo is missing that magical connection it used to have. If a Pokemon is the answer, crank one out and then try something new and fresh maybe. I will be heartbroken the day i have to play Zelda on a PS something or other

Save the Deku trees!

#8 Gamejunkie



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:11 PM

Are you blind man? WF made an eye opening post and apparently you still couldn't see. Its like you actually want the Wii U to fail. 

No I don't want the Wii U to fail. Quite the contrary. I am a big fan of Nintendo and its consoles. However unlike you I'm a realist and see it how it is and i am NOT prepared to give Nintendo a get out of jail for free card. You on the other hand seem blinded by your views on Nintendo and the Wii U and think they can't do anything wrong and everything about the Wii U and the way Nintendo is marketing and promoting it is perfect. I've got news for you its not. You sound like a broken record constantly criticising me for my opinion acting like a fanboy. I'm not going to accept everything is right with Nintendo and the Wii U when it clearly is NOT. Nintendo have made several mistakes and its not the first time so they clearly haven't learnt what the market wants and what creates success in the market place.

True, but it is nice to see an article that isn't dripping with contempt for Nintendo.

Maybe so but these are all could be factors not ones that are or will definitely be. Nintendo is losing both time as well as consumer confidence and need to turn the game around soon if they are going to give consumers a reason to stick with the Wii U and to buy it over their competitor's offerings.

#9 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:11 PM

No I don't want the Wii U to fail. Quite the contrary. I am a big fan of Nintendo and its consoles. However unlike you I'm a realist and see it how it is and i am NOT prepared to give Nintendo a get out of jail for free card. You on the other hand seem blinded by your views on Nintendo and the Wii U and think they can't do anything wrong and everything about the Wii U and the way Nintendo is marketing and promoting it is perfect. I've got news for you its not. You sound like a broken record constantly criticising me for my opinion acting like a fanboy. I'm not going to accept everything is right with Nintendo and the Wii U when it clearly is NOT. Nintendo have made several mistakes and its not the first time so they clearly haven't learnt what the market wants and what creates success in the market place.

I'm not blinded. I can tell when a system is in danger and I honestly don't see the Wii U or any of it's competitors in danger.


#10 Gamejunkie



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:17 PM

I doubt very seriously he wants the Wii U to fail, perhaps jaded by supporting Nintendo in the past only to receive p*** poor third party support at the time.
Honestly I think he's just trying to be realistic about his expectations of Nintendo, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  

I certainly don't want it to fail but I'm also not jaded by supporting Nintendo in the past. I just see it how it is with the Wii U and Nintendo's approach and attitude regards it. They haven't changed their ways and whilst the Wii sold extremely well and was so successful because it was going after the casual and non-gamer market and priced very competitively they can't be complacent with the Wii U or rely on the same game plan with the Wii U.

I'm not blinded. I can tell when a system is in danger and I honestly don't see the Wii U or any of it's competitors in danger.

You are blinded. The Wii U is not yet showing signs of success and Nintendo is losing both time and consumer confidence. It is in danger or is certainly headed that way whether you like it or not. Nintendo has a head start and they need to capitalise on it and make the most of it rather then sticking their head in the sand and hoping every thing will turn out OK.

#11 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:19 PM

I certainly don't want it to fail but I'm also not jaded by supporting Nintendo in the past. I just see it how it is with the Wii U and Nintendo's approach and attitude regards it. They haven't changed their ways and whilst the Wii sold extremely well and was so successful because it was going after the casual and non-gamer market and priced very competitively they can't be complacent with the Wii U or rely on the same game plan with the Wii U.

You are blinded. The Wii U is not yet showing signs of success and Nintendo is losing both time and consumer confidence. It is in danger or is certainly headed that way whether you like it or not. Nintendo has a head start and they need to capitalise on it and make the most of it rather then sticking their head in the sand and hoping every thing will turn out OK.

How is it danger with the kickass lineup we saw in January plus the bad things we have been hearing about the next gen competition. BTW I'm getting a 360 Slim so how could I possibly be a Nintendo fanboy LOL?

Edited by Saturn, 05 March 2013 - 01:19 PM.


#12 Gamejunkie



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:29 PM

How is it danger with the kickass lineup we saw in January plus the bad things we have been hearing about the next gen competition. BTW I'm getting a 360 Slim so how could I possibly be a Nintendo fanboy LOL?

What kickass line up in January ? You obviously are oblivious to the software support by both Nintendo and third parties with even the future at the moment not looking very bright. As far the competition what bad things. All I read and hear is rumour and speculation that people like you and others blow out of proportion and assume are 100% true. Even if they were true its hardly the end of the world and a reason not to buy them. As for you buying an Xbox so what. The way you constantly make out on this forums that everything is right about the Wii U and Nintendo and how you unjustifiably criticise me for my opinions when a lot of is the truth you definitely come across as a fanboy.

#13 routerbad



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:34 PM

No I don't want the Wii U to fail. Quite the contrary. I am a big fan of Nintendo and its consoles. However unlike you I'm a realist and see it how it is and i am NOT prepared to give Nintendo a get out of jail for free card. You on the other hand seem blinded by your views on Nintendo and the Wii U and think they can't do anything wrong and everything about the Wii U and the way Nintendo is marketing and promoting it is perfect. I've got news for you its not. You sound like a broken record constantly criticising me for my opinion acting like a fanboy. I'm not going to accept everything is right with Nintendo and the Wii U when it clearly is NOT. Nintendo have made several mistakes and its not the first time so they clearly haven't learnt what the market wants and what creates success in the market place.

Maybe so but these are all could be factors not ones that are or will definitely be. Nintendo is losing both time as well as consumer confidence and need to turn the game around soon if they are going to give consumers a reason to stick with the Wii U and to buy it over their competitor's offerings.

I don't disagree


Nintendo certainly haven't had a perfect launch, but all of the recent news seems to point to it not being for lack of trying.  They worked to get third party support for their system, but the hardware and dev toolset wasn't anywhere near what it should have been to help devs make better launch games.


They have done a garbage job with marketing.  I don't know what their plan was but it was a terrible one based on the current state of their non existant marketing campaign.


I appreciate the fact that you are a realist, but I think it should also be tempered with a little perspective.  If Nintendo were so bad at reading the market we wouldn't bee seeing motion controls and touchscreens and d-pads, analogue sticks, shoulder buttons, etc included in all of the competing products.  We can all look at history and see how Nintendo innovations have become ubiquitous to gaming itself.


On the other hand, they definitely have made mistakes, including this launch.  While I think it is one of the better launches we've seen from a console in a couple of generations at least, it could have been better and Nintendo shares a big part of the blame for why it isn't what it could and should have been.


That all said, I still don't see Nintendo going anywhere and I think that deep down everyone in the industry knows that it would be very bad for the entire industry for Nintendo to bow out.  Nothing rumored or confirmed makes me worry about the Wii U.  In fact, much of the PS4 announcement made me more confident in the product.  


On your reply to me, I agree its mostly speculation, but the points the author made ring true.  Nintendo IP's will sell systems and they will come in due time.  Also, he mentioned the main problem the Wii U has is lacking games, which we all know is true, and starting this month it will have more games, and better games, that will help sales (I said WILL, I'm confident enough, even though it is strictly my opinion).  It was worth posting here as it is a breath of fresh air to see a journalist with some confidence in the system, however useless the information contained therein is.


Oh, and as far as consumer confidence, much of that can be put on the videogame media as well, most of what has been written has been negative and many contained wild, baseless lies about the system's performance capability.  That coupled with a garbage marketing scheme don't really help consumer confidence, but once they start showing what they have hardware and software wise, I believe it can come back.

I certainly don't want it to fail but I'm also not jaded by supporting Nintendo in the past. I just see it how it is with the Wii U and Nintendo's approach and attitude regards it. They haven't changed their ways and whilst the Wii sold extremely well and was so successful because it was going after the casual and non-gamer market and priced very competitively they can't be complacent with the Wii U or rely on the same game plan with the Wii U.


Understood, I was just spitballing.  I agree that the same gameplan they used for the Wii will not work, but seeing their marketing approach I'm wondering if they even had one.  

#14 alan123


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:36 PM

the guy cannot have it both ways though.

#15 Gamejunkie



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:41 PM

the guy cannot have it both ways though.

If you're referring to me can you explain exactly what you mean as that's pretty vague.

#16 routerbad



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:46 PM

What kickass line up in January ? You obviously are oblivious to the software support by both Nintendo and third parties with even the future at the moment not looking very bright. As far the competition what bad things. All I read and hear is rumour and speculation that people like you and others blow out of proportion and assume are 100% true. Even if they were true its hardly the end of the world and a reason not to buy them. As for you buying an Xbox so what. The way you constantly make out on this forums that everything is right about the Wii U and Nintendo and how you unjustifiably criticise me for my opinions when a lot of is the truth you definitely come across as a fanboy.

From the Nintendo Direct.  There are some great games coming, but they need to capitalize on the buzz that created and start dripping out information rather than simply waiting for e3 and beyond.  I don't really understand what you mean by oblivious to software support.  The major engines are supported, we'll be getting multiplats (though maybe not from EA) as they come out.  It isn't a simple matter to add another system into the mix when you are winding down a dev cycle, so I don't expect all of the 1H 2013 games to come to Wii U.  As far as the future is concerned, there is nothing that makes me think it isn't bright at all.  If they can sell 3M consoles without a whole lot of games, it can get better when they do have a lot of good games on the system.  Also, we are getting a couple of exclusives coming up right?  It isn't great, but it really isn't as bad as you make it out to be.  


I personally don't like much of what was announced at the sony presser.  I don't want so many things going on while I'm trying to focus on a game.  This is me personally, so many of the things they announced make me not want to buy a PS4, irrespective of price.  I'll wait until Microsoft announce and we get more solid information before I pass judgement on their new system.

If you're referring to me can you explain exactly what you mean as that's pretty vague.

You may not mean to, but sometimes you come off as a Nintendo hater, which can be just as, if not more, annoying at times than the biggest fanboy.  I don't mind Saturn coming off as a fanboy, mainly because I can at least see a concerted effort to come off as objective, even if he is a Nintendo apologist at heart.  It's all about tone, and yours is typically negative, no offense.

Edited by routerbad, 05 March 2013 - 01:47 PM.

#17 alan123


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:57 PM

If you're referring to me can you explain exactly what you mean as that's pretty vague.


the guy who wrote the article in Forbes. 

#18 routerbad



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 02:01 PM

the guy who wrote the article in Forbes. 

seeing as it is an opinion piece I think he can have it however he wants.

#19 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 02:46 PM

I agree with everything that was said, awesome article, thanks for sharing :D

#20 Scumbag



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 02:59 PM

The thing is, we all know these points made in the article but we read all the negatives which make some doubt the console. Hence all the WIi U doom and gloom threads on here for example (although most are trolls).


So yeah I strongly suggest everyone keep your Wii U and wait a little bit for all the Nintendo goodness we are craving! Those sweet games will come, sales will go up and 3rd parties will be begging Nintendo for another chance.

Edited by Forza Juventus, 05 March 2013 - 03:00 PM.

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